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Is there an app just for Facebook Marketplace?

Is there an app just for Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace has become an extremely popular platform for buying and selling items locally. The convenience of being able to access Marketplace through the Facebook app makes it easy for users to browse listings and communicate with potential buyers or sellers. However, some users may be wondering if there is a separate app just for Facebook Marketplace that could offer even more functionality and convenience.

The Facebook Marketplace Experience

Currently, the only way to access Facebook Marketplace is through the Facebook app. By tapping on the Marketplace icon or searching for Marketplace, users are brought to the marketplace experience within the Facebook app. Here they can browse listings, filter searches, message sellers, and more. The marketplace is seamlessly integrated into the Facebook experience.

There are certainly some benefits to accessing Marketplace through the Facebook app:

  • Easy access – no need to download a separate app
  • Seamless integration with Facebook messaging
  • Can leverage your existing Facebook profile and connections

However, there are also some limitations:

  • Marketplace can feel buried within the busy Facebook app
  • Harder to focus just on Marketplace activities
  • Features limited to what Facebook provides

An app dedicated just to Marketplace could alleviate some of these issues and allow for even more functionality tailored towards buying and selling.

Marketplace-Only Apps

Understanding that Marketplace is a popular platform, some developers have created apps that offer access specifically to Facebook Marketplace. Here are a few options:

FBM (Free Buy & Sell App)

FBM is a free app developed specifically for accessing Facebook Marketplace. With FBM you can:

  • Browse Marketplace listings and search filters
  • Message buyers and sellers
  • Manage your existing listings
  • Create new listings to sell items

Essentially, FBM aims to replicate the core Marketplace experience in a standalone app. It also includes some unique features like the ability to share listings and chatbots to automate messaging.


Salefinder is another app that provides Facebook Marketplace access and functionality. Key features include:

  • Saved searches and alerts for relevant listings
  • Price history tracking
  • Image recognition to evaluate items
  • Bulk management of listings

This app focuses more on power seller and buyer tools to surface relevant listings and analytics. The interface is also highly customizable.


YakYak approaches Marketplace differently by focusing solely on the chat and messaging capabilities. Useful features include:

  • Organized inbox and conversations
  • Scheduler for following up
  • Email integration
  • Push notifications

For users focused on high volume buying and selling, YakYak can help manage all those messages in one place.

App Stores Restrict Access

One challenge with apps that try to replicate the Facebook Marketplace experience is that Facebook restricts access to certain API endpoints. App stores also discourage or ban third-party apps that leverage Facebook data.

For example, Facebook previously blocked FBM’s access to the Messenger API, severely limiting chat capabilities. Apple also temporarily removed FBM from the App Store. Apps like those above work around these restrictions to try and offer Facebook Marketplace access, but it can be a constant battle.

The Verdict

While there is no official Facebook Marketplace app, developers have created various apps that aim to enhance the Marketplace experience. These apps can provide added functionality or convenience for regular Marketplace users.

However, limitations imposed by Facebook and app stores means these third-party apps often lack robust feature sets or risk being removed entirely. The standalone apps can serve as useful supplements, but typically cannot fully replace accessing Marketplace through the Facebook app.

For most casual Marketplace users, the default experience through Facebook is likely sufficient. But power users may find these specialized apps helpful – when they can access them.

So in summary:

  • There is no official Facebook Marketplace app
  • Third-party apps offer some extra functionality but are limited by API access restrictions
  • Accessing Marketplace through the Facebook app remains the most robust option for most people

Facebook Marketplace’s integration with the Facebook platform is a double-edged sword. While it provides convenient access, an official standalone app could potentially improve the experience even further for regular marketplace users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an app just for Facebook Marketplace?

No, there is no official Facebook Marketplace app. Marketplace is only accessible through the Facebook mobile app or Facebook site. Some third-party apps like FBM, Salefinder, and YakYak aim to provide Marketplace-only access but are limited by API restrictions.

What’s the best Facebook Marketplace app?

The Facebook mobile app provides the most complete and robust Marketplace experience. Third-party options like FBM or Salefinder offer some extra features but ultimately cannot fully replace accessing Marketplace through Facebook.

Can I use Facebook Marketplace from my computer?

Yes, you can access Facebook Marketplace from a desktop or laptop computer by going to in your browser. This allows you to browse listings, message sellers, and manage your own listings.

Why should Facebook make a separate Marketplace app?

A standalone Marketplace app could provide added functionality tailored specifically for buying and selling. This could improve convenience for frequent Marketplace users. However, Facebook’s restrictions on API access pose challenges for third-party developers seeking to replicate Marketplace.

Is Facebook Marketplace safe to use?

Facebook Marketplace involves person-to-person transactions so buyers and sellers should always exercise caution. Review seller profiles, communicate through Marketplace messaging, meet in public places, and use payment methods that provide protection. Avoiding scams and abuse comes down to following basic safety precautions.


Facebook Marketplace provides an easy and convenient platform for buying and selling locally through the Facebook app. While third-party apps attempt to enhance the experience, none can fully replicate all Marketplace functionality due to API limitations imposed by Facebook. For most casual users, simply accessing Marketplace through the Facebook app will meet their needs. But there is certainly room in the market for an official Marketplace app from Facebook, should they ever develop one. Such an app could potentially take the Marketplace experience to the next level.