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Is there a way to bulk download photos from Facebook?

Is there a way to bulk download photos from Facebook?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook hosts an enormous number of photos that people have uploaded over the years. At some point, you may want to download your Facebook photos in bulk for backup or other purposes. Luckily, Facebook provides a few different options for downloading your photos efficiently.

Using the Facebook Photos Archive

The easiest way to download all your Facebook photos is to use the Facebook Photos Archive. This is a built-in tool that allows you to download a zip file containing all your photos and videos in their original resolution. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings and click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  2. Scroll down to “Download Your Information” and click on “View” next to Photos and Videos.
  3. In the “Your Photos and Videos” popup, click the button to request a download of your archive.
  4. You’ll get a notification on Facebook when your archive is ready to download. This usually takes a few hours up to a couple of days.
  5. When it’s ready, go back to “Your Facebook Information” and click “Download” to get your photos archive. It will be a zip file containing all your photos and videos.

The Facebook Photos Archive gives you everything in one download, so it’s the simplest option. The main drawback is that you have to wait for Facebook to package up your archive before you can access it.

Using Third-Party Apps

If you want to expedite the process of downloading your Facebook photos, you can use third-party apps to access and save them faster. Here are some good options:

Facebook Downloader for Chrome

This handy Chrome extension lets you bulk download all your photos right from your Facebook profile. To use it:

  1. Get the Facebook Downloader extension and add it to Chrome.
  2. Go to your Facebook profile and scroll down to load more photos.
  3. Click the Facebook Downloader icon in your Chrome toolbar.
  4. Select “Download Photos” and choose the album or date range to download.
  5. It will download your photos in a zip file to your computer.

This makes it easy to grab all your photos quickly. However, the extension only gives you access to the photos loaded on your profile, so you’ll need to scroll down to trigger more to load.

Album Downloader

Album Downloader is an online tool that downloads your albums directly from Facebook. To use it:

  1. Go to and click on “Login with Facebook.”
  2. Enter your Facebook login details to authorize the app.
  3. Select the albums you want to download.
  4. Click “Download” to save the albums in a zip file on your computer.

This gives you an easy way to grab full albums. But it only works for photos in albums, so you’ll miss any stray photos not in an album. lets you download photos by pasting in a Facebook album URL. To use it:

  1. On Facebook, open the album you want to download and copy the URL.
  2. Go to, paste the album URL into the box and click “Detect URL.”
  3. Click “Download” to save the album as a zip file.

This tool is quick if you already have the album URLs. But it only works for photos in albums, not individual photos.

Using Facebook Data Export Tools

Facebook also provides advanced data export tools that can download your photos and other content types. Two options are the Access Your Information tool and Facebook data exporter tool.

Access Your Information Tool

The Access Your Information tool provides granular control to select only certain data types to export, including photos. To use it:

  1. Go to the Access Your Information page and click “View” next to Photos and Videos.
  2. Select the date range you want to include.
  3. Uncheck all data types except Photos and Videos.
  4. Click “Create File” to generate a download link for just your photos.

This gives you more selectivity over date ranges. But it takes some extra clicks versus a full archive download.

Facebook Data Exporter

The Facebook data exporter is a power user tool that creates custom data packages from your account. It can be accessed here. To use it:

  1. Click “Deselect All” to start with a blank state.
  2. Expand “Media” and select only “Photos and Videos.”
  3. Choose your desired date range.
  4. Click “Create Export” to generate a download link.

This advanced tool offers maximum control but more complexity. The interface can be confusing if you’re just looking to export your photos.

Using Automated Facebook Scraping Tools

For heavy-duty downloading of thousands of Facebook photos, you may want to consider using an automated scraping tool. These tools programmatically access Facebook and download your content.


SnapGrab is a web scraping platform with a module specially designed for bulk Facebook scraping. To use it:

  1. Create an account and login to SnapGrab.
  2. Configure the Facebook scraper module with your access token and settings.
  3. Run the scraper to download your photos across multiple sessions.
  4. Export your photos to zip files or access them via API.

SnapGrab can download thousands of photos by automating login sessions. But it requires coding skills to configure and costs $79+/mo for large scrapes.


ParseHub is another scraping tool with Facebook support. To use it:

  1. Sign up for ParseHub and install the Facebook connector.
  2. Visually configure a scraping flow for Facebook photos.
  3. Run the automated scraper to extract photos.
  4. Export your scraped data as CSV or JSON.

ParseHub offers a code-free scraping interface. But the Facebook connector costs extra, and exports may require processing.


Apify provides actor-based scrapers for sites like Facebook. To use it:

  1. Sign up for an Apify account.
  2. Browse actors and select the Facebook photos scraper.
  3. Configure the actor with your access token and settings.
  4. Execute the scraping run and export the output.

Apify is developer-focused and requires coding for customization. But it can deliver high performance Facebook scrapes.

Using Facebook’s Graph API

For developers, downloading photos via Facebook’s Graph API may be an option. This involves making API calls to pull photo data and images. Some approaches include:

  • Use the /me/photos endpoint to get photo metadata and iterate through pagination.
  • Request each full-size photo URL via /{photo-id} calls.
  • Download the images from the URLs programmatically.
  • Use the /me/albums endpoint to get album contents.

While powerful, using the Graph API requires considerable coding and App login permissions. But it can provide great flexibility for advanced use cases.


To summarize, here are some top options for downloading your Facebook photos in bulk:

Method Pros Cons
Facebook Photos Archive – Gets all photos
– Simple to use
– Delay to create archive
Facebook Downloader Chrome Extension – Fast access to loaded photos – Only gets loaded profile photos
Album Downloader – Downloads full albums quickly – Limited to album photos
Access Your Information Tool – Granular date ranges
– Select only photos
– More steps vs. full archive
SnapGrab – Automates scraping
– Downloads thousands
– Coding required
– Paid subscriptions

For most everyday users, the Facebook Photos Archive will probably be the simplest option to use and provides the most comprehensive download. Third-party apps like Album Downloader can work better for specific use cases like quickly grabbing certain albums.

Power users with thousands of photos to download may want to explore automated scraping tools, though these require more technical ability. And developers can tap into the Graph API for advanced programmatic access and downloading.

So in summary – yes, there are absolutely multiple ways to bulk download your Facebook photos! The right method depends on your specific needs and technical abilities, but the options above should cover most use cases.