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Is there a delete all friends on Facebook?

Is there a delete all friends on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to connect with friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances across the world. Over time, a user’s friends list can grow quite large. While active friendships are valuable, many users may wish to prune their friends lists by removing inactive connections. Fortunately, Facebook provides a couple different options for users who want to delete all or multiple friends at once.

Deleting All Facebook Friends

There is no built-in “delete all friends” option on Facebook. However, users can delete all their Facebook friends in batches with a few simple steps. Here is the process:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the “Friends” tab
  2. Select all friends by choosing the option at the top of the page
  3. Click on the three dots next to the “Add Friend” button and choose “Delete”
  4. Confirm you want to delete the selected friends

This will delete up to 5000 friends at once, which is the maximum number of selections allowed. To delete remaining friends, repeat the steps above until all connections have been removed.

Other Ways to Delete Facebook Friends

In addition to the manual method above, there are a couple other options for deleting Facebook friends in bulk:

  • Use a third party Facebook friend deleter tool or Chrome extension
  • Deactivate your Facebook account temporarily, which removes all friends

Third party tools like Social Book Post Manager can help automate the process of deleting large numbers of Facebook friends. Some Chrome extensions like Social Book Post Manager also provide a “select all” option to delete all friends with a couple clicks.

Deactivating your Facebook account removes all friends from your profile. When you reactive it, you’ll have a clean slate. This method essentially deletes all Facebook friends at once. However, it’s a more drastic option since it disables your entire account in the process.

Considerations Before Deleting Facebook Friends

Before purging your entire friends list, keep a few important considerations in mind:

  • Deleted Facebook friends get no notification. The only way they’ll know is if they try to view your profile.
  • Any messages exchanged with the deleted friend will also be deleted.
  • You can add the friend back in the future if you change your mind.

Additionally, if you want to save certain Facebook friend connections, you’ll need to use the manual deletion method described earlier. Bulk deletion services and deactivating your account will remove all friends indiscriminately.

Limits on How Many Facebook Friends You Can Delete at Once

Facebook limits how many friends you can delete at one time as an anti-abuse measure. Currently, you can only select and delete up to 5000 friends simultaneously.

This limit applies whether you are deleting friends manually or using a third party app. Facebook caps the number to prevent people from indiscriminately removing their entire friends list in one click.

If you want to delete all 10,000+ of your Facebook friends, you’ll need to do it in batches of 5000 each time. It may take a few rounds to fully clear your connections list if you have the maximum friend limit.

Why Facebook Limits Bulk Friend Deletions

Facebook instituted a limit on mass friend deletions to protect the user experience. Here are some of the specific reasons for the cap:

  • Avoid accidental removals: Deleting thousands of connections by mistake would be disruptive.
  • Stop fake friend removals: Services that offered to delete all your Facebook friends were often scams.
  • Limit automation: The cap prevents people from automating the removal of all friends.
  • Maintain platform integrity: Indiscriminate friend purging violates the spirit of Facebook.

While users may have valid reasons to do a major friends list purge, Facebook wants to ensure the process involves some deliberation. The limit gives users a chance to reconsider with each 5000-friend batch removal.

Tips for Deleting Large Numbers of Facebook Friends

Here are some tips for efficiently deleting lots of Facebook friends up to the 5000 limit:

  • Sort friends alphabetically to select batches methodically
  • Use Ctrl/Cmd click to select and delete 500 friends at a time
  • Try a Chrome extension for bulk selection and deletion
  • Do the deletions in small sessions to avoid burnout

Patience is key if you need to remove thousands of Facebook friends. Going through the process in focused bursts can make quick work of a major friends list purge.

How to Delete Friends on Facebook

While this article focused on deleting all Facebook friends, you can also remove individual connections. Here are the steps to delete one friend:

  1. Go to the profile of the friend you want to remove
  2. Click on the “Friends” button below their cover photo
  3. Select “Unfriend” to delete the connection
  4. Confirm you want to remove the friend

This will sever your tie with the friend on Facebook. They will no longer appear in your friends list or be able to see posts set to “Friends Only.”

Similarly, you can delete a friend from any mutual friends list, groups, or messages through the same process. Just go to the place you are connected and choose “Unfriend.”

Other Ways to Unfriend Someone on Facebook

In addition to the steps above, here are a couple other ways to remove a Facebook friend:

  • From the News Feed, click on a friend’s post and choose “Unfollow”, then “Unfriend”
  • On the All Friends page, hover over a name and click “Unfriend” in the popup menu

Essentially, anytime you see the “Unfriend” option on Facebook, it will sever your connection with that person. This helps prune back your friends list one at a time.

Impacts of Deleting Facebook Friends

Removing a Facebook friend has a few impacts you should keep in mind:

  • You’ll no longer see their posts or participate in conversations
  • They won’t be able to see most content you share to Friends Only
  • Any past messages will be deleted from your inbox and theirs
  • Mutual friends may notice you are no longer connected

In essence, deleting a Facebook friend severs your social media ties with that person. You’ll both lose access to each other’s timeline posts going forward.

What Happens When You Delete Someone as a Facebook Friend

Here are some key things to know about what happens when you delete a Facebook friend:

  • They don’t receive a notification they’ve been unfriended
  • Your shared content immediately disappears from their profile
  • Removing them from groups will not notify other members
  • Any connection requests will be canceled in either direction

Facebook designed the unfriend process to be discreet. In most cases, the only indication the other person will have is your disappearance from their friends list.

