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Is TikTok better for advertising?

Is TikTok better for advertising?

With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. For businesses and marketers, TikTok also represents an exciting new opportunity to reach younger audiences who are spending less time on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

But is TikTok actually better for advertising than other social platforms? There are several factors to consider when evaluating TikTok for marketing.

TikTok’s Young User Base

One of the biggest appeals of advertising on TikTok is its incredibly engaged, young user base. Around 60% of TikTok’s users are between the ages of 16-24. This gives brands access to the coveted Gen Z demographic, who have significant purchasing power and influence.

TikTok’s algorithm is very good at keeping users engaged, with the average user spending 52 minutes per day on the app. The platform’s short videos and addictive scrolling make it easy for brands to capture audience attention in a creative way.

Ad Formats on TikTok

TikTok offers a variety of ad options for brands:

  • In-Feed Videos: Appear between organic TikTok videos and can be up to 60 seconds long. They look and feel native to the platform.
  • Brand Takeovers: Brand content appears when a user first opens the TikTok app.
  • Hashtag Challenges: Encourage users to create branded content around a specific hashtag.
  • Branded Effects: Interactive filters and AR effects featuring brands.
  • TopView: Ads appear when browsing the “For You” feed.

The vertical video format and engaging, creative style of TikTok makes it well-suited for video ads. Brands have an opportunity to work with influencers and trending sounds to make branded content go viral organically.

TikTok Ad Metrics

TikTok provides detailed metrics to analyze ad performance. Key metrics include:

  • Impressions: Number of times an ad is displayed.
  • Reach: Number of unique user accounts that see the ad.
  • Video views: Number of times the video ad is viewed for at least 2 seconds. This indicates interest.
  • Engagement rate: Number of interactions (likes, comments, shares) divided by impressions.
  • Conversions: Number of users who perform a desired action after seeing an ad.

Brands can even track indirect metrics like brand search volume and website traffic to measure the influence of TikTok ads beyond the platform.

Ad Targeting Capabilities

TikTok offers robust targeting options to reach very specific demographics and user interests:

  • Demographics: Target by age, gender, location, languages, and devices.
  • Interests and Behaviors: Target based on interests like food, fashion, or music, as well as engagement behaviors.
  • Device and Connection: Target Android vs iOS devices and by wifi vs cellular users.
  • Follower Look-Alikes: Target users who follow similar accounts to find new audiences.
  • Custom Audiences: Target existing customer lists by uploading contact info like emails or phone numbers.

Powerful audience segmentation makes it easier for brands to maximize ad relevance and spend efficiency on TikTok.

Ad Costs on TikTok

Advertising on TikTok is still relatively affordable compared to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, though costs are rising as the platform grows.

Average TikTok ad costs include:

  • In-Feed Video Ads: $10 – $20 CPM (cost per 1000 impressions)
  • Brand Takeovers: $50,000+ per day
  • Hashtag Challenges: $150,000 – $300,000+

CPMs for standard video ads are comparable to Instagram’s ad pricing, though Takeovers and Hashtag Challenges require a significant investment and may only make sense for larger brands.

TikTok for Small Businesses

While mega brands are flooding TikTok with big advertising budgets, small and medium-sized businesses can also find success:

  • Organic Content: Posting engaging, useful videos can gain followers and loyalty without any ad spend.
  • Influencer Marketing: Paying an influencer with a relevant audience to promote products or services.
  • Niche Targeting:precisely target a niche demographic passionate about your product.
  • Visual Storytelling: Creative video content optimized for TikTok’s platform can go viral.

For smaller brands, focusing on organic content and influencer partnerships is typically more affordable and sustainable than investing in large ad campaigns on TikTok.

The Risks of TikTok Advertising

While the opportunities are big, brands need to be aware of the potential risks and downsides to TikTok advertising:

  • Uncertain Future: There are ongoing security and privacy concerns around TikTok’s ownership by Chinese company ByteDance.
  • Evolving Platform: TikTok is still new and constantly changing, making it harder to predict the impact of ads.
  • User Burnout: Too many brands flooding TikTok with ads and branded content could cause users to disengage.
  • Content Control: Strict content moderation policies can see ads or accounts banned unexpectedly.

TikTok is also limited to a younger demographic, so brands targeting older Millennials or Gen X may be better served by Facebook or Instagram ads.

The Verdict on TikTok Advertising

Here is a summary of the key opportunities and risks for TikTok advertising:

Opportunities Risks
  • Reach younger audiences
  • Vertical video ads
  • Viral content potential
  • Strong targeting capabilities
  • Good ad metrics
  • Uncertain platform future
  • Evolving ad offerings
  • User burnout
  • Strict content policies
  • Less reach with older demographics

In most cases, TikTok ads present a compelling new advertising channel for certain brands and campaign objectives. But platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more traditional media still have advantages in terms of reach, consistency, and brand safety.

The best approach is likely a cross-channel strategy that complements TikTok ads with placements on other platforms. As TikTok grows up, matures, and becomes more stable as part of advertising strategies, it has the potential to become as indispensable as other major platforms for performance marketing.

Tips for Success with TikTok Advertising

Here are some best practices for brands getting started with TikTok ads:

  • Analyze your audience and competitors on TikTok. Look at follower demographics and what content performs best.
  • Develop creative specifically for the platform. Short vertical videos with sounds and effects work best.
  • Start small with an initial budget and simple campaign objectives like video views.
  • Use precise interest and follower targeting to find your niche.
  • Monitor performance data and optimize for engagement and conversions.
  • Diversify organic and paid tactics like influencers, hashtags, effects, and ads.
  • Be authentic – don’t just repurpose content from other platforms.

The Future of TikTok Marketing

Some predictions for where TikTok advertising could be headed:

  • More self-serve ad options for smaller brands.
  • New ad formats like carousels, collection ads, and lead generation ads.
  • Partnering with retailers for direct “Shop Now” purchase links.
  • Expanding age range beyond Gen Z and Millennials.
  • Acquiring other social platforms to expand portfolio reach.
  • Removing minimum ad spend requirements.
  • Enhanced augmented reality and interactive ad features.

TikTok is rapidly evolving and innovating its ad products. As it grows, it could one day contend with Facebook and Instagram as a marketing platform – especially as younger generations flock to TikTok over other apps.

But for now, TikTok presents a compelling complementary advertising channel for brands willing to experiment and get creative.


TikTok offers major opportunities for brands to engage young audiences with viral, vertical video ads in a fun and authentic way. But there are also inherent risks in relying solely on a new platform with an uncertain future and evolving features.

A cross-channel approach combining TikTok with more established platforms like Facebook and YouTube is the best strategy for marketers right now. As TikTok develops, it will become an increasingly vital channel – especially for targeting Generation Z. Brands that embrace TikTok early and learn how to drive real business value from it will have a major competitive advantage.

In the hands of skilled marketers, TikTok presents a game-changing platform for creative storytelling and viral content distribution. But those diving head first into expensive branded challenges or platform takeovers could see campaigns flop without adequate testing and optimization.

With strategic audience targeting, compelling creative, and smart conversion tracking, TikTok ads can deliver fantastic results. Marketers who take the time to understand the platform’s uniqueness and culture will unlock huge opportunities on one of the most exciting new channels in years.