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Is there a hidden chat on Facebook Messenger?

Is there a hidden chat on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Given its widespread use, there has been speculation among some users about whether Facebook Messenger contains any hidden or secret chats that are not visible in the main chat list.

What is Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service developed by Facebook. It launched in 2011 as a standalone app and was originally required to communicate with Facebook friends. In 2014, Facebook integrated Messenger directly into its main app so users could access it without downloading a separate app.

Key features of Facebook Messenger include:

  • One-on-one messaging
  • Group chats with up to 250 participants
  • Sending photos, videos, gifs, audio messages, and more
  • Video calling
  • Messages sync across devices
  • End-to-end encryption in Secret Conversations

Facebook Messenger is available as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices as well as accessible on the desktop version of Facebook. It allows users to communicate with their Facebook friends as well as contacts in their device’s address book who also have Messenger.

Does Facebook Messenger have hidden chats?

There is no evidence that Facebook Messenger contains any hidden or secret chats that are not visible in a user’s main chat list or archive. All message threads a user participates in will show up in the app’s Chats tab or account archive.

However, there are a few chat features on Messenger that sometimes cause confusion about hidden chats:

Archived Chats

Messenger allows users to archive chat threads which removes them from the main Chats list. Archived chats are not hidden or secret. They can be found by going to your Archived Chats folder within the app.

Deleted Chats

Deleting a chat thread on Messenger removes it from your Chats list. However, it will still be present in your account archive. So deleted chats are not actually hidden, they just don’t appear in your active Chat list.

Secret Conversations

Messenger’s Secret Conversations feature provides end-to-end encryption for secure chats. These Secret Conversations can only be accessed on the device where they were initiated. So they could seem “hidden” in that they are not visible on your other devices.

However, on the device where a Secret Conversation happens, it will still appear in your Chats tab like any other message thread.

Blocked Contacts

If you block someone on Messenger, your chat history with them disappears from your Chats list. Similarly, if someone blocks you, your chat history with them vanishes from your end.

However, these chats have not been hidden or made secret. They simply become inaccessible to the users who blocked each other.

Oversight Feature

In 2022, Messenger introduced a feature called Oversight that allows users to set a timer on a chat thread after which the messages will vanish. This can give the impression of creating hidden chats.

However, these vanishing chats are not actually secret as both parties are aware the timer has been set. The messages simply disappear after the predetermined time limit.

Can Facebook access hidden or deleted chats?

Given that there is no actual evidence of the existence of hidden chat threads on Messenger that are concealed from users, the notion of Facebook being able to access such secret chats is highly unlikely.

Facebook does not have access to encrypted Secret Conversations as those chats use end-to-end encryption. So the content remains private between the two chatting parties.

For regular Messenger chats, the conversation history remains stored in Facebook’s database even when a user deletes it from their end. This allows Facebook to access and review deleted chats in certain situations, such as for security purposes or legal obligations.

Evidence that hidden chats do not exist

There are several key pieces of evidence indicating there are no actually hidden Messenger chats that Facebook covertly uses:

  • Facebook has publicly stated Messenger does not have any hidden inboxes or folders.
  • No such hidden chat features are documented in Messenger’s software code or APIs.
  • Security researchers have not found evidence of any conversation threads inaccessible to users.
  • Millions of users worldwide access Messenger daily without finding any hidden chats.
  • People who have worked for Facebook deny the platform has secret messenger chats.

Without concrete proof, the rumors of hidden Messenger chats remain unsubstantiated speculation and conspiracy theories. The features that sometimes confuse people ultimately do not provide actual secret or inaccessible chats.

Why rumors around hidden chats persist

Despite the lack of evidence, rumors surrounding hidden Messenger chats continue to spread online. There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • General distrust of Facebook’s privacy practices causes assumptions the company has secret motives.
  • Lack of understanding about Messenger’s archival and encryption features leads to confusion.
  • People mistakenly conflate accessing another user’s chat history with “hidden” chats.
  • Conspiracy theories and hoaxes spread widely especially when they involve major tech platforms.
  • Warnings about hackers creating secret chat groups sound plausible to some people.

In reality, while mistrust of Facebook is understandable given its history, there is simply no proof that Messenger allows inaccessible, hidden conversations either from normal users or Facebook itself.

What Facebook access and visibility rules apply to chats?

The following general rules govern Facebook’s access to Messenger chats and visibility to users:

Chat Type Accessible to Other Users Visible to You Accessible to Facebook
Regular chat No Yes Yes, even if deleted
Secret Conversation No Yes No
Blocked Contact Chat No No Yes
Vanishing Message Chat No For set time limit Yes, until disappears

So in summary, there are no truly hidden Messenger chats that are invisible to you as the user or create secret conversations Facebook can exploit. Any chats that become inaccessible are generally the result of user actions like blocking, deleting, or encrypting.


Based on currently available information from research, user experiences, and official statements, there is no convincing evidence that Facebook Messenger contains hidden or secret chat features. While Facebook’s handling of user data rightly raises privacy concerns, all indications suggest there are no concealed Messenger chats that you cannot access yourself.

App functionality that removes conversations from view like archiving, blocking, deleting and encrypting chats likely fueled assumptions that Facebook hides these threads. However, safeguards exist to keep Messenger chats private between users, and any visibility rules are clearly explained within the app’s interface and policies.

Unless new developments emerge, rumors of Messenger supporting inaccessible, hidden chats most likely originate from misinformation rather than facts. While healthy skepticism of technology platforms is prudent, users do not need to worry that Facebook is covertly spying on them through secret Messenger inboxes.