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Is there a way to search a Facebook Messenger conversation?

Is there a way to search a Facebook Messenger conversation?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1 billion monthly active users. With so many messages sent back and forth, it’s common to want to search for a specific message or conversation thread.

Yes, there are a few different ways to search Facebook Messenger conversations

Facebook provides built-in search functionality within Messenger to help users find past messages. There are options to search within an individual conversation or across all recent conversations. Here are the main ways to search Messenger conversations:

  • Search bar – There is a search bar at the top of the Messenger app and desktop site that allows searching all recent conversations for keywords.
  • Within a conversation – Tap on an individual conversation thread and enter keywords in the search bar to look within that thread.
  • Filters – Filter conversation results by photos, links, videos, GIFs, files, locations, and more.

Steps to search Messenger conversations

Here is a more detailed walkthrough of how to use the different search options in Facebook Messenger:

Search bar

The search bar at the top of the Messenger app or desktop site searches across recent conversations:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your mobile device or navigate to on your desktop.
  2. Tap on the search bar at the top.
  3. Enter a keyword, phrase, name, business name, etc. to search for.
  4. Results will start populating below the search bar, divided into People and Conversations sections.
  5. Tap on any result to open that conversation thread or person’s chat.

Within a conversation

To narrow your search to an individual conversation:

  1. Open the conversation thread you want to search within.
  2. Tap on the search bar at the top of that conversation.
  3. Enter search keywords relevant to that conversation.
  4. Matching messages will highlight within the conversation.


Filters help you customize your search results even further:

  1. After searching keywords in the main search bar, tap “Filters” below the bar.
  2. Select any filters, such as Photos, Videos, Links, GIFs, Files, Locations, etc.
  3. Only results matching those criteria will display.
  4. Tap “All” to remove filters.

What you can search for

Messenger’s search features allow you to find:

  • Keywords and phrases in message contents
  • Names of people or group conversations
  • Specific media – photos, videos, GIFs, links, files
  • Messages sent from certain locations
  • Messages sent during date ranges

Basically any terms, names, or criteria contained within or associated with a message thread can be searched for. This makes it easy to find specific conversations, media files, people, and more.

Search limitations

While Messenger search is robust, there are a few limitations to be aware of:

  • Search only works for recent conversations within the past year.
  • Deleted messages cannot be searched.
  • Search is limited to basic keywords/filters rather than complex queries.
  • Search only looks at your own conversations – not those of other people.

Tips for effective Messenger searching

Follow these tips to improve your chances of finding what you need:

  • Use natural language phrases rather than single words.
  • Try different keyword variations.
  • Add filters to narrow by media, dates, etc.
  • Search individual conversations for longer threads.
  • Double check spelling of names.
  • Start broad then narrow down search terms.

Third-party tools

Facebook does not provide an “advanced search” option or API access to Messenger data. However, some third-party tools have found ways to enhance Messenger search capabilities:

Tool Features
Matically Save/export conversations as PDFs for offline search
MsgRep Advanced filters and exports
Messenger Search Extensions Chrome extensions adding advanced filters

These tools add features like advanced filters, exports to search offline, Chrome extensions, and more. However, they may have privacy, security or access limitations compared to Facebook’s own search.

Searching Messenger on mobile vs desktop

The search capabilities are nearly identical between the mobile apps and desktop site. The only differences are:

  • Desktop allows searching multiple conversations at once, while mobile can only search one thread at a time.
  • Some third-party search tools only work as browser extensions on desktop sites.
  • Desktop search allows opening multiple conversations simultaneously in different tabs.

Other than minor workflow differences like those, the search functions operate the same cross-platform. The mobile keyboard can make entering keywords slightly more tedious than a full desktop keyboard.

If unable to find a message

If you still can’t locate a message using Messenger’s built-in search, there are a few things to try:

  1. Use different keyword variations in case the wording differs.
  2. Try searching attachments rather than message content.
  3. Narrow the date range further if needed.
  4. Scroll through more results in case the relevance ranking is off.
  5. Export the conversation to a third-party tool for enhanced search.
  6. As a last resort, skim manually through the conversation.

The most likely reasons a message won’t show up are if the search terms differ too much from the content, the message is too old, or the message was deleted. If you have a general idea of timing, try searching posts from a week or month-long period to manually skim.


In summary, Facebook Messenger provides several straightforward options to search for conversations and messages on both mobile and desktop. The search bar, filters, and individual thread searches cover the basic functionality. While not as robust as more complex platforms like Gmail search, Messenger search is sufficient for most users’ needs within the recent timeframe. For those requiring more advanced search power, third-party tools fill some of the gaps. With billions of messages exchanged, being able to easily find past information makes Messenger an even more useful communication tool.