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Is there a limit to Facebook Stories length?

Is there a limit to Facebook Stories length?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. With Stories, users can post short snippets of their day without cluttering up their friends’ News Feeds. But is there a limit to how long your Facebook Stories can be?

The 60 Second Limit

Yes, there is a limit to the length of Facebook Stories. Each individual Story clip can be up to 60 seconds long. This applies to both videos and boomerangs. So if you want to share a long story from your day, you’ll need to break it up into multiple clips of 60 seconds or less.

This 60 second limit has been in place since Facebook Stories first launched in 2017. It matches the limit for Instagram Stories, which makes sense since Facebook owns Instagram. The short clip length encourages users to share quick, ephemeral moments rather than long-form content.

Workarounds for Longer Videos

What if you have a video that’s longer than 60 seconds that you want to share as a Story? There are a couple of workarounds:

  • Trim your video down to 60 seconds or less using an editing app.
  • Upload your full video as a post on your Timeline, then share a clip or preview of it through your Story.
  • Split your video into multiple 60 second or shorter clips and share as separate Stories.

Keep in mind the 60 second per clip limit. You can share multiple Stories in a row, but each one will have to be edited down to be 60 seconds max.

Limits on Text-Based Stories

The 60 second limit applies to video Stories. What about text-based Stories, where you post a series of overlaid photos with text captions?

There doesn’t appear to be a hard limit on the length of text-based Stories. However, very long Stories with massive walls of text tend to see lower engagement.

Best practices recommend keeping your text snappy and impactful. Say what you need to say in just a few sentences per photo. And consider splitting it into multiple Stories rather than one overly long post.

Reasons for the Length Limit

So why did Facebook impose a 60 second limit in the first place? There are a few reasons behind this decision:

  • It encourages more authentic, in-the-moment sharing. LONG videos start to feel more staged and formal.
  • Short clips are better optimized for mobile. Most people view Stories on their phones.
  • It aligns with user expectations. Instagram also has a 60 second limit.
  • Shorter form content performs better. 60 seconds is ideal for grabbing attention.

The limit forces creativity and brevity. There are also technical reasons related to file sizes and download speeds. Overall, 60 seconds per clip is the sweet spot for Stories based on user behavior.

Engagement Drops Off After 60 Seconds

Facebook studied user engagement data to arrive at the 60 second limit. They found that engagement starts to drop steeply after the one minute mark:

Story Length Avg % Watched
5 sec 100%
15 sec 98%
30 sec 94%
60 sec 85%
90 sec 68%
120 sec 45%

As this data shows, the 60 second mark is the turning point for retention. After that, people start dropping off steeply. So it makes sense to cap the length there to ensure optimal engagement.

Tips for Using the 60 Second Limit

Here are some tips for working within the 60 second Stories constraint:

  • Plan your clips ahead of time. Sketch out a storyboard to construct your narrative.
  • Keep it concise. Stick to the most important details.
  • Shoot multiple takes and choose the best one.
  • Use quick cuts and transitions to condense time.
  • Supplement with text overlays or boomerangs as needed.
  • Save the raw footage to repurpose as a longer post later.

Creativity thrives within constraints. Let the time limit drive you to find innovative ways to tell your story.

Exception for Facebook Live Videos

The 60 second rule applies specifically to prerecorded Stories, not Facebook Live. You can broadcast live videos on your Story for up to 4 hours at once. Facebook Live works differently than uploading a prerecorded clip.

So if you want to share an event in real-time, go live. But keep regular Stories short and sweet at 60 seconds or fewer.

No Way Around the Limit

Is there any workaround to share longer content on Stories? Unfortunately, no. Facebook’s limit is firm at 60 seconds of footage per Story. Even if you find a technical hack, your followers may not see content over 60 seconds.

For longer narratives, create a series of 60 second Stories. Or post the full video on your Timeline and share a preview clip on Stories. Those are the only options that play by the rules.

Advantages of the Short Format

The 60 second limit may seem constraining at first. But it actually comes with some creative advantages:

  • Forces you to get straight to the point
  • Holds viewer attention and curbs drop-off
  • Fosters experimentation and innovation
  • Allows you to publish more content
  • Gets better engagement since it’s snackable

Leaning into the brevity can pay off. You’d be surprised how much you can communicate in just 60 seconds. Give it a try!

The Future of Facebook Stories

Will Facebook ever extend the 60 second limit? Only time will tell. The cap has held steady at 60 seconds per clip since launch.

Facebook seems committed to maintaining a level playing field with Instagram Stories. And so far, neither platform has shown signs of raising the limit. But the company is always running tests and analyzing data.

If engagement statistics supported it, Facebook could potentially increase the limit in the future. For now, keep your Stories awesome but concise at 60 seconds or less.


Facebook limits Story clips to 60 seconds max. This rule encourages brevity, creativity, and optimized engagement. While you can’t go over the limit, you can break a longer narrative into multiple 60-second parts. Look at the constraint as an opportunity for innovation. Have fun with short form, ephemeral storytelling!