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Is news feed the same as timeline on Facebook?

Is news feed the same as timeline on Facebook?

Facebook’s news feed and timeline features serve different purposes and display different types of content, though there is some overlap between the two. The main differences are:

What is Facebook’s News Feed?

The Facebook news feed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of your home page. It includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity, and likes from people, pages, and groups that you follow on Facebook.

The news feed allows you to see a streaming list of updates from your friends, family, groups, and pages that you follow. It aims to show you the content that might be most interesting and relevant to you, using algorithms that analyze your connections and activity on Facebook.

What is Facebook’s Timeline?

Your Facebook timeline is your collection of posts, photos, videos, and life events that you’ve shared on your profile. It’s a visual chronology of your activities and connections on Facebook over the years.

Your timeline serves as your profile page that other people see when they visit your Facebook profile. It allows you to showcase a history of your life events, photos, videos, posts, and other highlights from your time on Facebook.

Key Differences Between News Feed and Timeline

While there is some overlap, with certain content appearing in both places, there are some key differences between what you see in your news feed versus your timeline:

1. News Feed Displays Real-Time Updates

The news feed shows a constantly updating stream of current content from connections. It aims to highlight what might be important right now based on recency, relevance, popularity, and other factors.

2. Timeline Displays a Historical Archive

Your timeline is an archive of your past activities and life events on Facebook. Rather than real-time updates, it serves as a highlights reel of your history on the platform.

3. News Feed Draws From All Your Connections

News feed content comes from all your friends, family, groups, and pages you follow. It amalgamates updates from across your entire network.

4. Timeline Focuses on Your Own Content

While others can post on your timeline, it is primarily composed of content and information that you have posted yourself over the years.

5. Feed Content is Temporary and Time-Sensitive

Items rapidly scroll through your news feed based on relevance. Staying power depends on engagement. Unliked posts quickly disappear from view.

6. Timeline Content is Permanent and Archived

Unless deleted, posts added to your timeline remain there as a permanent record. Your timeline maintains a retrospective of your journey on Facebook.

7. Feed Content Includes Advertisements

Facebook frequently injects ads directly into your news feed between posts. Marketing spots are personalized based on your profile and activity.

8. Your Timeline Does Not Have Advertisements

Facebook does not put paid ads directly on personal timelines. However, pages you like may occasionally post promos to your timeline.

9. Anyone Can See Your Timeline

By default, anyone on or off Facebook can see your timeline. Your profile is generally public unless you adjust the privacy settings.

10. Your Feed is Private

Only you can see your own customized news feed. Friends can’t view what posts show up in your personal feed.

Similarities Between News Feed and Timeline

Despite their differences, news feed and timeline also have some overlap in purpose and content:

1. Both Display Chronological Content

While not strictly chronological, both news feed and timeline tend to show newer posts first, with older content scrolling down.

2. You Can Post Content to Both

You can share posts, photos, life events, and other updates to either your feed or timeline.

3. Content Can Appear in Both Places

Updates you post to your timeline will often also show up in the news feeds of your friends. What you share to your feed may also end up on your timeline.

4. Both Show Updates From Friends

Friends can post and interact with content on both your news feed and your timeline. Both features include updates from your social network.

5. Both Track Life Events

Major life events often get shared to both news feed and timeline, memorializing key moments.

6. Both Allow Tagging People

When tagging friends in posts, their names appear in news feeds and timelines wherever you tag them.

7. Both Showcase Who You Are

Though in different ways, news feed and timeline both demonstrate your interests, connections, and chosen life highlights.


In summary, while your Facebook news feed and timeline overlap in some ways, they serve distinct purposes:

  • News feed shows a real-time, private flow of updates from all connections.
  • Timeline publicly archives your personal journey and highlights.

However, the same life events and updates can often appear in both places. And both represent who you are and what you care about to different audiences.

Facebook News Feed Facebook Timeline
Real-time stream of updates Archive of your journey on Facebook
Updates from all connections Focuses on your own content
Temporary, timely posts Permanent retrospective
Contains advertisements No ads
Private to you Public to anyone

So in summary, the news feed gives a live, personalized stream of content from across your network. Your timeline chronicles your personal history and profile on Facebook for public view.

Despite some overlap, these two core features ultimately serve different purposes for different audiences on the Facebook platform.