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Is there a auto reply in FB Messenger?

Is there a auto reply in FB Messenger?

Yes, there is an auto reply feature in Facebook Messenger that allows you to set up automatic responses to incoming messages. This can be useful if you want to let people know you’re away or set up quick replies to frequently asked questions. The auto reply function has been a part of Messenger since 2016.

How Auto Reply Works

When you turn on auto reply in Messenger, it will automatically send a preset response to any new messages you receive. You can choose to have it reply to all messages or only ones from people who are not in your contact list. The auto reply will be triggered whenever someone sends you a new message in a thread you haven’t replied to. It will not send duplicate responses in an ongoing conversation you’re actively participating in.

Some key things to know about Facebook’s auto reply feature:

  • You can set a custom message up to 256 characters in length.
  • Auto replies are only available on Facebook Messenger mobile apps, not the desktop version.
  • You can turn auto reply on or off at any time.
  • There’s no limit to how long you can have it turned on.
  • You can set it to reply once per thread or multiple times.
  • It works for both individual and group conversations.

Overall the auto reply feature is very simple to set up but provides an easy way to send quick automated responses on Messenger.

How to Turn on Auto Reply in Messenger

Enabling the auto reply function in Facebook Messenger takes just a few taps:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top left.
  3. Choose “Turn on Away Messages.”
  4. Toggle the switch for auto reply to the “On” position.
  5. Type your custom message in the text box.
  6. Select how often you want it to reply per thread.
  7. Tap “Turn On” to activate your auto reply.

And that’s it! Those steps will get automated responses set up on Messenger. You can always return to these settings to edit your message, change options, or turn it off.

Customizing Your Auto Reply

While the default auto reply settings on Facebook Messenger work fine, you have a few options to customize it to your liking:

  • Craft your message – Write a custom auto reply up to 256 characters. You could include an away message, promote your business, or send a pre-written response.
  • Set the frequency – Choose whether you want it to reply once per thread or multiple times.
  • Limit who sees it – Toggle between replying to all messages or only ones from non-contacts.
  • Change your status – Enable or disable “Appear as Away” status so people know you’re not active.

Experiment to find the right settings that suit your needs. Just keep your auto reply message friendly and informative.

Auto Reply Use Cases

Here are some examples of effective ways businesses and individuals can use Facebook Messenger’s auto responder:

Out of Office Replies

Let customers or colleagues know when you’re not working and when you’ll be back. For example:

“Hi, I’m currently out of the office and will return on October 15th. I’ll respond to your message as soon as I return. Thanks!”

Customer Service

Set up quick answers to frequently asked questions to improve support response times. Such as:

“Thanks for your message! To get help with placing an order, please visit our Support Center at”

Lead Generation

Send an automatic reply to spark interest and offer value to potential customers. For instance:

“Thanks for your message! To download our free guide on how to use our product, click here: [link]”

Appointment Reminders

Confirm upcoming appointments and meetings with a personalized message. For example:

“Hi [name], just a quick reminder that we have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 2pm. Let me know if you need to reschedule at all!”

Benefits of Using Auto Reply

Activating Facebook Messenger’s auto responder can offer several benefits:

  • Saves time – Automatically send responses without manually replying to each message.
  • Provides quick information – Share details like your away message, links, and answers to FAQs.
  • Allows for personalization – Include visitor names and other details.
  • Communicates when you’re unavailable – Let people know when you’re out of office.
  • Sets expectations for response times – Helps avoid frustration from waiting on a reply.
  • Can enhance customer service – Quickly answer common questions for improved satisfaction.

For individual users, it provides an easy way to inform your contacts when you can’t respond right away. And for businesses, it delivers a tool to improve communications and take some work off your plate.

Potential Drawbacks

While auto responders offer advantages, there are a few potential downsides to consider as well:

  • Can come across as spammy – If overused with promotional content.
  • Limits personal connection – Removes human touch from interactions.
  • Provides excuse not to follow-up – You still need to respond later if necessary.
  • Not usable on desktop – Only works on Messenger mobile apps.
  • Could share unwanted info – When replying to all messages rather than just non-contacts.

The key is to use auto reply thoughtfully and tailor your message to fit the context. With the right approach, you can minimize any downsides and enjoy the upsides.

Tips for Using Auto Reply Effectively

To get the most out of the auto responder feature on Facebook Messenger, keep these tips in mind:

  • Explain when you’ll be available again to properly set expectations.
  • Keep your message short, friendly and helpful.
  • Make sure auto replies are relevant to each conversation.
  • Only use with non-contacts if your response contains no private info.
  • Manually follow up on important conversations when you return.
  • Turn off auto responder when you’re available again to respond personally.
  • Use your away message status so people know you’re not active.

The most effective auto replies enhance the visitor experience rather than detract from it.

Can You Use Auto Reply on Facebook Posts?

Facebook’s auto reply feature is only available in Messenger for your inbox messages. There is no built-in way to auto reply to posts and comments on your Facebook Page or Profile. However, there are a few third-party tools that offer auto commenting capabilities. For example, tools like Chatfuel, ManyChat, and Jarvee can post automated replies to interactions on your Facebook posts. But these require additional setup and typically cost money to use.

Auto Reply Alternatives

Beyond Facebook Messenger’s built-in auto responder, there are some alternative options to provide automated message responses:

Email Autoresponders

Services like Mailchimp and Sendinblue allow you to set up auto reply emails when users sign up for a mailing list. These are triggered by specific subscriber actions.

Social Media Bots

Bots like Chatfuel and ManyChat can automatically engage with users who message your Facebook Page. Useful for providing info and answering FAQs.

Email Forwarding

Forward your Facebook messages to an email where you set up an auto response. When users message your Facebook account, they’ll receive the auto reply from your connected email.

Auto Commenting Apps

3rd party apps can post auto-generated comments on your Facebook posts. Helpful for starting conversations with followers.

Canned Message Templates

Save pre-written text snippets you can quickly insert when manually responding to common questions. Speeds up personal responses.

So in summary, while Facebook itself only offers auto reply for Messenger, integrating additional tools can expand your auto-interaction capabilities.


Facebook Messenger’s auto responder provides a straightforward way to set up automated messages when you’re unavailable. It can improve response times, communicate your away status, and enhance customer service experiences. Just be sure to use it strategically – craft relevant messages, manually follow up when necessary, and don’t overuse it.

Overall, auto reply is a useful feature to try out if you want to let conversations know you’ll get back to them as soon as possible while still sending a customized message in the meantime. With mindful use, it can benefit both individuals and businesses on Facebook Messenger.