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Is there any limit in posting on Facebook group a day?

Is there any limit in posting on Facebook group a day?

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with people who share similar interests and have discussions around specific topics. As an active member of one or more Facebook groups, you may find yourself wanting to make several posts per day to share content, ask questions, or participate in ongoing conversations.

Facebook’s Limits on Posts in Groups

Facebook does place some limits on how often you can post in groups in order to prevent spam and ensure a good experience for all members. Here are the key limits to be aware of:

  • You can only make 8 posts to any group per day. This includes text posts, photo posts, links, polls, etc. After 8 posts, you’ll get a message saying you have reached the limit.
  • The 8 post limit applies to each individual group. So you could potentially make 8 posts in Group A, another 8 posts in Group B, etc. But only up to 8 per group per day.
  • If you try to post more than 8 times to a single group in one day, you may be temporarily blocked from posting in that group at all. This restriction will lift the next day.
  • There is no overall post limit across all groups. So you could make 8 posts in 10 different groups and have 80 total posts that day if you wanted.

The table below summarizes Facebook’s limits on posts in groups:

Limit Description
8 posts per group per day You can make up to 8 posts to any single group in a 24 hour period.
No limit across groups You can post in multiple groups as long as you stay under 8 posts per group.
Potential temporary ban If you exceed 8 posts in a group, you may be temporarily banned from posting in that group.

Why Are There Post Limits?

Facebook imposes these limits to help maintain a positive environment in groups and prevent issues like:

  • Spam – Excessive posts from one person can clutter up groups with repetitive or irrelevant content. Limits help prevent spam.
  • Monopolizing discussions – Post limits ensure everyone gets a chance to participate instead of one person dominating.
  • Inappropriate behavior – People making excessive negative or harmful posts can be more easily moderated.

The limits aim to strike a balance between allowing active participation and preventing misuse of the groups. This helps keep groups focused, on-topic, and enjoyable for all members.

Tips for Staying Within the Post Limits

Here are some tips for making the most of your 8 daily posts per Facebook group:

  • Post selectively – Carefully choose which discussions to participate in instead of reacting to everything.
  • Consolidate multiple short posts into longer, more meaningful posts.
  • Focus on quality over quantity – 8 thoughtful, relevant posts per day can have more impact than a higher quantity of random posts.
  • Spread out posts throughout the day rather than all at once.
  • Prioritize groups where your posts generate the most likes and comments.

The key is to use your 8 posts strategically to contribute to ongoing discussions and interact with other members in a meaningful way each day.

What Happens if You Exceed the Limits?

If you do go over the limit of 8 posts in a 24 hour period within a group, here is what will happen:

  • Any posts over the limit will be blocked from posting.
  • You will get a notice saying you have reached the daily limit.
  • You may be temporarily banned from posting or commenting in that group for 24 hours.
  • The post limit will reset at midnight based on your account’s timezone setting.
  • Repeated violations could lead to being permanently banned from the group by admins.

Essentially the consequences are designed to contain any issues to just a temporary 24 hour restriction. But consistently exceeding limits could risk a permanent ban in that group.

Exceptions to the Post Limits

In some cases, you may be able to post more than 8 times in a Facebook group without issue:

  • As an admin or moderator – Group admins and moderators are not subject to post limits.
  • In small groups – Limits may be more relaxed in very small groups of less than a few hundred members.
  • With approval – An admin may grant special permission for you to post more frequently.

However, in most established mid-sized and large Facebook groups, the 8 post per day rule will be enforced by default.

Post Limit Workarounds

If you are really committed to posting more than 8 times a day in a group, there are some workarounds, but they come with downsides:

  • Use a secondary account – You could create and alternate between accounts, but this violates Facebook’s policies if used to evade limits.
  • Post images as comments – Photo and video comments may not count towards the limits, but this can clutter up threads.
  • Delete and repost – You could delete old posts to make room for new ones, but this wastes previous engagement.
  • Have others share your posts – You can ask friends to repost content you want to share more than 8 times.

These methods can enable exceeding the limits but are not recommended in most cases since they require extra work and can degrade the user experience.


Facebook’s limit of 8 posts per day in groups is intended to balance enabling active participation with preventing misuse. While you may occasionally want to share more content in a group, in most cases staying within the limit forces you to post more thoughtfully. This results in an overall better, more meaningful experience for you and fellow group members.

With some selectivity and planning around the types of discussions to focus on, 8 daily posts per group is sufficient for having a vibrant presence. And if you do need to share more, posting in multiple groups gives you flexibility while respecting each group’s limits.

While exceeding limits is possible through workarounds, it is not recommended as it could be perceived as spammy and disruptive behaviour by fellow members. Maintaining good standing within Facebook groups depends on following the posting limits and contributing valuable rather than excessive content.