Can You Tell if Someone Unfriended You on Facebook?

Since Facebook doesn’t notify people, is there any way to tell if someone has unfriended you? There are a few clues you can look for:

  • Their profile disappears from your friends list
  • You can no longer tag them in posts or pictures
  • You don’t see their timeline posts in your News Feed anymore
  • Your past messages with them are erased

If you notice one or more of these changes suddenly, chances are you’ve been unfriended. People rarely remove connections without the other person eventually finding out.

Re-Adding a Facebook Friend You Deleted

If you change your mind after unfriending someone on Facebook, you can send them a new friend request to reconnect. Here’s how:

  1. Search for their name and go to their profile
  2. Click “Add Friend” below their cover photo
  3. Send the friend request to reconnect

When they accept your request, you’ll be Facebook friends again as if nothing happened. The same works in reverse if someone deleted you as a friend previously.

Does Deleting and Re-Adding a Facebook Friend Reset the Relationship?

What exactly happens when you delete and re-add a Facebook friend? Here are the effects:

  • Your previous messages will not be restored
  • They will need to re-approve friend requests to groups
  • You’ll both start seeing new posts in your feeds again
  • The friendship will essentially reset to zero history

In essence, deleting and re-adding a Facebook friend wipes the slate clean. All past interactions and connections disappear when you Unfriend someone. Reconnecting starts the relationship over from scratch.

Should You Delete and Re-Add Friends to Reset the Relationship?

Is it a good idea to delete and re-add Facebook friends periodically? Here are some pros and cons of this approach:

  • Pros: Lets you clear out old posts, renew interactions, reconsider closeness
  • Cons: Can seem manipulative, disruptive, damage the relationship

Occasionally re-adding closer friends may refresh the dynamic and allow a fresh start. But for most connections, a full reset should be avoided unless you want to cause confusion or hurt feelings.

Mistakenly Deleted a Facebook Friend: How to Get Them Back

It’s easy to delete a Facebook friend by accident just by mis-clicking on mobile or navigating menus too quickly. So what should you do if you mistakenly remove a connection you want to keep?

The best approach is to immediately send them a new friend request and explain what happened. Admitting your mistake and asking to connect again typically resolves the situation.

Most people realize Facebook unfriending can happen by accident. As long as your intentions were good, the friend will likely accept your re-request once you apologize.

What to Do if You Didn’t Mean to Unfriend Someone on Facebook

Here are some tips if you mistakenly deleted a treasured Facebook friend:

  • Send them a friend request as soon as possible
  • Explain it was an accidental unfriending
  • Emphasize you value their online friendship
  • Offer to remove other friends to make amends

A little sincerity goes a long way. Admitting your slip-up and reaffirming the relationship is often enough to recover from an unintended unfriending.

How to Apologize for Accidentally Unfriending Someone on Facebook

When asking to reconnect after an accidental unfriending, here are some apology message examples:

  • “So sorry about that accidental unfriend earlier! Please accept my request so we can stay connected.”
  • “I must have slipped and unfriended you without realizing! I really appreciate our online friendship and hope you’ll reconnect.”
  • “My apologies for the mistaken unfriend – you know I love keeping up on Facebook. Adding you back right away!”

A quick, sincere note goes a long way toward smoothing things over. Most accidental unfriends can be resolved with a fast re-request and apology message.

Alternatives to Deleting Facebook Friends

Removing connections doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Facebook offers alternatives to deleting friends, such as:

  • Unfollowing: Stops their posts from your News Feed but keeps the friendship.
  • Restricting: Limits what they see from your profile without unfriending.
  • Adding to Acquaintances: Separates casual friends from closer ones.
  • Muting: Prevents notifications without severing the connection.

Using these tools allow you to manage annoying or inactive Facebook friends without outright deleting them. The key is tailoring your feed and privacy settings.

Should You Unfriend or Unfollow on Facebook?

If a Facebook friend’s posts are cluttering your News Feed, is it better to Unfriend or Unfollow them? Here’s the comparison:

  • Unfollow: You stop seeing their posts but stay connected.
  • Unfriend: Removes connection completely, erasing history.

For friends you want to keep in your overall network, Unfollow is better. Unfriending should be reserved for terminating the relationship or starting fresh.

How to Know If Someone Unfollowed You on Facebook

Is there a way to tell if someone has Unfollowed you on Facebook? Here are a few signs:

  • Their comments and likes stop appearing on your posts
  • They don’t engage with you in Groups you both belong to
  • You see no recent activity from them in your News Feed

These clues indicate a friend may have Unfollowed you, even if you remain connected on Facebook. It severs social media ties without deleting the friendship.


While Facebook doesn’t have a true “delete all friends” function, users have options to remove connections in bulk. The process involves selecting the maximum of 5000 at a time, with a few rounds required to purge more. However, alternatives like Unfollow allow pruning friends lists without outright deletion.

When removing individual friends, it’s also possible to re-add them if you change your mind. But accidentally unfriending valued connections takes some sincere apologies. Overall, Facebook provides the flexibility to manage friends lists over time as relationships evolve.