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Is there an app that deletes Facebook friends?

Is there an app that deletes Facebook friends?

There are a few different apps that can help delete Facebook friends in bulk. Deleting a large number of Facebook friends manually can be very time consuming, but these apps aim to streamline the process and make it much easier to prune your connections list.

Some key features of apps that can delete Facebook friends include:

  • The ability to delete friends in bulk or groups
  • Filters to select friends based on criteria like location, mutual friends etc.
  • One click unfriending
  • Scheduling future deletions

Here is an overview of some of the top apps for deleting Facebook friends and their key features:

Friend Remover

Friend Remover allows you to delete friends based on filters like location, gender, date added and more. You can see statistics on your friends list and schedule future deletions.

Social Book Post Manager

Social Book Post Manager has a “Friends Manager” feature that lets you sort friends by criteria like language, date added, mutual friends and more. You can then select and delete multiple friends at once.


FBFree makes it easy to delete friends in bulk by groups or based on filters. You can also schedule mass deletions for the future.

FB Friend Remover

FB Friend Remover has predefined filters to find inactive friends, people you don’t interact with, and more. You can then delete them easily in bulk.

Detailed Reviews of the Top 4 Facebook Friend Remover Apps

Let’s take a more in-depth look at how 4 of the top apps for deleting Facebook friends work and what features they offer.

Friend Remover

Friend Remover is a user friendly app that makes it easy to remove Facebook friends in bulk. Here are some of its key features:

  • Filter friends by location, gender, date added, mutual friends and more
  • See statistics on your friends list like newest, oldest, most active friends
  • One click delete option for individual friends
  • Schedule future deletions
  • Completely free to use with no limits

To use Friend Remover, you simply connect your Facebook account. You can then apply filters to sort your friends by different criteria. This makes it easy to find groups of friends you may want to delete, like people from a certain city, or friends added more than 2 years ago.

You can view stats on your friends as well, like newest friends, friends with no recent activity, and more. For individual friends, there is a one click delete button to easily unfriend them.

One handy feature is the ability to schedule bulk deletions in the future. For example, you could set it to delete 500 inactive friends in 7 days.

Overall, Friend Remover provides a quick and easy way to clean up your Facebook friends list and remove contacts in bulk. The filtering options and statistics help target deletions effectively.

Social Book Post Manager

Social Book Post Manager is a social media management app with built-in Facebook friend management capabilities. Here are some key features of its Friends Manager tool:

  • Sort friends by newest, oldest, language, mutual friends, date added
  • Select multiple friends to delete at once
  • See friend statistics like number of mutual friends
  • Filter by friends who have unfriended you

When you connect your Facebook account to Social Book Post Manager, you can access the Friends Manager section. Here you have different options to filter and sort your friends.

For example, you can find friends who no longer follow you or sort by earliest friends added. You can also see statistics on each friend, like mutual friends and the date they friended you.

Once you have filtered or sorted your friends, you can select multiple friends and delete them at the same time. This allows you to prune your friends list in bulk very easily.

While Social Book Post Manager may not have as many dedicated Facebook friend deletion features as some other apps, the built-in Friends Manager provides an easy way to delete groups of friends in one go.


FBFree markets itself as a fast Facebook friend remover, with features geared towards bulk deleting. Here are some of its key capabilities:

  • Group friends by gender, location, inactive, closest birthday, and more
  • One click delete option for individual or multiple friends
  • Schedule mass deletions for the future
  • Hide confirmation prompts when deleting
  • Works anonymously without needing login access

The main advantage of FBFree is that you don’t need to connect your Facebook account. You simply input a list of friend IDs.

FBFree makes it easy to find the friend IDs en masse, by using filters to group friends by criteria like location, inactive friends and more. You can also analyze your friends list to see statistics.

Once you have targeted your deletions, you can schedule mass removals by inputting the list of friend IDs. FBFree also lets you turn off the confirmation prompts, for quick automated deleting.

The ability to work anonymously and schedule bulk deletions makes FBFree a convenient app for pruning large numbers of Facebook friends.

FB Friend Remover

FB Friend Remover provides predefined filters to help you quickly find inactive friends, people you don’t interact with, and other contacts to remove. Key features include:

  • Preset filters to find inactive friends, friends you don’t interact with, and more
  • Sort friends by criteria like date added or mutual friends
  • Delete individual or multiple friends at once
  • Free browser extension for Google Chrome

FB Friend Remover has filters built-in to target different groups of friends to delete, saving you the work of manually filtering your list. For example, there are filters for inactive friends, friends you haven’t interacted with, friends who don’t have a profile photo, and more.

