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Is the view as option on Facebook gone?

Is the view as option on Facebook gone?

The view as option on Facebook allows users to see what their own profile or page looks like to someone else. This can be useful for getting an outside perspective and making sure information is being shared as intended. Recently, some Facebook users have reported that the view as option seems to be missing when they try to access it. This has led many to wonder if Facebook removed the feature altogether.

What is the view as option on Facebook?

The view as option on Facebook is a feature that allows users to preview what their profile or page looks like to other people on Facebook. By clicking on the three dots at the top of the page and selecting “View As,” users can switch their perspective to view their own content as if they were someone else. This lets them see exactly what information is visible or not visible to particular friends, the public, or people in certain regions or age groups. Some key things the view as option enables users to see:

  • How their profile appears to friends or non-friends
  • How their profile appears to those in different regions or age groups
  • Which posts are hidden based on audience restrictions
  • Which information is visible on their public page

This allows users to double check that sensitive information is not being shown unintentionally and that the right content is being shown to the right audiences. The view as option provides an additional layer of control over one’s privacy and public persona on Facebook.

Why do people think the view as option is gone?

In recent weeks, many Facebook users have reported being unable to access the view as option when trying to use it. Specifically, the “View As” choice is missing from the three-dot menu at the top corner of Facebook pages and profiles. Users describe previously being able to switch between viewing their profile as themselves, the “public,” or a specific friend. But now the option is nowhere to be found in the menu.

Without the ability to view as another user, people lose an important tool to manage their privacy and content. Understandably, many individuals who noticed the missing feature have taken to Facebook groups and forums to ask if it has been removed entirely. The apparent disappearance of the view as option has caused confusion, irritation, and concerns about privacy among some Facebook users.

Example complaints about the missing view as option

Here are some examples of complaints and questions from users about the view as option seeming to be gone:

  • “What happened to the ‘View As’ option under the three dots? I don’t see it anymore on my Facebook app or desktop.”
  • “Facebook removed the ‘View As’ feature this month without any warning or announcement. How are we supposed to manage our privacy now? Bring it back!”
  • “I used to use the view as all the time to make sure I wasn’t sharing anything unintentionally. With it gone, I’m worried my profile shows things I don’t want certain friends to see.”
  • “Did Facebook get rid of the view as public/friend option? It’s nowhere on mobile or desktop. Please tell me it’s coming back!”

Complaints like these from confused and concerned users highlight just how important the view as feature was for many Facebook members. The apparent unannounced removal has left people questioning how to manage privacy controls without it.

Is the view as option really gone for good?

With so many users asking about it, all signs initially pointed to Facebook eliminating the view as option altogether. However, more recently, some evidence has emerged that this may not actually be the case.

Firstly, Facebook has not made any official announcement regarding removing view as. Big changes like that are typically communicated to users. The seeming lack of confirmation from Facebook has raised doubts about whether it is really gone.

Secondly, a Facebook spokesperson eventually provided this statement in response to media requests about the missing feature: “We routinely make updates to our products and features to improve the user experience. We are looking into this matter to ensure that our users’ privacy controls are working properly.”

This statement implies the lack of view as could potentially be some sort of error or glitch rather than an intentional permanent removal. Many now believe Facebook may be working on restoring the feature and that its disappearance is temporary.

Why Facebook may have removed or hidden the view as option

If Facebook did intentionally remove or hide the view as functionality, what could be the reason behind such a decision? Here are some possible explanations:

  • Rolling out changes to the viewing as experience to optimize it
  • Phasing out the feature due to low usage or engagement
  • Identifying bugs or issues with the feature that require fixing
  • Updating the controls to meet evolving privacy best practices

Of course, without official word from Facebook, any reason for the view as option’s removal or suppression remains speculative for now.

How to regain access to the view as feature

For those currently unable to access the view as option, here are some steps to try to potentially regain access:

  1. Update the Facebook app and/or clear browser cookies and cache
  2. Try viewing Facebook from a different device or web browser
  3. Check the three-dot menu from different areas like pages, groups, and marketplace
  4. See if the option appears when logged out of Facebook entirely

Essentially, viewers should try reproducing the issue under different conditions and on different platforms. Determining if the disappearance is consistent across all accounts or if it is restored under specific circumstances could provide clues into why view as is missing.

Users can also submit direct feedback to Facebook through the “Give Feedback” link under “Settings & Support” explaining the issue and requesting the return of the feature. The more reports Facebook receives about the problem, the more pressure there will be for a resolution.

Alternative options for viewing your profile as others see it

Until Facebook brings back the official view as feature, here are a couple alternative options for viewing your profile from someone else’s perspective:

Preview your public page while logged out

Open an incognito or private browsing window and navigate to your public page URL while completely logged out of Facebook. This will approximate how non-friends see your public profile and posts.

Ask a friend to screenshot your profile

Reach out to a Facebook friend and ask them to send you screenshots of your profile from their account. Make sure they capture your info, about section, featured photos, and recent posts. This will show your profile exactly as it appears to friends.

While not as seamless as the view as option, these methods can provide temporary visibility until Facebook potentially reinstates the feature. Monitoring your profile in different viewing contexts remains important for managing privacy.

Will Facebook bring back the view as option?

Many longtime Facebook users are keeping their fingers crossed that view as will return. Facebook has given no concrete indication yet whether this is in the works. However, based on the spokesperson’s statement and the lack of warning, it seems plausible that the loss of functionality may be inadvertent and that restoration could happen.

In the past, Facebook has temporarily removed or tested hiding features like news feed reactions and the recent sticker drawer. This sets a precedent of the company suppressing existing features without advance notice. While controversial, these cases did see the return of the missing features after public backlash.

Hope remains that view as could come back in a similar fashion. Of course, Facebook could have simply decided the tool was no longer needed. But the lack of warning points to this being a mistake or test rather than an intentional permanent removal.

For the many users who relied on it for privacy management, the view as option still appears to have value. The outrage from loyal users also may motivate Facebook to reinstate the feature. Only time will tell, but there are legitimate reasons for optimism that this useful Facebook feature could reappear in the future.


While the view as option seems to have mysteriously disappeared from Facebook profiles and pages, evidence suggests this useful feature may not be gone forever. Facebook has not confirmed removing it, and its statement hints that the loss of functionality could be inadvertent. Users should continue providing feedback and exploring alternative viewing options in the meantime. But there remains a decent possibility that view as could be restored in the future, allowing users to once again preview their profiles as others see them.