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Is Pakistan is eligible for Facebook monetization?

Is Pakistan is eligible for Facebook monetization?

Facebook monetization allows creators and publishers to earn money from their content on Facebook. There are specific eligibility requirements and steps that need to be followed in order to monetize Facebook content in Pakistan.

Facebook Monetization Eligibility for Pakistan

Here are the key requirements for Facebook monetization eligibility in Pakistan:

  • Page needs to be based in an eligible country – Pakistan is an eligible country
  • Page needs to have at least 10,000 lifetime followers
  • Page needs to have at least 600,000 1-minute views in the last 60 days
  • Page admin needs to be 18 years or older and provide tax info
  • Content must comply with Facebook’s monetization policies and guidelines

These are the core requirements set by Facebook globally for all creators and publishers to be eligible for monetization. Let’s look at each of these in more detail:

Page is based in Pakistan

The Facebook page needs to be registered in an eligible country. Pakistan is one of the countries where Facebook monetization is available, so pages registered in Pakistan meet this requirement.

10,000 lifetime page followers

To apply for monetization, Facebook pages need to have at least 10,000 lifetime followers. This means the total number of page followers accumulated over time, not just monthly active users.

This threshold aims to ensure there is sufficient audience engagement before monetization can be enabled. Reaching 10,000 lifetime followers demonstrates the content has an engaged following.

600,000 1-minute views in last 60 days

In addition to followers, Facebook also has a minimum views threshold. To be eligible, a page needs at least 600,000 1-minute views of their video content in the last 60 days.

This view duration requirement focuses on meaningful video engagement, not just clicks or impressions. Meeting the lifetime followers and 1-minute view requirements shows there is an established audience interested in the content.

Page admin identity and tax info

Facebook requires the page admin to provide their identity information and tax info to begin monetizing. The admin needs to be 18 years or older.

Submitting tax information is part of Facebook’s tax compliance standards globally. The specific tax forms required may vary based on the page admin’s country.

Compliance with content policies

Facebook has detailed content monetization policies that creators need to comply with. All content must align with Facebook’s Community Standards and other guidelines.

Pages that frequently violate policies or share prohibited content like hate speech, nudity, or violence will not be eligible for monetization.

Steps to Apply for Facebook Monetization in Pakistan

Meeting the eligibility criteria is the first step. Once a Facebook page meets the requirements, here is the general process to apply for monetization:

  1. Navigate to Monetization in Facebook Page Settings
  2. Click “Get Started” and agree to terms
  3. Provide page admin identity and tax information
  4. Complete page monetization setup
  5. Add Facebook admin and ad account users
  6. Set up payment information
  7. Turn on Choose ad placements
  8. Wait for Facebook review of application

These are the key steps creators in Pakistan need to go through to set up monetization for their page and content. The approval process may take a few weeks after application.

Navigating to Monetization Settings

The first step is accessing the Monetization menu in Facebook Page Settings. This is where creators can begin the application process.

Go to the Facebook Page and click on Settings in the bottom left. Then scroll and click on Monetization in the left menu. This is where the options to apply and manage monetization will be.

Agreeing to Facebook’s Monetization Policies

To start the application, the page admin must agree to Facebook’s terms for monetization. This covers permission for Facebook to show ads alongside content.

The admin accepts Facebook’s Publisher Terms and Monetization Policies. Agreeing is required before the application can proceed.

Submitting Identity and Tax Information

As mentioned earlier, Facebook requires detailed identity verification and tax info from the page admin to enable monetization. The specific forms and documentation required may vary.

For Pakistan, Facebook may require a copy of a valid National ID card and proof of address documents. Having all required documents ready can help speed up the review process.

Completing Page Monetization Setup

Once initial information is submitted, Facebook guides the page admin through the rest of the monetization setup. This includes:

  • Selecting content types to monetize
  • Specifying placement for video and display ads
  • Agreeing to Facebook’s advertising policies
  • Connecting to ad account and payment information

Properly completing all the steps ensures the page is ready to serve ads and generate revenue once approved.

Adding Facebook Admins and Ad Accounts

Facebook allows adding other admins and connecting ad accounts to the monetizing page. This allows managing collaborators and ad buying/reporting.

Adding admins requires entering the collaborator’s Facebook username. Ad accounts can be added through their numerical account IDs.

Setting Up Payment Information

To receive earnings from monetization, a payment account needs to be linked. Facebook allows linking Stripe or Payoneer accounts to receive earnings directly.

For Pakistan, Stripe may be the easiest option. With Stripe, earnings can be transferred to a local Pakistan bank account.

Turning on Choose Ad Placements

The Choose ad placements option has to be enabled for monetization to be fully set up. This allows Facebook to insert ads alongside content.

Facebook recommends choosing both video and display ad options for optimal monetization. More placements increase earning potential.

Waiting for Facebook’s Review

Once all steps are completed, Facebook reviews the monetization application. This process can take anywhere from 2 days to a few weeks.

If the page meets all eligibility criteria and guidelines, Facebook approves monetization. Earnings begin accumulating based on traffic and engagement.


Pakistan meets Facebook’s country eligibility requirements, allowing local creators and publishers to monetize. By meeting follower, view duration, admin identity, and content guidelines requirements they can submit applications.

Key steps include agreeing to policies, providing tax info, completing setup, adding admins and ad accounts, linking payment accounts, and waiting for review. This process allows monetizing content through relevant Facebook ads.

With Facebook’s large Pakistan userbase, monetization provides an impactful local revenue opportunity. Meeting eligibility criteria and following the onboarding process can help unlock monetization.