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Is trusted contacts still a thing on Facebook?

Is trusted contacts still a thing on Facebook?

Trusted contacts is a safety feature Facebook introduced in 2017 that allows users to designate specific friends and family members as “trusted contacts” who can help access their account if they ever get locked out. It provides an extra layer of account security and ensures users always have a backup option to get back into their account if they forget their password or get hacked.

When the feature first launched, Facebook promoted it as an easy way for people to regain access to their accounts while also allowing them to share parts of their profile and location data with trusted connections during emergencies. However, over the years, trusted contacts has received less prominence on Facebook, leading some users to wonder if the option still exists. This article will explore the history of trusted contacts, how it works, and whether it’s still an active feature on Facebook today.

What is trusted contacts on Facebook?

Trusted contacts is a safety feature that allows Facebook users to designate 3 to 5 friends as special contacts who can help them access their account if they ever get locked out. With trusted contacts set up, if a user loses access to their account because they forgot their login information or become a victim of hacking, they can request a special security code from one of their designated trusted contacts. Once the contact sends over the special login code, the user can then get back into their locked Facebook account.

In order to use trusted contacts, users have to actively turn on the feature and designate specific friends as trusted. It does not automatically activate or assign contacts. Enabling trusted contacts sends an invitation to the selected friends asking them to confirm their trusted status. If they accept, they become one of the account’s trusted contacts.

The point of trusted contacts is to give users backup account access through friends they know and trust in real life. It provides an additional security option beyond simply relying on Facebook’s account recovery steps, which typically involve confirming email addresses or phone numbers linked to the account. With trusted contacts, even if a hacker manages to change the email and phone number on the account, the user can still regain access through their trusted friends.

The history and rollout of trusted contacts

Facebook began testing trusted contacts in October 2016 in a handful of countries including the United States, Serbia, Colombia, and Thailand. After several months of testing and tweaking the feature, Facebook began rolling out trusted contacts globally in January 2017.

At the time, Facebook promoted trusted contacts as an important new safety feature to protect against hacking:

“Your trusted contacts are your real friends and family members that you know and trust in real life. If you ever lose access to your account and need to get back in, your trusted contacts can help. They can quickly provide you with a special security code that helps you get back into your account.”

The global launch of trusted contacts also coincided with Facebook simplifying and strengthening its account recovery process. New options like two-factor authentication via third-party authentication apps were added to enhance account security overall. Trusted contacts provided yet another account recovery option on top of these other methods.

When introducing trusted contacts, Mark Zuckerberg specifically highlighted its value for protecting accounts from hacking:

“Security systems like two-factor authentication and tools like trusted contacts are designed to give people more peace of mind if someone tries accessing their accounts without permission.”

In the years since, Facebook has continued updating and evolving trusted contacts as it balances providing account security while also protecting user privacy.

How does trusted contacts work on Facebook?

The basic trusted contacts workflow operates like this:

Turning on trusted contacts

To get started with trusted contacts, users go to their Facebook Security and Login Settings. Under the “Use extra security” section they choose “Add trusted contacts” and can pick 3-5 friends to serve as their trusted connections.

Facebook will send a notification to the selected friends asking them to confirm their trusted status. If they accept, they are set as official trusted contacts.

Asking trusted contacts for help

If users lose access to their account, they can either have Facebook email their trusted contacts asking them to provide the special login code or users can individually message their trusted contacts asking for the code.

Trusted contacts send special code

When trusted contacts receive the request for help accessing the account, they just need to tap a link to generate the special security code. This automatically sends the code to the user locked out of their account.

Entering code to access account

Once the user receives the special login code from the trusted contact, they simply enter it when prompted after trying to log in to Facebook. This allows them to regain access to their account.

The process allows users to reliably tap their real-life friends for help accessing their account, without having to depend solely on Facebook’s account recovery steps.

What permissions do trusted contacts have?

Trusted contacts have special permissions when it comes to assisting with account access but they cannot see a user’s full account information or posts. The specific privileges of trusted contacts include:

  • Can provide special login codes to help users access accounts
  • Can see a user’s profile photo thumbnail and list of friends
  • Can see a user’s location information if location sharing is turned on
  • Cannot see posts, photos, messages, or anything else in the account
  • Cannot actually log into the account themselves or change account settings

So trusted contacts are strictly limited to providing help recovering access to the account only. They do not have general access to view private account activity or make changes to the profile or settings.

How is trusted contacts different from legacy contacts?

Legacy contacts is related to trusted contacts but serves a different purpose on Facebook. Legacy contacts allows users to designate a Facebook friend that can eventually manage their account if it is memorialized after the user passes away.

Trusted contacts is focused on account security and recovery in the event someone loses access while still alive. Legacy contacts deals with account management after someone dies.

