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Is the Facebook cover photo 400 pixels wide 150 tall?

Is the Facebook cover photo 400 pixels wide 150 tall?

The dimensions of the Facebook cover photo have gone through a few changes over the years. When Facebook first introduced the cover photo feature in 2011, the original size was 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. This allowed for a bannersized photo that spanned the full width of the Facebook profile.

The Original Facebook Cover Photo Dimensions

When the cover photo feature first launched, the recommended dimensions were:

  • 851 pixels wide
  • 315 pixels tall

The 851 pixel width allowed the cover photo to stretch across the entire profile horizontally. The height of 315 pixels was intended to showcase a photo with a roughly 2.7:1 aspect ratio. This was tall enough to display a meaningful banner image, but short enough to keep the focus on the profile picture and information below.

Why 851 x 315 Pixels Originally?

Facebook likely chose these original dimensions to balance several priorities:

  • Span the full width of the page – 851 pixels matched the width of the Facebook profile and timeline.
  • Maintain a wide, banner-style aspect ratio – At 2.7:1, the photo has a panoramic shape.
  • Avoid overly tall cover images – 315 pixels high prevented excessive vertical space.
  • Limit file size – A 851 x 315 photo kept file sizes reasonable.

By recommending an 851 by 315 pixel size, Facebook struck a balance between these technical considerations and aesthetic goals. The dimensions allowed for an eye-catching horizontal banner image at the top of the profile.

The Cover Photo Dimensions Change to 820 x 312

In late 2011, just a few months after first launching the cover photo feature, Facebook adjusted the recommended dimensions to:

  • 820 pixels wide
  • 312 pixels tall

This reduced the width slightly from 851 down to 820 pixels. The height also went down by 3 pixels.

Reasons for the New 820 x 312 Size

Facebook decided to slightly shrink the cover photo for a couple key reasons:

  • Accommodate different display sizes – 820 pixels ensured the full width still fit across different screens and devices.
  • Improve performance – Slightly smaller photos reduced data and bandwidth demands.

While not a dramatic change, the smaller 820 x 312 size helped optimize the cover photo for performance across Facebook’s growing user base. The 312 pixel height also made the images a perfect 10:3 aspect ratio.

Current Dimensions – 820 Pixels Wide by 360 Pixels Tall

In late 2015, Facebook again updated the recommended cover photo size. This time the dimensions changed to:

  • 820 pixels wide
  • 360 pixels tall

The width remained fixed at 820 pixels. However, the height got significantly taller, going from 312 up to 360 pixels. This provided 48 more vertical pixels to work with.

Why Did the Height Increase to 360 Pixels?

This change to 820 x 360 was made for a couple reasons:

  • Support tall, narrow photos – The extra height accommodated portrait-style images.
  • Improve visibility – More vertical space ensured cover photos remained clearly visible.

The boost to 360 pixels high allowed for greater flexibility with photos and design. Landscape images still work fine, but portrait images gained more room to shine.

Current Cover Photo Dimensions

As of 2023, the dimensions for Facebook cover photos are:

  • 820 pixels wide
  • 360 pixels tall

Any image uploaded with these dimensions will display correctly as a Facebook cover photo. Keep in mind the full 820 pixel width will display on desktop, while smaller widths may show on mobile.

Ideal Cover Photo Size

For best results, aim to upload a cover photo with square 820 x 820 pixel dimensions. This allows flexibility to crop and arrange the photo in different ways.

The 820 pixel width ensures the image spans the full desktop view. And the 820 pixel height provides ample room to crop and center how you like.

With an 820 x 820 square image, you can:

  • Crop to 820 x 360 to prioritize the middle section
  • Crop to 820 x 312 to emphasize the top
  • Crop to 820 x 156 to highlight just a slice

This gives you full control over where focus is placed. Here is an example 820 x 820 cover photo:

Original Square Image Cropped Horizontal Banner
820 x 820 pixels 820 x 360 pixel crop

Uploading an 820 x 820 full image provides maximum flexibility for different cropping options.

Minimum Cover Photo Size

While 820 x 360 is recommended, Facebook does provide some flexibility with the minimum cover photo dimensions:

  • Minimum width: 400 pixels
  • Minimum height: 150 pixels

Any image between 400 x 150 up to 820 x 360 pixels will work. However, smaller images under 820 x 360 will start cropping and losing parts of the photo.

For example, here is how a 400 x 150 image would appear:

As you can see, the left and right sides are cut off at 400 pixels wide. And only the very top 150 pixels of height are visible.

So while Facebook does allow cover photos as small as 400 x 150 pixels, sticking to the 820 x 360 recommendation avoids unwanted cropping.

Can Cover Photos Be Larger Than 820 x 360 Pixels?

Yes, you can upload cover photos larger than 820 x 360 pixels. However, Facebook will automatically shrink and crop anything greater than 820 x 360 pixels:

  • Widths over 820px will be shrunk down to 820.
  • Heights over 360px will be cropped starting from the top.

For example, a 2000 x 1000 pixel photo will be resized and cropped down to 820 x 360.

So for best results, resize oversized photos down to the 820 pixel width recommendation before uploading.

Tips for Creating Facebook Cover Photos

Here are some tips for designing great looking Facebook cover photos:

  • Use high resolution images for crisp quality
  • Work in the 820 x 820 pixel size then crop as needed
  • Add text or logos with important elements in the left and right safe zones to avoid cropping
  • Make sure key focus areas sit within the 312 pixel top height
  • Use strong, vibrant images that represent your brand or style

Test different photo options and arrangements to optimize your cover image.

Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some key do’s and don’ts to keep in mind as well:


  • Upload images that are 820 x 360 pixels or larger
  • Use high-quality, compressed JPEG or PNG images
  • Make sure the image accurately represents your brand or style


  • Upload tiny images under 400 x 150 pixels
  • Use inappropriate or misleading photos
  • Put important text or logos too close to the edges

Tools To Create Cover Photos

You can use any image editing tool like Photoshop, Gimp, Canva or PicMonkey to create and customize Facebook cover photos. Some things you can do include:

  • Resizing photos to 820 x 820 pixels
  • Cropping images to 820 x 360
  • Adding text, logos or design elements
  • Adjusting color, brightness, contrast, etc

Make sure to save files in a compressed format like JPG or PNG to keep file sizes small. This will help the images load faster online.

There are also dedicated Facebook cover photo maker tools that provide templates and easy customization. The benefit of these tools are pre-sized templates and streamlined design options.


The standard Facebook cover photo size is 820 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. Uploading an image with square 820 x 820 dimensions gives maximum flexibility to crop and arrange as needed.

For best results:

  • Use the recommended 820 x 360 pixel dimensions
  • Upload high quality, compressed JPG or PNG files
  • Customize images to suit your brand and style

With the correct photo dimensions and compelling visuals, your Facebook cover photo can help make an effective first impression and showcase your profile.