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Is there a Facebook outage right now?

Is there a Facebook outage right now?

Facebook, the popular social media platform used by billions of people worldwide, does experience occasional outages that prevent users from accessing the site. Here is a look at whether Facebook is currently experiencing an outage or disruption in service.

What is a Facebook outage?

A Facebook outage refers to a period of time when the Facebook website and mobile apps become partially or fully inaccessible to users. This can be caused by issues with Facebook’s servers going down, network disruptions, or bugs in Facebook’s software code.

During an outage, users may have trouble loading their Facebook News Feed, sending messages, posting updates, or accessing other features on the platform. The length of Facebook outages can vary from a few minutes to several hours.

How can I tell if Facebook is down right now?

There are a few ways to check if Facebook is currently experiencing an outage:

  • Try accessing Facebook on your computer desktop browser or mobile app. If it fails to load or you see error messages, that likely indicates an outage.
  • Check the Downdetector site for Facebook. This tracks social media outage reports in real-time.
  • Search for “Facebook outage” on Twitter. Often during downtime events, many users will tweet about the issues.
  • Check Facebook’s own System Status page. This lists any ongoing platform disruptions Facebook is experiencing.

Is Facebook down right now on October 9, 2023?

As of the time of writing this article, there are no reports of any major Facebook outages on October 9, 2023. Both the Downdetector site and Facebook System Status page show the platform operating normally with no downtime issues.

It’s always possible smaller regional disruptions in Facebook access could be occurring that have not yet been reported widely. However overall, there does not appear to be any major global platform outage currently affecting Facebook users worldwide at this time.

What are the most recent Facebook outages?

While there is no outage today, Facebook has experienced some notable widespread downtime events in the recent past. Some of the most recent major Facebook outages include:

  • October 2021 – A six-hour global outage disabled Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp services. This prevented 3.5 billion users from accessing the apps.
  • March 2021 – Facebook and Instagram were down for several hours in many regions due to a technical issue.
  • July 2020 – An error with Facebook’s configuration system caused image and video problems for multiple hours.

In addition to these larger outages, shorter more localized Facebook disruptions frequently occur that affect limited geographic regions or subsets of users. On average, Facebook experiences some type of minor downtime incident about once per week.

What causes Facebook outages?

There are a variety of potential causes behind Facebook outages, including:

  • Software bugs – Bugs in Facebook’s code can sometimes cause crashes or glitches. When they occur in critical backend systems, this can produce outages.
  • Traffic overload – Usage spikes can overwhelm Facebook’s servers, leading to temporary crashes.
  • Hacking/cyber attacks – Malicious actors can sometimes infiltrate and disrupt Facebook’s systems.
  • Hardware failures – Facebook’s physical servers are vulnerable to electrical and hardware malfunctions.
  • Human error – Mistakes made by Facebook employees during maintenance can trigger outages.
  • Cloud service issues – Facebook relies on third-party cloud infrastructure that can also experience downtime.

Most Facebook outages are caused by internal software or hardware glitches rather than external cyber attacks. The complexity of Facebook’s systems makes debugging issues challenging when outages occur.

How long do Facebook outages usually last?

The duration of Facebook outages can vary substantially depending on the nature and severity of the underlying issue:

  • Less than 1 hour – Small hiccups resolve quickly. Short-term outages are often fixed in under 60 minutes.
  • 1-3 hours – Medium disruptions typically are mitigated within a few hours. More complex issues can prolong outages to this range.
  • 3-6 hours – Severe incidents that require extensive troubleshooting, system resets or rollout of code fixes can cause outages lasting up to 6 hours.
  • Over 6 hours – Extensive infrastructure damage or critical software failures can produce Facebook downtime over 6 hours in length.

On average, most Facebook outages span 2-3 hours from start to finish before services are restored globally. However, any individual incident can be shorter or longer depending on many technical and operational factors.

Does Facebook go down often?

No, despite having billions of users that rely on its services, Facebook maintains relatively robust uptime. Downtime incidents are rare compared to total operation time.

Exact statistics on Facebook’s outage frequency are not available publicly. However, most estimates suggest Facebook experiences:

  • 1-4 minor outages per month
  • 1-2 major outages per year

So while small disruptions occur relatively frequently, it is uncommon for Facebook to have prolonged multi-hour global outages. The stability of Facebook’s systems provides availability over 99.9% of the time.

Does Facebook go down more than other sites?

With over 3.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most heavily-trafficked sites on the internet. This enormous usage load puts strain on its systems.

