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Is React still supported by Facebook?

Is React still supported by Facebook?

React is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook for building user interfaces. Since its release in 2013, React has grown to become one of the most popular front-end libraries used by developers around the world.

Given React’s origins at Facebook and widespread adoption, many developers wonder whether Facebook still actively supports React’s development. The short answer is yes, Facebook remains highly committed to React.

Facebook Created React

Facebook engineers Jordan Walke and others first created React in 2011. At the time, Facebook was dealing with increasingly complex interfaces within its apps. The existing code for the Facebook website used a combination of PHP, Hack, and Javascript, which made the code difficult to maintain and scale.

To solve these problems, Facebook engineers developed React as an internal JavaScript library for building components that could be composed together to create complex UIs. React enabled Facebook to split interfaces into modular, reusable chunks that were easier to understand, maintain, and test.

After using React internally for over a year, Facebook released it as open-source software at the JSConf US conference in May 2013. Open-sourcing React allowed the broader web community to benefit from the library and provide feedback to help improve it.

Facebook Uses React Extensively

Since its public release in 2013, React adoption quickly spread beyond Facebook due to its performance, flexibility, and modular architecture. Today, Facebook relies on React and React-based frameworks like React Native to run massive parts of its web and mobile applications.

The Facebook website utilizes React for many of its complex and frequently updated surfaces. For example, the Facebook News Feed, notifications, comments, and other core experiences are powered by React components.

Facebook’s mobile apps for iOS and Android heavily leverage React Native, a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps using React. React Native allows Facebook to share code efficiently between its iOS and Android versions instead of having to maintain separate native codebases.

Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is also built predominantly using React and React Native. Its feeds, stories, filters, and core interactions are implemented with React components.

In addition to flagship Facebook products, the company uses React across many other services:

  • Workplace by Facebook
  • Oculus virtual reality interfaces
  • Facebook Gaming
  • Facebook Ad interfaces
  • Facebook open-source projects like Draft.js

Given React’s broad use internally, Facebook has a strong incentive to continue investing in React’s ongoing development and success.

Facebook Maintains and Contributes to React

While React is open-source and community-driven, Facebook maintains a dedicated React team that leads development of the core library. This React team is part of Facebook’s Web Foundation team.

Facebook engineers make substantial contributions across the React ecosystem:

  • They manage the core React library located at
  • They oversee React Native, React VR, and other associated projects.
  • They participate heavily in reviewing community pull requests and RFCs (proposals) to incorporate improvements into React.
  • They attend React conferences worldwide to connect with the community.
  • They help educate the community through blog posts, videos, and React docs.

While contributions come from engineers across many companies, Facebook provides essential staffing and support needed to maintain React and its ecosystem. Facebook’s React team coordinates the project’s roadmap, new feature development, bug fixes, version releases, and more.

Notable Facebook Contributors

While dozens of Facebook engineers contribute to React, some individuals stand out for their extensive involvement:

  • Dan Abramov – Created Redux, coauthored Create React App, maintains React Hot Loader
  • Andrew Clark – React core team member, leads education initiatives
  • Brian Vaughn – React core team member, led development of React Hooks
  • Rachel Nabors – React core team member, animation and UX specialist

Facebook also employs many widely-known React community members like Michael Jackson, Sebastian Markbage, Lin Clark, Dominic Gannaway, and others who advocate for and shape the future of React.

React Support from Facebook Going Strong

While React is open-source rather than a Facebook product per se, Facebook remains closely aligned with React’s success. Facebook created React to solve internal problems, and the company relies on React daily to run its web and mobile apps.

Facebook dedicates engineers to developing React as part of its Web Foundation team. Key contributors from Facebook remain integral to shaping React’s direction. Given the usage and investment from Facebook, support for React remains strong even a decade after its introduction.

The widespread adoption of React at Facebook and elsewhere ensures it will remain a vital part of the front-end ecosystem for years to come.

The Future of React

Facebook is deeply committed to supporting React’s growth and evolution based on its continuing importance to Facebook’s web and mobile products.

Facebook engineers Brian Vaughn and Dan Abramov from the React core team published a blog post in October 2020 summarizing the company’s efforts to improve React. They highlighted priorities like:

  • Making React easier to learn and use for new developers.
  • Investing in web capabilities like browser event handling and accessibility.
  • Simplifying complex React APIs.
  • Improving bundle size and startup performance.
  • Better native integration for React Native.

This roadmap demonstrates Facebook’s strategic vision for investing in React’s capabilities and developer experience.

Facebook also supports the future of React through its work on pioneering technologies like React Server Components. Still in research and development, React Server Components aim to drastically improve performance by rendering components on the server rather than client.

Due to its internal use and commitment to support ongoing development, it is clear Facebook will continue backing React for years to come rather than letting it fade away.

React Conference

Facebook demonstrates its support for the future of React through its sponsorship of the annual React Conference (React Conf).

Started in 2015, React Conf has grown into a major conference attracting over 1000 attendees each year. The 3-day conference features React core team members and engineers from Facebook presenting alongside community speakers.

Facebook provides funding for the event and sends many of its own engineers to speak and participate. React Conf provides a platform for Facebook to share its React roadmap and investments with the broader community.

The table below summarizes key details about the upcoming React Conf 2022 event:

Detail Description
Date November 1-3, 2022
Location Galvanize, Denver CO
Expected attendance 1000+ developers
Speakers Facebook React team members, community speakers
Tickets $475 through October 21

The continued growth of React Conf reflects the library’s expanding popularity and Facebook’s ongoing commitment to supporting it.


In summary, Facebook remains heavily invested in the future of React though it is open-source software. Facebook engineers started React in 2011 to solve internal problems, and the company relies on React to power key parts of, Instagram, and its other products.

Facebook dedicates a team to contribute to React and React Native under its Web Foundation team. Leading engineers like Dan Abramov drive the core library’s direction and evolution.

Given React’s strategic importance to Facebook, the company will continue supporting React’s growth and developer community for years to come through conference sponsorships like React Conf, documentation contributions, performance improvements, and more.