Here’s a quick comparison between the two features:

Trusted contacts

  • Designed for managing account access while users are still alive
  • Lets users regain account access if locked out
  • Contacts can see limited profile info and location (if shared)
  • Cannot see full account activity or make posts

Legacy contacts

  • Designed for managing accounts after a user passes away
  • Gives a contact legacy access once Facebook Memorializes an account
  • Can pin posts, change profile photos, and more to memorialize account
  • Can respond to new friend requests on memorialized account

So in summary:

Trusted contacts = Help with account access while alive
Legacy contacts = Manage memorialized account after user dies

Is trusted contacts still available on Facebook?

Yes, the trusted contacts feature is still active and available on Facebook as of October 2022. It has remained a privacy option in Facebook’s Security and Login settings since its global launch in 2017.

While trusted contacts is not promoted as prominently by Facebook as it once was, the option to set up trusted contacts and use their special access codes remains fully functional. Facebook periodically sends users email reminders about trusted contacts and other security options like two-factor authentication as well.

Trusted contacts serves as an extra account security measure that is completely optional but highly recommended for all users, especially those who may need assistance recovering access to their accounts. Even high-profile accounts like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have trusted contacts set up as a safety net against potential hacking.

For most users, the peace of mind of having trusted account backups is worth setting up trusted contacts. While phone and email recoveries help, trusted contacts provides a more personal and foolproof way to regain access with help from actual friends and family members you trust in the physical world. Even if hackers manage to lock you out fully, your trusted contacts can override that via security code.

How to set up trusted contacts on Facebook

If you want to start using trusted contacts, setting it up only takes a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click “Security and Login” in the left menu
  3. Go to the “Use extra security” section
  4. Click “Add trusted contacts” to set up your 3-5 trusted friends
  5. Facebook will send notifications asking them to confirm as contacts
  6. Once confirmed, your trusted contacts are set!

The next time you need help accessing your account, you can simply reach out to your trusted contacts privately or have Facebook email them on your behalf to request the special login code.

It only takes a minute to set up but could potentially save you from a lifetime of lost memories and connections in your Facebook account if you ever lose permanent access.

Trusted contacts benefits and use cases

Some of the key benefits and real-world examples of how trusted contacts can help Facebook users include:

Lockouts from forgetting passwords

If you forget your Facebook password, trusted contacts provide a great backup option to get back into your account easily via a code from your friend.

Recovery from hacking and impersonation

Trusted contacts adds an extra layer of security if a hacker manages to lock you out by changing your password and login info. Your trusted friends can override the hacker’s changes to restore your access.

Helping dementia patients

For dementia patients who may frequently forget their logins, trusted contacts allows caregivers and family members to safely access their accounts when needed.

Account access after injury or emergency

If users are hospitalized or unable to access their device after an accident, trusted contacts provide account access without having to depend only on Facebook’s systems.

Assisting survivors of deceased

Trusted contacts can assist immediated family in the difficult process of gaining access to a deceased loved one’s account to memorialize it.

Simpler transfer of accounts

When users need to formally transfer their Facebook account ownership to someone else, trusted contacts provide authorized contacts who can safely facilitate the process.

These examples show the wide range of scenarios where trusted contacts provides a lifeline to users who may be fully or partially locked out of their Facebook account when they need access most.

Limitations of trusted contacts

While trusted contacts is an invaluable account security feature, there are some limits users should keep in mind:

  • Only works if the user originally sets it up
  • Trusted contacts must voluntarily accept the role when invited
  • Limited to 3-5 trusted contacts maximum
  • Contacts can only view limited profile info and location data
  • Not an option for fully managing or monitoring someone else’s account

Users also need to be selective in choosing trusted contacts who are responsible and will keep login codes safe. But overall, trusted contacts gives invaluable peace of mind despite the limitations.

Is trusted contacts right for you?

While everyone’s account security needs differ, trusted contacts is highly recommended for:

  • People who frequently forget account credentials
  • Anyone who wants extra protection against hacking
  • People with dementia or medical conditions that could cause memory loss
  • Users concerned about emergency account access if injured
  • People who travel extensively and need account backups
  • Those who manage accounts for deceased loved ones

Trusted contacts adds a human safety net on top of Facebook’s automated account recovery systems. For most users, the extra peace of mind is well worth setting up.

Unless you have an infallible memory and are positive you’ll never lose your device or forget a password, trusted contacts provides an invaluable safeguard.

Final recommendation

Facebook’s trusted contacts feature remains alive and well in 2022, providing users an extra layer of backup account protection. It’s highly recommended for peace of mind, especially for users who may be vulnerable to lockouts or want to prepare their account legacy for family members. Despite a few limitations, trusted contacts still successfully accomplishes its core purpose today – conveniently reconnecting people with their accounts and online memories when needed most. The next time you mindlessly scroll through years of photos, just imagine losing that history in an instant, and you’ll likely want trusted contacts protection on your side.