You can also sort your friends by details like date added, allowing you to delete earliest friends in bulk for example. The browser extension lets you access the friend removal features right from your Facebook account.

While not as fully featured as some apps, the preset filters in FB Friend Remover make it very simple to quickly find and delete specific groups of Facebook friends you may want to remove.

Comparing the Top 4 Facebook Friend Remover Apps

Here is a comparison of some of the key features of the top 4 Facebook friend remover apps:

App Bulk Deleting Filter/Sort Friends Schedule Deletions Works Anonymously
Friend Remover Yes Yes Yes No
Social Book Post Manager Yes Yes No No
FBFree Yes Yes Yes Yes
FB Friend Remover Yes Preset filters only No No

As the table illustrates, all 4 apps allow bulk deleting of Facebook friends either individually or in groups. Friend Remover and FBFree have the most options for filtering and sorting friends using different criteria.

FBFree is the only app that lets you delete friends anonymously without connecting your account. It also shares the ability to schedule future deletions with Friend Remover.

Overall, Friend Remover likely has the strongest combination of flexible friend filtering tools and options for scheduling bulk deletions. But all 4 apps can provide an easy way to do mass deletions of Facebook friends.

Should You Pay for a Facebook Friend Remover App?

The apps reviewed above all offer their core friend deleting features for free. However, some do have premium paid versions with additional options. Here are some things to consider if deciding whether to pay for a premium Facebook friend remover:

  • How many friends do you need to delete? For pruning just a few hundred friends, the free versions should suffice.
  • Do you want to schedule recurring deletions? This is usually a premium feature.
  • Do you need advanced filters or analytics? Some provide more filters and stats with paid accounts.
  • How often will you need to remove friends? One-time use may not warrant paying.
  • Some apps charge a subscription, while others are one-time fees for added features.

Here are some of the paid features offered in premium versions:

Friend Remover

Friend Remover’s premium version ($24.99 one-time fee) includes:

  • Save filtering and sorting settings
  • Schedule large bulk deletions frequently
  • More detailed friend statistics and analytics

Social Book Post Manager

Social Book Post Manager has premium monthly plans starting at $9.99/month that offer:

  • Schedule posts and friend deletions
  • Unlimited accounts (free is limited)
  • Priority customer support


FBFree has premium lifetime plans ($27.99) with these upgrades:

  • Faster deleting speed
  • More filter and sort options
  • Auto delete inactive friends
  • Detailed friend statistics

The extra capabilities provided in the paid versions can be helpful for power users who want to delete thousands of friends or schedule recurring prunes. But for simpler one-time use, the free plans should still work fine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Facebook Friends

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use a Facebook friend remover app to delete friends in bulk:

  1. Choose app and connect Facebook account – Select an app like Friend Remover and connect your Facebook account or input friend IDs.
  2. Filter and sort friends – Use criteria like location, gender, date added, etc to filter and sort friends.
  3. Select friends to remove – Review your friends list and select contacts or groups to delete.
  4. Initiate friend removal – Use the app’s delete option to remove selected friends immediately or schedule future deletions.
  5. Confirm deletions – Apps will show a confirmation of friends removed. Some allow turning confirmations off.
  6. Recheck friends list – Log into Facebook to verify selected friends have been removed from your account.

The process is relatively straightforward. Filtering and sorting your friends using different criteria is key to targeting who to delete. Scheduling batches of deletions can help stagger removing larger numbers of friends.

Be aware Facebook does have daily limits on how many friends can be deleted, typically around 20-50 per day. Spacing out deletions over multiple days can help work around this.


Deleting lots of Facebook friends manually takes ages, but using a specialized removal app can automate the process. The best apps provide filters to sort friends by criteria like location or activity.

Features like one click deleting and scheduling future removals enable pruning your friends list in bulk with ease. While the free versions of friend remover apps offer solid functionality, premium versions provide greater flexibility for those needing to do recurrent large scale deletions.

Whether you want to remove old contacts, inactive friends or acquaintances you no longer interact with, a dedicated Facebook friend remover app can streamline the process. They provide an easy way to do the necessary spring cleaning for your Facebook profile’s friends list.