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Is UAE allowed for Facebook monetization?

Is UAE allowed for Facebook monetization?

Facebook monetization allows content creators to earn money from their Facebook content through advertisements. However, Facebook’s monetization program has country restrictions and requirements that must be met. This has led many in the UAE to wonder – is UAE allowed for Facebook monetization?

Facebook Monetization Program Overview

The Facebook monetization program allows eligible content creators to earn money from their content on Facebook. This includes Facebook videos, Facebook Live videos, and other content posted on Facebook pages or profiles. To qualify for monetization, content creators must:

  • Have at least 10,000 followers
  • Have at least 600,000 1-minute views of Facebook videos in the last 60 days
  • Post content that complies with Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies
  • Be in a country where monetization is available

If these criteria are met, creators can enable monetization in Page Settings. This allows Facebook to place ads within and alongside the creator’s video content. When these ads are viewed, clicked, or interacted with by viewers, the creator earns money.

Facebook pays creators 55% of the revenue generated from ads in their videos. The amount earned depends on factors like content type, audience, engagement, ad demand, and more. According to Facebook, some creators earn $1,000-$3,000 per month on average.

Is UAE Allowed for Facebook Monetization?

Whether or not UAE is allowed for Facebook monetization depends on two key factors:

1. Facebook Monetization Regional Availability

Facebook monetization is currently only available in certain countries. According to Facebook, the countries where monetization is available include:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Ireland
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

The United Arab Emirates is not on this list of supported countries. So based solely on regional availability, UAE is not currently allowed for Facebook monetization.

2. Facebook Advertising Policy Compliance

In addition to regional availability, creators must comply with Facebook’s advertising policies in order to monetize. Facebook’s advertising policies prohibit certain types of content, products, and services from being monetized. Some key advertising restrictions include:

  • Alcohol, tobacco, weapons, gambling
  • Adult products and services
  • Restricted pharmaceuticals
  • Binary options
  • Cryptocurrency

The UAE bans or imposes restrictions on many of these categories as well, including gambling/binary options, alcohol, tobacco, adult content, and cryptocurrency. Due to the overlap between UAE laws and Facebook’s advertising policies, creators in the UAE would face significant barriers to monetizing compliant content.

Workarounds for Monetization in UAE

Although UAE is not directly supported for Facebook monetization, some creators use workarounds:

Using a Company Based in an Approved Country

Some UAE creators set up an authorized company in one of Facebook’s approved monetization countries. They then license their UAE-created content to the foreign company to run monetization.

For example, a UAE firm might create a subsidiary media company in the USA. The UAE firm licenses its content to the USA subsidiary, which then monetizes the content on Facebook by placing ads.

Collaborating with Page Owners in Approved Countries

UAE creators can collaborate with page owners in approved monetization countries, providing content for them to post and monetize. The page owner runs the monetization and sends a share of the revenue back to the UAE creator.

This allows the content to be monetized through the foreign page owner, bypassing restrictions for UAE-based accounts. However, the UAE creator has less control and relies on the page owner to accurately report/share revenues.

The Future of Facebook Monetization in UAE

While UAE is currently restricted, there are a few signs Facebook monetization may expand there in the future:

  • Facebook is steadily expanding monetization to new markets. With the Gulf’s large advertising base, the UAE could be a prime target for expansion.
  • Facebook is reportedly in talks with UAE telecom companies to lift WhatsApp calling restrictions. If negotiations succeed, it could pave the way for other Facebook services like monetization.
  • The UAE is establishing new regulations such as the National Media Council’s content creator licenses. This increased regulation could make it easier for Facebook to align with UAE policies.

However, launching monetization in UAE would still require relaxing restrictions on advertising certain products, services, and content. There are complex cultural and regulatory hurdles to work through. Overall, direct Facebook monetization in UAE currently appears unlikely unless restrictions change on both sides.


In summary, UAE is currently not allowed for Facebook’s official monetization program due to both regional availability restrictions and advertising policy limitations. UAE-based creators are not able to directly monetize content on Facebook. Some use creative workarounds, but these have downsides. While there are some signs it may be possible in the future, launching Facebook monetization in UAE faces substantial legal, cultural, and regulatory obstacles for the time being.