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Is there a way to tell if someone is using Facebook Dating?

Is there a way to tell if someone is using Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new feature introduced by Facebook in 2018 that allows users to connect with potential romantic matches based on their Facebook profiles. Much like other dating apps and sites, Facebook Dating aims to help users find people with similar interests and build meaningful connections.

However, given the integration with users’ existing Facebook profiles, some may have concerns about privacy and want to know if someone they know is using the Facebook Dating feature. Here are some ways to potentially identify if someone is using Facebook Dating.

Check Their Facebook Profile and Activity

The easiest way to tell if someone may be using Facebook Dating is to check their main Facebook profile and activity:

  • See if they have recently updated their relationship status to “Single” – this may indicate they’ve activated Facebook Dating
  • Look for new profile pictures, especially ones that appear more date-ready or romantic in nature
  • Check their recent posts and photos for any flirty comments or interactions with potential matches
  • See if they’ve recently liked any public Facebook pages or groups related to dating, relationships, or singles events

While not definitive proof, changes like these on someone’s regular Facebook profile can hint that they may have started using the Facebook Dating feature.

Look for the Facebook Dating Profile Badge

When someone activates Facebook Dating, their regular Facebook profile gets a special badge or indicator to signify they are open to meeting new people. Here’s how to spot it:

  • On their main profile photo, look for a blue shield badge with a heart icon – this means Facebook Dating is turned on
  • You may also see a “Looking for: Dating” tagline under their name or in their intro section
  • This dating profile indicator will only be visible to others using Facebook Dating themselves

If you see this badge on their profile, it’s a clear sign they have Facebook Dating enabled and may be actively using it.

Check Your Facebook Dating Recommendations

If you have Facebook Dating enabled yourself, you can browse your “Suggested Matches” section to see if someone you know pops up there:

  • Facebook Dating only recommends first degree friends and friends of friends as potential matches
  • So if you see someone familiar in your recommendations, chances are they also have an active dating profile
  • You could create a fake dating profile just to access the Recommendations section

Of course, they won’t know you can see them there unless they also like or match with you. But it’s one way to directly confirm if specific people are using Facebook Dating.

Look for the Dating App on Their Phone

This requires being able to physically see the person’s phone, but here are signs to look for:

  • See if the Facebook Dating app with the pink heart icon is installed on their home screen or app drawer
  • Check their phone notifications for any alerts or messages from Facebook Dating
  • See if they have any dating app profiles set up for other services like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc.

Not everyone with a dating app is actively using it. But installing the Facebook Dating app specifically means they’ve opted into that feature and are likely open to connecting with people through it.

Ask Their Close Friends

If you have mutual friends with this person, consider discreetly asking them if they know whether the person is using Facebook Dating. Here are some tips:

  • Frame it in a casual, concerned way – “I noticed X’s relationship status change, just curious if you know if they’re seeing anyone new?”
  • Ask if they’ve mentioned using dating apps or the Facebook Dating feature
  • See if any friends have been asked for dating profile advice or to review their matches
  • But avoid interrogating friends – keep it conversational

Close friends may know whether someone is actively dating around on apps, even if they haven’t directly seen their profiles. Just tread carefully not to seem overly interested.

Look for Signs in Real Life Interactions

You can also look for subtle signs in how they communicate and behave:

  • Do they frequently text or chat with people you don’t know? This could be matching with dates.
  • Have they mentioned interest in dating more or expressed feeling lonely/bored?
  • Do they seem more guarded with their phone around you? They may not want others seeing dating notifications.
  • Have you noticed them putting extra effort into their appearance before going out?

Trust your intuition if something feels off or different about their typical behavior. But be careful not to read too much into things either.

Consider Just Asking Them

Finally, you could consider just directly asking the person if they are using Facebook Dating or actively dating on other apps. Here are some tips if you go this route:

  • Have the conversation privately – don’t put them on the spot
  • Be kind and non-judgmental – they may find it awkward to discuss
  • Explain your reasons for asking in a calm way
  • Make it clear you’ll respect their privacy if they prefer not to discuss it
  • Be prepared to talk through any concerns or relationship issues

With the right approach, you can have an open and caring dialogue about it. But also be ready to accept it if they don’t want to share details about their dating life.

Consider Your Motivations

Before trying to uncover if someone is using Facebook Dating, think carefully about why you want to know and how you plan to use that information:

  • Is it coming from a place of caring and concern or jealousy and mistrust?
  • Will it constructively impact your relationship or just feed invasive tendencies?
  • Are you ready to have an open conversation about the implications?

Approach the situation mindfully and with respect for their privacy. Make sure your motivations align with caring support rather than suspicion or unhealthy attachment.

Ethical Considerations

It’s also important to keep ethics in mind when trying to determine if someone is using dating apps:

  • Avoid stalking online activity or slyly looking through their phone – major red flags
  • Don’t create fake profiles or misrepresent yourself – extremely dishonest
  • Respect it if they don’t feel comfortable discussing dating life details
  • Have open conversations about relationship boundaries and needs
  • You don’t have a right to monitor or control someone else’s behavior

The healthiest approach is to focus on meaningful communication, not trying to “catch” them doing something. Any deceitful or overly invasive tactics risk damaging trust and privacy.


Here are some key takeaways on identifying if someone may be using Facebook Dating:

  • Look for dating-related changes on their Facebook profile and activity
  • Watch for the Facebook Dating badge visible to other daters
  • Check if they show up in your dating recommendations
  • See if the Facebook Dating app is on their phone
  • Ask close friends if they’ve mentioned using dating apps
  • Notice any subtle behavior changes in real life
  • Consider carefully if/how to ask them directly
  • Reflect on your motivations and approach it ethically

With mindful observation and open communication, you may be able to discern if someone in your life is exploring Facebook Dating. But also respect their privacy and boundaries if it’s not something they feel ready to discuss.

The healthiest relationships are built on trust, honesty and mutual respect – not obsessive monitoring or sneaky detective work. Focus on meaningful connections, not digital activities.

Ultimately, someone’s dating life is their personal business. If there are relationship issues to address, have sincere conversations focused on understanding each other’s needs and boundaries. But avoid invasive or unethical tactics, as those will only undermine trust and intimacy in the long run.

With compassion and care for all involved, you can hopefully find constructive ways to align expectations and nurture the meaningful bonds that matter most.