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Is Queen Elizabeth on Facebook?

Is Queen Elizabeth on Facebook?

In today’s digital age, it’s common for public figures and celebrities to have an online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains one of the most popular social networks worldwide. This raises the question – does Queen Elizabeth II, the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, have her own Facebook profile or page?

Quick Answer

Queen Elizabeth II does not have her own personal Facebook page where she actively posts updates or interacts with friends. However, there are official Facebook pages run by the Royal Family which represent her and provide news and information about her public engagements and duties. The Queen is not known to manage her own social media accounts, and royal protocol limits her family’s public presence on platforms like Facebook.

Does the Queen Use Social Media Personally?

While many public figures and even political leaders use social media to communicate directly with the public, the Queen does not. There are several reasons for this:

  • Royal protocol – The royal family has traditionally been careful about their public image and privacy. Having personal social media accounts would make the Queen seem less removed and aloof, which is an important part of her mystique and authority.
  • Age and generation – The Queen was born in 1926 and did not grow up using digital technology. At 96 years old, it is unlikely she has any interest in adopting new platforms like social media.
  • Impersonal nature – Having an impersonal social media presence maintained by staff would not fit the Queen’s style, which emphasizes personal contact and engagement during public appearances.
  • Security concerns – There are major security risks to hacking, impersonation, and misuse if the Queen had direct access to social media.

Instead, Queen Elizabeth II has always focused on in-person interactions with the public and traditional forms of communication through statements and speeches. Her public image is carefully managed by the royal household.

Official Royal Family Social Media Pages

Although the Queen does not tweet or share Facebook posts personally, the Royal Family does have an official presence on major social media platforms like:

  • The British Monarchy Facebook page – Over 3 million likes
  • The Royal Family Facebook page – Over 6 million followers
  • Kensington Royal Instagram account – Representing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry – 10 million followers
  • @RoyalFamily on Twitter – Over 4.7 million followers
  • The Royal Family YouTube channel – Over 822,000 subscribers

The Royal Family social media pages and handles are used to share news and information about the public work and engagements carried out by the Queen and other senior royals. These accounts publish pictures, videos, news announcements, give behind-the-scenes glimpses of royal events, and highlight the Family’s public service.

While the tone is always formal, these accounts help modernize the monarchy’s image and allow online audiences to connect with the royal family. However, the content is clearly curated by social media teams rather than the royals themselves.

Has the Queen Ever Posted Anything Herself?

In March 2019, the Royal Family published its first Instagram post on a new official account, which many media outlets reported was posted by the Queen herself. The signed post read:

“Today, as I visit the Science Museum I was interested to discover a letter from the Royal Archives, written in 1843 to my great-great-grandfather Prince Albert.”

This led to speculation that perhaps Queen Elizabeth II might start actively running royal social media accounts. However, Buckingham Palace later clarified that while the Queen had agreed to the post being published, she did not actually type it herself or upload it. It appears this remains the only time a first-person post has been published in the Queen’s voice on social media.

The Queen is known for taking a thorough interest in how the monarchy is represented in the media, even if she does not directly participate in the social media landscape. It is possible she may choose to share personal signed posts on official royal accounts for special occasions in future, but highly unlikely she will ever operate her own social media channels.

Are Other Royals Active on Social Media?

Queen Elizabeth II may not use Facebook or other platforms herself, but several younger royals do have their own public social media accounts, including:

  • Prince William and Kate Middleton – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge share their official @KensingtonRoyal accounts on Twitter and Instagram.
  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – Previously had @SussexRoyal accounts before stepping back as senior royals in 2020.
  • Prince Andrew – Uses @TheDukeOfYork on Instagram and Twitter but has not tweeted since 2019.
  • Princess Eugenie – The Queen’s granddaughter is on Instagram @princesseugenie.

Royals with their own accounts will sometimes comment on or share posts from the main Royal Family accounts as well. However, they still avoid sharing overly personal, controversial, or political content.

Younger royals like William and Harry having social media accounts has helped modernize the monarchy’s image online. However, the Queen herself represents continuity with tradition and is unlikely to ever maintain her own social media presence.

Does the Queen Use Any Technology?

