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Is there a history of reels you’ve watched?

Is there a history of reels you’ve watched?

Quick answer: Yes, Instagram does keep a history of the reels you have watched in the past. This allows Instagram to better understand your interests and preferences in order to recommend relevant content to you. However, this reels watch history is not directly accessible to users.

Instagram introduced reels in 2020 as a way for users to create and share short, entertaining videos on the platform. Reels have become hugely popular, especially among younger audiences. As more and more reels are created and posted every day, Instagram’s algorithm works hard to determine which reels you are most likely to enjoy watching based on the types of content you typically interact with.

To do this, Instagram keeps track of the various reels you watch, like, comment on or share. This creates a historical record of your reels activity that Instagram can analyze to discern your tastes and interests over time. The more reels you view and engage with, the more data Instagram has to refine its recommendations to align with the specific content and accounts you demonstrate preference for through your viewing history.

How Does Instagram Use Your Reels Watch History?

When you open the Instagram app, the first thing you typically see is the Instagram Feed page which displays reels and posts suggested for you based on your recent activity and interests. Behind the scenes, Instagram’s algorithm is looking at the extensive reels watch history associated with your account to find reels and reel creators that are relevant to your demonstrated preferences.

Some of the key ways Instagram leverages your reels watch history include:

  • Finding patterns in the types of reels you consistently watch and engage with. For example, if you often view comedy reels, fitness reels, or reels from certain creators, Instagram will pick up on those interests.
  • Determining which reel creators you prefer watching. The more of someone’s reels you view, the more their content will be recommended.
  • Identifying topics, audio tracks, effects, or other reel attributes you frequently interact with so similar reels can be suggested.
  • Gauging the typical length of reels you watch so the algorithm can preferentially show you reels of a certain duration.
  • Analyzing how long you watch particular reels to differentiate between those that fully engage you versus those you quickly scroll past.
  • Tracking which hashtags you view reels from so additional trending reels using those hashtags can be recommended.

By continuously monitoring your reels watch history and spotting patterns, Instagram is able to serve up a personalized feed of engaging reels it expects you will enjoy. The more reels activity data it has on you, the smarter the recommendations become over time.

Where is Your Reels Watch History Stored?

Instagram keeps your reels watch history within its servers where it can be regularly accessed and analyzed by the platform’s algorithms as needed to determine which new reels to recommend to you. This data is attached to and stored alongside your main Instagram account profile.

However, unlike your general search or account viewing history which appear in your account settings, there is no direct way for users to view their specific reels watch history. Instagram intentionally does not provide users access to this data, likely to protect user privacy and prevent misuse of the data. The only visible evidence of the reels watch history is the impact it has in guiding your reels recommendations on the app.

How Long is Reels Watch History Saved?

There is no official expiry set for reels watch history data. Instagram has not provided specifics on how long this information is retained in their systems. However, it is reasonable to assume the data is kept for at least a few months, if not longer.

Keeping a longer history allows their algorithms to detect patterns and changes in your interests over time. For example, if you used to watch a lot of travel reels but have recently viewed more fitness reels, the algorithm needs enough history to recognize that shift.

However, for privacy reasons, it’s doubtful they would retain the full watch history indefinitely. It’s likely the oldest viewing data eventually gets cycled out on a rolling basis, but newer data from at least the last few months is actively maintained.

Can You Delete Your Reels Watch History?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way for users to view or manually clear their reels watch history on Instagram. This is a common complaint among users who want more transparency and control over how their data is tracked and retained.

The only option is to periodically clear the app cache and data from your device settings which may wipe some of the recent viewing data logged locally on your device. However, the comprehensive reels watch history tied to your account and stored on Instagram’s servers cannot be directly accessed or deleted by users.

Many feel Instagram should provide options to view your personal reels watch history and optionally clear it, similar to search histories. This would allow users to see and understand how their viewing behaviors are being analyzed to personalize their feeds. However, Instagram has not yet provided users this type of visibility or control over their private activity data.

Does Watch History Impact Your Instagram Feed?

Your reels watch history has a very direct, visible impact on the content you see in your Instagram feed. The reels recommended to you are significantly influenced by the types of reels you have watched and engaged with in the past.

Some ways your watch history shapes what shows up in your feed include:

  • Seeing more reels from creators you watch frequently
  • Seeing more reels using hashtags, sounds or effects you often view reels with
  • Seeing more reels in categories (comedy, beauty, etc) you have shown preference for
  • Seeing fewer recommendations for content you consistently skip past
  • Seeing longer or shorter reels based on average watch durations logged

Without the constant tracking of your reels watch history to understand your tastes, your Instagram feed would feel far more random and irrelevant to your interests. So while the extensive logging of your viewing data raises privacy implications, it does seem effective in providing a personalized Instagram experience.

Does Watch History Impact Reels You Create?

In addition to influencing the kinds of reels you are served, your reels watch history also impacts the performance of any reels you create yourself. When you post a new reel, how Instagram initially pushes it out to viewers is affected by your past reels watch history in the following ways:

  • Your reel may be shown to accounts who watch similar types of content
  • Your reel may be favored by the algorithm if it fits categories you have a history of engaging with
  • Your reel may get limited initial reach if it differs from your typical viewing interests

Of course, as your new reel gains views, likes and comments, it builds its own performance data. But when it is first posted, your own established watch history influences which users Instagram will promote it to first to get initial traction.

Does Watch History Cross Over To Facebook?

Instagram is owned by Facebook, now Meta Platforms, leading many to speculate and worry that Instagram reels watch history may be accessible to Facebook. However, Instagram has stated that the reels watch history data is currently only used within the Instagram app itself – it does not get ported over and saved together with your Facebook account data or used by Facebook.

Of course, if you log into your Instagram account through Facebook, then Facebook does have access to the fact that you have an Instagram account and certain basic public data. But the detailed behavioral data like your reels watch history remains siloed, as per Instagram’s assurances. However, given the common ownership, concerns around potential data sharing with Facebook persist.


In summary, Instagram maintains a private record of every reel you have watched while logged into your account. This reels watch history is used to analyze your interests and patterns for the purpose of recommending new, relevant reels to keep you engaged on the platform.

While this enables a personalized Instagram experience, many feel uncomfortable with the lack of transparency and control over private viewing behaviors being tracked. There are still many open questions around how long this data persists, who can access it, and whether users should have the right to delete records they don’t want informing the algorithm’s perception of their interests and preferences.