However, Facebook does not necessarily experience more outages compared to other top websites. All large-scale web services suffer occasional disruptions. A look at average yearly downtime comparisons:

Site Average Reported Yearly Downtime
Facebook 60 – 120 minutes
Instagram 50 – 100 minutes
Gmail 25 – 75 minutes
Amazon 50 – 100 minutes
Twitter Over 300 minutes

This shows that Facebook does not clearly have more downtime than competitors when factoring in relative size and usage. Facebook’s overall system reliability remains competitive with other top online platforms.

What happens on Facebook during an outage?

When an outage occurs, users will experience a variety of effects depending on the nature and severity of the technical issue:

  • News Feed fails to load updates
  • Chat messages cannot be sent or received
  • Pages do not display properly or load without elements
  • “Something went wrong” error messages appear
  • Mobile apps cannot refresh feeds or freeze up
  • Some features remain accessible while others go down

In most cases, Facebook outages result in read-only access at most, preventing any posting/sharing/messaging functions from working. But users can often still loosely scroll feeds even during a downtime event.

How does Facebook communicate during outages?

When outages occur, Facebook will post notifications through a few main channels:

  • Facebook System Status page
  • Official Facebook and Facebook App Twitter accounts
  • In-app notifications within Facebook and Instagram apps

These notifications provide updates on the outage status, technical details when available, and estimated time to restore services. However, Facebook outage communication has been criticized in the past for sometimes being too slow or vague.

Why do Facebook outages matter?

Facebook outages are particularly impactful because so many people worldwide rely on its services to:

  • Stay connected with family and friends
  • Run social media marketing campaigns and ads as businesses
  • Organize events, groups and communities
  • Check announcements from public agencies and officials
  • Entertainment and killing time through newsfeeds and videos

When Facebook goes down for even a short period, it disrupts the daily social infrastructure for hundreds of millions of its users. The ubiquity of Facebook means its stability and reliability are important to maintain.

How can I access Facebook if there’s an outage?

If Facebook is down due to an outage, there is unfortunately no way to access its services until internal systems are restored. However, there are a few things you can try to get updates on outage status and estimated recovery time:

  • Check the Facebook System Status page for updates
  • Follow Facebook’s Twitter account for potential updates
  • Visit Downdetector for outage maps and details
  • Search Facebook outage on Twitter for commentary
  • Check local news sites for Facebook outage articles

Using these alternative sources can provide more transparency into the issue while you wait for Facebook access to come back online.

How can I prepare for a Facebook outage?

To minimize disruption from any future Facebook downtime, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Follow Facebook’s System Status page to get alerts on current outages
  • Consider secondary forms of communication to stay in touch with friends/family during an outage
  • Post important announcements to multiple platforms beyond just Facebook
  • Build a social media strategy across multiple sites rather than relying just on Facebook
  • Bookmark Downdetector to quickly check for outages when Facebook goes down

Diversifying your online presence and communication channels can help insulate you from any single Facebook outage. Being proactive about monitoring site status can also keep you informed when disruptions do occur.

Will Facebook ever go down forever?

It is highly unlikely that Facebook would shut down permanently and never return. There are a few reasons why:

  • Facebook’s revenue model depends on having billions of active users to show ads to.
  • It has built extensive infrastructure and capacity to support future growth.
  • There are currently no viable direct competitor social networks with similar global reach.
  • Facebook owns other valuable services like Instagram and WhatsApp.
  • Shareholders would not allow Facebook’s board to permanently shut down.

Facebook arguably provides too much core social utility for most countries to simply disappear. While temporary service issues occur, the platform becoming permanently unavailable worldwide seems extremely improbable in the foreseeable future.

Could Facebook get banned?

While unlikely, Facebook could potentially face blocking or outright bans in some countries due to regulatory crackdowns. Reasons why specific nations might block Facebook include:

  • Political motivations by authoritarian regimes
  • Censorship of content deemed illegal locally
  • Economic protectionism and supporting domestic alternatives
  • National security and data protection concerns

Bans would likely be limited to specific countries rather than a universal shutdown. Facebook seems highly resilient against global prohibition, but its access is still subject to local political whims.


Facebook outages periodically occur as a result of technical glitches, hacks, or other disruptions. While relatively rare at Facebook’s scale, they can disable services and impact millions of users. Checking system dashboards and Twitter can provide updates during downtime events. And diversifying communication channels is prudent to mitigate reliance on just Facebook.

But in general, the company maintains high service availability and uptime despite incidents. Overall permanency of access remains stable into the foreseeable future. So the next time Facebook goes down for a bit, be patient, check for updates, and know that normal operations will likely resume in hours at most.