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Is there a way to see someone’s hidden posts on Facebook?

Is there a way to see someone’s hidden posts on Facebook?

There are a few ways that you may be able to see someone’s hidden or restricted posts on Facebook, but there are also limitations. While Facebook does have privacy settings that let users hide posts from certain audiences, there are still some ways to potentially access those posts depending on your relationship with the user.

Trying to View the Posts from a Connected Account

If you are friends with the person on Facebook, but they have hidden a post from you, there are a couple of options you can try:

  • Use the View As tool – This allows you to see what your own profile looks like to your friends. From here, you may be able to view posts the user has hidden from you.
  • Check on mobile – Sometimes restricted posts are visible when checking Facebook on a mobile browser or the mobile app rather than on a desktop.
  • Log out of your account – Viewing the user’s profile while logged out of your own account may allow you to see some of their hidden posts.

However, none of these methods are guaranteed to work. If the user has specifically blocked you or certain posts from you, you will not be able to view them.

Trying to View the Posts from an Unconnected Account

If you don’t have a Facebook connection to the user, your options are more limited, but you still may have a chance at viewing their hidden posts in some cases:

  • Make a fake account – Creating a new Facebook account that the user is not connected to will allow you to view their profile as a stranger would. This may reveal some posts they have restricted from their friends list.
  • View while logged out – Like with a connected account, some hidden posts may show up when you are logged out of your Facebook account and view the person’s profile anonymously.

However, there is a good chance you will not see all hidden content. If the user has posted only to a selective audience like “friends except X” or “only me,” those posts will remain invisible to unconnected accounts.

Are There Any Methods to Definitely See Hidden Posts?

Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to view Facebook posts that a user has purposely hidden or restricted. Here are some key reasons why it is unlikely you will be able to uncover these posts:

  • Facebook’s privacy settings allow granular control – Users can choose to hide posts from individual people, lists, or broader audiences. These settings will override any attempts to view the posts.
  • Facebook keeps posts on secure servers – The hidden post data is not publicly accessible or stored on the user’s own device. The only way to view it is via their account while logged into Facebook’s servers.
  • Hacking is illegal – While hacking a Facebook account could potentially reveal hidden information, this option involves illegal methods.

What If the Posts Contain Worrying Content?

If your reason for wanting to view someone’s hidden Facebook posts is due to concern over their wellbeing or suspicious behavior, you have a few legitimate options:

  • Report the account to Facebook – You can file a report if you believe the account owner is at risk for self-harm or posting dangerous illegal content.
  • Contact local authorities – If you have serious concerns, reach out to law enforcement to make them aware of the situation.
  • Talk to the person directly – Have an open conversation with the account owner about your concerns over their wellbeing and online activity.

While these methods will not allow you to directly access their hidden posts, they can address the underlying issue in an appropriate, legal way.

Ethical Concerns of Trying to View Hidden Posts

There are some ethics to consider when attempting to view someone’s restricted social media content:

  • It violates privacy expectations – The user limited that content for a reason, so attempting to evade those limitations undermines their privacy.
  • It can damage relationships and trust – Snooping can make the user feel betrayed by the snooper and damage their relationship.
  • It may cross legal boundaries – Harassing users for access or hacking accounts both come with potential legal consequences.

While human curiosity is natural, there are civil ways to discuss privacy concerns with the user directly rather than taking matters into your own hands unethically.

Can Hidden Posts Be Deleted or Reported?

If you have strong reason to believe a user’s hidden posts contain objectionable, abusive or illegal content, there are some additional steps you can take:

  • Report the user’s profile – Facebook allows anyone to flag concerning profiles for further review, regardless of connection.
  • File a request for content removal – Facebook sometimes allows authorized parties to request removal of harmful posts.
  • Contact authorities – In cases of illegal abuse or threats, law enforcement may be able to compel Facebook to remove content.

However, keep in mind you need concrete evidence of wrongdoing, as Facebook will likely not remove or provide third-party access to users’ content without justification.


While seeing someone’s hidden Facebook posts is extremely difficult, there are a few potential methods that rely on privacy loopholes. However, the user’s settings will often still prevent access. If you have serious concerns about the account owner’s wellbeing or illegal activity, use official channels for reporting rather than taking unethical or harmful approaches. Discuss privacy openly in your relationships, and consider whether your desire to evade someone’s privacy is justified or helpful to anyone involved.