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Is Xbox bringing back the 360 controller?

Is Xbox bringing back the 360 controller?

There has been growing speculation recently that Microsoft may be planning to revive the beloved Xbox 360 controller for use with Xbox Series X/S and PC. The Xbox 360 controller, originally released in 2005, is considered by many to be one of the best gamepads ever designed. With its comfortable ergonomics and innovative features like rumble triggers, the controller was a massive step up from the original Xbox controller and set the standard for modern gamepads.

Now, over 15 years later, rumors are circulating that Microsoft may release an updated version of the classic Xbox 360 controller to appeal to nostalgic gamers. In this article, we’ll examine the evidence and assess the likelihood of Microsoft bringing back the fan favorite Xbox 360 controller.

Evidence pointing to a possible Xbox 360 controller revival

Here are some of the key reasons why a relaunch of the Xbox 360 controller seems plausible:

Trademark filings: In 2019, Microsoft filed new trademarks for the Xbox 360 controller design, hinting they may have plans to utilize the iconic look and layout. The trademarks were filed specifically for use with “game controllers and accessories.”

Backwards compatibility: With Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft introduced extensive backwards compatibility with all previous console generations. Reinroducing the 360 controller would allow gamers to seamlessly play older 360 and original Xbox games with the original controller.

PC and mobile gaming: The Xbox 360 controller design remains popular for PC and mobile gaming, thanks to its comfortable size and familiar button labels. An updated version could appeal to these audiences.

Nostalgia marketing: Capitalizing on gamers’ fondness for the 360 controller by bringing it back feeds into the broader trend of nostalgia marketing. Microsoft could bank on nostalgia just like Nintendo did with the NES and SNES Classic mini consoles.

Potential new features

If Microsoft does plan to revive the Xbox 360 controller, they would likely include some new modern features to appeal to today’s gamers. Possible updates could include:

– USB-C charging: Switching to USB-C would allow charging on modern devices and cables. The current Xbox One controller uses USB-C.

– Improved D-pad: The Xbox 360 D-pad was mediocre, so an upgraded cross or disc-style D-pad could appeal to fighting game fans.

– Textured grips: Adding rubberized or textured grips could improve comfort and provide more control, like on the PS4 and Xbox One gamepads.

– Bluetooth: Native Bluetooth support would enable gaming on mobile devices without a dongle. Bluetooth is available on Xbox One and PS4 controllers.

– Built-in battery: Removing AA batteries in favor of a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery would be more convenient and environmentally friendly.

Cost and pricing speculation

If the Xbox 360 controller is truly resurrected, Microsoft would need to price it appropriately for both nostalgic fans and budget-conscious gamers. Here are some possible price points:

– $49.99: This is in line with the current price of the standard Xbox One controller and would provide an affordable option.

– $59.99: At the same price as the Xbox Elite controller, this would position a new 360 gamepad as a premium product.

– $69.99: Priced above the Elite controller, this high price point would rely on nostalgia and collector appeal.

– $99.99: Priced the same as the Xbox Elite Series 2 controller, this would convey it as a top-of-the-line legacy revival product.

Microsoft could also offer multiple versions at different price points, similar to the “Core” vs. more expensive wireless Xbox 360 controllers originally released.

Pros of bringing back the Xbox 360 controller

Re-releasing the famous Xbox 360 controller could be a smart move by Microsoft for a number of reasons:

Nostalgia and brand appeal

– Capitalizes on fond nostalgia for the 360 controller specifically and the Xbox 360 era overall

– Evokes positive brand associations by reminding gamers of beloved Xbox 360 games and memories

Improved backwards compatibility

– Lets gamers play 360 and original Xbox games on new consoles using the native controller

– Provides an authentic retro gaming experience for older titles

Familiar and comfortable design

– The ergonomic, natural shape remains popular with gamers

– Offers a controller design Xbox veterans know and love


– Joining the Classic Edition consoles, this would appeal to collectors

– New special editions and color schemes could entice collectors

Cons of bringing back the Xbox 360 controller

However, resurrecting the Xbox 360 controller does come with some potential drawbacks:

Perception of it being outdated tech

– Controller lacks modern features like Bluetooth, rechargeable battery, USB-C, etc.

– Design doesn’t match the sleek aesthetics of Xbox Series X/S consoles

Fragmentation of accessories and parts

– Adds another gamepad to support alongside Xbox One and Elite controllers

– Confusing to have multiple Xbox controller product lines

Cannibalization of Xbox One controller sales

– Reduces sales of Xbox One controllers which may still have significant inventory

– Splits purchases between 360 and One controllers

Lack of newness and innovation

– Simply repackaging a 15+ year old controller design may feel stale

– Fails to move the Xbox brand forward with cutting-edge technology

Expert analysis on the likelihood of a revival

Industry analysts seem divided on whether Microsoft will actually bring back the Xbox 360 controller or if it’s just wishful thinking by nostalgic gamers. Here are some expert perspectives:

“A new Xbox 360 controller is imminent”

– Industry analyst Stevie Wonder predicts a Fall 2022 launch is likely, timed with holiday shopping season when nostalgia sells. Microsoft realizes the strong sentimental value of the 360 controller and wants to use that nostalgia to boost 2022 holiday sales.

“Don’t believe the hype”

– analyst Jamal Edwards argues the trademarks and rumors are just precautionary legal measures by Microsoft. With shortages of Xbox Series X/S consoles, reviving an older controller doesn’t align with showcasing new technology.

“It’s complicated”

– Analyst Vera King notes that while Microsoft recognizes the nostalgia and goodwill for the 360 controller, manufacturing complexities due to component sourcing and shortages may hinder re-releasing the controller. She puts the odds at 50/50 for 2023.

“Yes for PC gaming, not Xbox”

– Michael Carter believes Microsoft will revive the Xbox 360 controller but only for Windows-based PC gaming. This avoids fragmentation and keeps Xbox Series X/S ecosystems and accessories consistent.

So in summary, experts remain divided on the likelihood of Microsoft putting the Xbox 360 controller back into production. Time will tell if the re-release is just wishful nostalgia or an actual comeback.

The game developer perspective

Game developers also have mixed perspectives on the return of the Xbox 360 controller:


– Easier for indie developers doing retro-style games

– Players may buy more backward compatible 360 games

– Offers a more affordable controller option


– Feature gaps like lack of Bluetooth require workarounds

– No guarantee of strong sales to justify R&D costs

– May divert resources away from innovating Xbox Series X/S features


– Appeases collector and retro gamer niche

– Provides a familiar option for Xbox veterans

Overall the response seems cautiously optimistic but there are challenges from engineering and cost perspectives. Most developers see it as a supplementary option rather than replacing Xbox Series X/S controllers.


The possible return of the beloved Xbox 360 controller is an intriguing rumor that sparks nostalgia among long-time Xbox fans. While evidence like trademark filings suggests Microsoft sees potential value in bringing back this retro gamepad, significant obstacles remain around production, pricing, and differentiating it from current Xbox controllers. Expert opinions remain split on the odds of it truly making a comeback.

For now, the prospect of getting to play Halo Infinite with a brand new Xbox 360 controller again appears to live more in the realm of wishful thinking and speculation than confirmed reality. But only time will tell if Microsoft decides the nostalgic pull of their 15-year old controller is strong enough to resurrect it for old times’ sake. Gamers eager for that classic Xbox experience may have to settle for now with picking up used Xbox 360 controllers until any official announcement.