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Is there an app to see who blocked you?

Is there an app to see who blocked you?

With social media being such an integral part of our lives these days, it can be frustrating when you realize someone has blocked you and you don’t know why. Having someone block you on social media essentially cuts off contact with them, and not knowing the reason can leave you feeling confused or hurt. Luckily, there are a few different apps and online tools you can use to find out if someone has blocked you on various social media platforms and messaging apps.

Why Would You Want to Know If Someone Blocked You?

There are several understandable reasons why someone might want to find out if they’ve been blocked by another user on social media or a messaging app:

  • Closure – Knowing for certain you’ve been blocked can provide closure compared to always wondering if the other person has just been inactive.
  • Understanding – If you know you’ve been blocked, you may be able to reflect on the relationship and understand what went wrong.
  • Learning and growth – Finding out you’ve been blocked gives an opportunity to learn and potentially grow from the experience.
  • Future interactions – Being aware of a block can help avoid awkward future interactions with the person who blocked you.

While being blocked can feel upsetting, looking at it as a chance for self-improvement can alleviate some of those negative feelings.

Signs Someone May Have Blocked You

There are a few subtle signs on social media and messaging apps that can indicate when someone blocks you:

  • You can no longer view their profile or see any of their posts.
  • Messages you send them are never delivered.
  • They no longer show up in search results.
  • You disappear from their friends/followers lists.
  • Shared servers/groups you had in common disappear.

If one or more of these things happen suddenly, a block may be the reason. But without using a tool to confirm it, it can be tricky to know for sure if you’ve been blocked.

Apps and Sites That Allow You to See If You’re Blocked

Fortunately, there are third party apps and online tools that let you easily see if someone has blocked you across the most popular social platforms and messaging apps. Here are some of the top options:


  • Who Blocked Me for Facebook – browser extension that indicates if any Facebook friends have blocked you.
  • Block Checker for Facebook – app that scans your friends list and shows who has blocked you.
  • Should I Unfriend – scans friends & followers and reveals who has unfollowed or blocked you.


  • Who Blocked Me on Instagram -tracks blocks and unfollows on Instagram.
  • Blocked – checks your Instagram followers and shows who isn’t following you back or has blocked you.
  • BlockChecker – browser extension that reveals users who have blocked you on Instagram.


  • Block Checker for Twitter – Chrome extension that lets you know if a user has blocked you on Twitter.
  • Twitter Block Checker – website allowing you to check if you’re blocked by a user.
  • Blocked – app that scans your Twitter followers list and identifies ones that have blocked you.


  • Snapchat Block Checker – website allowing you to enter a Snapchat username and check if you’re blocked.
  • BlockTogether – browser extension and app that aggregates blocked users across social platforms including Snapchat.


  • WaTools – Android app providing various utilities for WhatsApp including block checker.
  • BlockCheck – app that lets you check if you’re blocked on WhatsApp.


  • Telegram Block Checker – bot that enables users to check if they have been blocked.
  • BlockChecker Bot – bot allowing users to check blocks on Telegram.

How These Apps and Sites Work

These third party apps and sites are able to tell if you’ve been blocked on social media and messaging platforms through various methodologies:

  • Analyzing friend/follower lists – Many compare your friend/follower count to the other user’s friend/follower count to detect a potential block.
  • Checking message delivery – They can check message delivery status to see if messages to a user are being delivered.
  • Searching profiles/posts – If your search for a user comes up empty, that can signify a block.
  • Using APIs – Some utilize the platforms’ APIs to directly check block status between users.

While their inner workings vary, they all provide the useful end result of letting you know if you’ve been blocked by another user on a range of popular platforms.

Pros of Using Block Checker Apps and Sites

There are some advantages to using these third party apps and tools:

  • Confirmation – They provide definitive confirmation that you have been blocked instead of just speculation.
  • Insights – The tools give insights into who has blocked you which you wouldn’t have otherwise.
  • Time savings – You don’t have to waste time messaging someone or checking their profile to find out if blocked.
  • Ease-of-use – The apps and sites allow you to check blocks quickly and easily.

These services can save you time and give you information social platforms themselves don’t provide directly. Knowing for sure if you’ve been blocked can provide closure too.

Cons and Risks of Using These Services

However, there are some downsides and risks to be aware of as well when using third party block checker tools:

  • Privacy concerns – You may have to provide access to profile information and friends/followers lists.
  • Spam/ads – Some of the services may spam you with ads or promotions.
  • Malware risks – Third party apps carry inherent malware risks if not from a trusted source.
  • TOS violations – The apps could violate platform Terms of Service if abusing APIs.
  • Fees/subscriptions – Some block checker services charge fees or have premium subscriptions.

While the apps offer convenience, it’s smart to be cautious in protecting your own privacy when using them.

Other Ways to Potentially Identify Blocks

In addition to using third party apps and sites, there are a couple manual ways you may be able to spot a potential block on certain platforms:

Send a message

If the platform allows it, try sending a message to the suspected blocker. If your message goes through and shows delivered, they haven’t likely blocked you. But if the message fails to deliver, that signals you may have been blocked.

Check from another account

If you have a secondary account on the platform, check if you can view the suspected blocker’s profile or see their posts from that other account. If you can see their activity, they haven’t blocked your main profile.

While not foolproof methods, these basic checks can sometimes provide hints on whether someone has potentially blocked you.

Dealing with Being Blocked on Social Media

Finding out you’ve been blocked can be disheartening. But here are some healthy ways to cope with the situation:

  • Reflect on if you may have offended them or violated their boundaries.
  • Respect their right to block whoever they want – don’t retaliate.
  • Consider if the block is revealing an unhealthy relationship.
  • Focus time and energy on other positive relationships in your life.
  • Don’t obsess over the block – recognize it’s probably for the best.

With time, it will likely feel less personal. Have patience, maintain your dignity, and surround yourself with supportive connections.


Being blocked on social media or messaging apps can be uncomfortable, but is often just part of navigating online relationships. Using block checker services can remove doubts and provide insights into where relationships may have soured. Handle the information maturely, learn what you can from it, and devote time to enriching other connections in your life where you feel valued.