While Queen Elizabeth II does not use social media or have public online accounts, she does utilize some modern technology as part of her royal duties. Some examples include:

  • Video conferencing – The Queen has been shown using video calls to conduct virtual engagements during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Television and radio broadcasts – She records her annual Christmas broadcasts for TV and radio.
  • Emails – Buckingham Palace confirmed in 2014 that the Queen does occasionally send emails, likely through an aide.
  • Smartphone – Reports state the Queen owns a Samsung smartphone, though it is unclear how tech-savvy she is in using it.

Overall the Queen takes a selective and cautious approach to using technology. She appreciates the opportunities modern communication tools provide, but is also conscious of security risks and prefers direct personal interaction. An aide once summed up her attitude as “Letters first, telephone second, and face-to-face whenever possible.”

Does the Queen Have Any Private Social Media Accounts?

There is no evidence that Queen Elizabeth II has any private or secret social media accounts for her personal use. Royal experts agree it is extremely unlikely she is anonymously engaging on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or other platforms without the public’s knowledge. Besides her lack of interest in operating social media handles herself, the security risks of an undisclosed royal account would be far too great.

Wild rumors sometimes circulate online that ordinary-looking accounts actually belong to the Queen, especially if they reveal a keen interest in corgis, horses, and royal history. However, these speculative claims never hold up to closer scrutiny, and Buckingham Palace has never acknowledged any private social media use by the Queen.

It is possible that under a pseudonym, the Queen might read social media content about the monarchy and current events. But actively posting or commenting anonymously would be outside of her cautious character, and potentially undermine public faith in her integrity if uncovered.

Could the Queen Go on Social Media in Future?

At 96 years old, it’s highly improbable that Queen Elizabeth II will suddenly create public social media accounts and start actively engaging online any time soon. However, a few possibilities exist for her to increase her social media presence in limited ways:

  • More signed first-person posts – She could occasionally write and share posts signed “Elizabeth R” on official royal accounts to mark special occasions.
  • Behind-the-scenes images – Candid shots could provide a rare glimpse into the Queen’s private moments away from public duties.
  • Virtual royal engagements – Video calls could allow online audiences to participate in modernized “walkabouts”.
  • Updates around major events – Accounts could share more direct messages from the Queen for milestones like her upcoming Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

The Queen is deeply committed to tradition but also recognizes the value of modernizing the monarchy’s image for younger generations. With the right support from her household, limited social media interaction could strike that balance. However, it’s unlikely she will ever embrace the medium as fully as younger royals.

Does the Queen Have Any Social Media Pages for Her Dogs or Horses?

One fun question people sometimes ask is whether the Queen has social media accounts specifically for her beloved corgis or horses. The Queen is known for her lifelong affection for corgis – she currently owns two dogs, Candy and Muick. She also continues riding horseback recreationally despite her age.

Unfortunately there are no official royal social media accounts for the Queen’s pets or horses. Her animals make occasional appearances on the main royal family accounts, like Instagram posts from her corgis awaiting her return to Windsor. But they do not have accounts in their own names.

Some fans have created unofficial parody accounts pretending to be the Queen’s dogs or horses. But Buckingham Palace does not acknowledge these, and there are no indications the Queen runs any lighthearted pet accounts herself. As animal lovers continue hoping for an @corgisoftheroyalfamily Instagram, we will have to follow the real royal pets through the official channels for now!


While Queen Elizabeth II has embraced some modern technology like video calls, she has not personally engaged with social media as part of her public role and duties as monarch. Accounts like the British Monarchy Facebook page provide news on her behalf, but are not controlled directly by the Queen.

Royal protocol, security risks, her age, and desire for personal interactions have kept the Queen from adopting social media herself. You will not find Her Majesty on Facebook. However, she may choose to contribute occasional first-person posts to the royal accounts in future. We are more likely to see younger royals carrying the monarchy’s image forward online.

The Queen still prefers direct in-person connections with the public, handwritten letters, and formal statements. This emphasizes the continuity of tradition she embodies as the world’s longest reigning monarch. With jubilee celebrations approaching in 2022, we may get new glimpses of Queen Elizabeth II’s modern side – but her absence from social media remains one way she maintains an air of royal mystery.