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Is your Facebook username just your name?

Is your Facebook username just your name?

Many people use their real name as their Facebook username when signing up for an account. However, there are reasons why using just your first and last name may not be the best choice for your Facebook username.

Can you use your real name as your Facebook username?

Yes, you can use your real first and last name as your Facebook username. When you create a new Facebook account, you are given the option to use your name as your username or create a custom username. If you opt to use your name, your username will be in the format “Firstname Lastname” (ex: John Smith).

There are no rules against using your real name as your username on Facebook. Millions of Facebook users go by their real names on the platform. Celebrities, public figures, businesses, and everyday people use their actual names as their Facebook usernames.

Pros of using your real name as your username

Here are some potential benefits of using your real first and last name as your Facebook username:

  • It’s easy – you don’t have to come up with a unique username.
  • Friends can find you easily by searching your name.
  • It’s professional for work/business profiles.
  • It matches your name on your profile.

Cons of using your real name as your username

Here are some potential drawbacks of using your real name as your Facebook username:

  • Lacks privacy – strangers can search and find your profile easily.
  • Higher risk of identity theft if username matches legal name.
  • Can be embarrassing if you post unprofessional content.
  • Harder to obscure your identity in Facebook groups/forums.

Facebook username rules and restrictions

If you do choose to use your real name as your Facebook username, there are some rules your name must follow:

  • Usernames can be between 5-50 characters long.
  • Can only contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and underscores.
  • Cannot contain spaces, @ symbols, or other special characters.
  • Cannot match an existing username or page name.

This means very long names or names with apostrophes/hyphens may need to be modified to fit Facebook’s username guidelines.

Creating a custom Facebook username

You don’t have to use your real name as your Facebook username. During sign up you have the option to create a custom username instead.

A custom username gives you more privacy and creativity. You can make an abstract username that doesn’t reveal your identity. You can also reference an inside joke or nickname.

Custom Facebook usernames must still follow the rules above in terms of length and allowed characters. But otherwise you have freedom in creating your unique identifier on Facebook.

Tips for creating a good custom username

  • Make it memorable and represent your personality
  • Add your birth year, initials, hobby, or hometown
  • Use an inside joke or childhood nickname
  • Incorporate favorite numbers, colors, books, movies, etc.
  • Check availability by searching Facebook as you create it

Changing your Facebook username

If you currently use your real name as your Facebook username but want to switch to something more custom, you can change your username.

To change your Facebook username, go to your profile, click “Update Info” and then “Edit” next to your username. Enter the new desired username and click “Review Change.”

Keep in mind you can only change your username once every 60 days. Facebook will check if the new username you entered is available.

Things to know about changing your username

  • Old links with your previous username will still work.
  • You may need to update your username in connected apps.
  • Friends may need to search to find your new profile.

The pros and cons of using your real name as your username

Here is a summary of the key pros and cons:

Pros Cons
Easy to remember Less privacy
Friends can find you Higher identity theft risk
Professional for work usage Harder to separate personal and professional content
Name matches profile Can’t post anonymously in groups


While you can use your real first and last name as your Facebook username, creating a more unique custom username has some advantages. A custom username gives you more privacy and allows you to show off your personality.

If you currently use your real name but now want more anonymity, you can change your Facebook username to something more obscure. Just make sure to choose something memorable.

Ultimately, it’s a personal decision – use your real name if you want an easy and professional presence, but opt for a custom username if you prioritize privacy and creativity.