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Is my instagram reel public?

Whether your Instagram reel is public or private depends on your account’s privacy settings. By default, Instagram accounts and the content you post is public. This means anyone on Instagram can see your reels unless you change your account to private.

What are public Instagram accounts and reels?

A public Instagram account means anyone on Instagram can view your profile and see the content you share without needing to follow you or send a follow request. When your reels are public, they can show up on the Explore page and be seen by people who don’t follow you.

Public accounts and reels have the widest reach on Instagram. Making your account public allows you to easily connect with new people, grow your following, and maximize engagement on your reels.

Here are some key things to know about public Instagram accounts and reels:

  • Anyone can view your profile and reels without following you
  • Your reels can appear on the Explore page and Reels feed
  • You can be found in searches on Instagram
  • You have no control over who sees your content
  • It’s easier to quickly grow a large following and get more views

What are private Instagram accounts and reels?

A private Instagram account means only approved followers can see your posts and reels. When your account is private, people have to send you a follow request if they want to see your content.

Private accounts give you more control over who interacts with you on Instagram. Your existing followers will still be able to see your private reels, but private content has a more limited reach as it won’t show up on public feeds to people who don’t follow you.

Here are some key things to know about private Instagram accounts and reels:

  • Only approved followers can view your profile and reels
  • Your reels won’t appear on Explore or in public feeds
  • You won’t show up in Instagram searches
  • You control who can see your content
  • It’s harder to quickly grow a large following

How to make your Instagram reels public

If you want your Instagram reels to be public, your account privacy setting needs to be set to public. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three-line menu in the top right
  2. Select “Settings” from the menu
  3. Tap “Privacy”
  4. Next to “Account Privacy”, ensure the toggle is switched to public (green)

Once your account is set to public, all existing and new reels you post will automatically be public. They will be visible to anyone on Instagram and can appear on public feeds like Explore.

How to make your Instagram reels private

To make your reels private, your Instagram account privacy setting needs to be switched to private. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three-line menu
  2. Select “Settings” then tap “Privacy”
  3. Next to “Account Privacy”, switch the toggle to private (grey)

After making your account private, your existing reels will only be visible to approved followers. Any new reels you post while your account is private will also only be seen by your followers.

Can you choose specific reels to be private or public?

No, it’s not possible to set individual Instagram reels to private or public. The privacy setting of each reel depends on your account privacy status. All reels will inherit the same privacy level as your account.

If your account is public, all your reels will be public. And if your account is private, all reels will be private. The only way to change the privacy status of specific reels is to switch your entire account between public and private.

Private account exceptions

Even if your Instagram account is set to private, there are a couple scenarios where your reels may still be seen publicly:

  • Reels with music: If you use popular songs, your reel may appear on public feeds like the Explore page that showcase reels featuring that song.
  • Re-sharing: If someone who follows you re-shares your reel to their own public Story or feed, people who don’t follow you can see it.

So while having a private account limits public visibility, your reels aren’t 100% hidden from non-followers in all cases.

Considerations for choosing public or private

Deciding whether to have a public or private Instagram account depends on your goals and preferences for sharing content. Here are some things to consider:

  • Public accounts make it easier to get discovered by new people and grow your audience.
  • Private accounts let you control who sees your content and follows you.
  • A public personal account allows you to connect with lots of people easily.
  • A private personal account provides more privacy and exclusivity.
  • Public business accounts help maximize reach and brand awareness.
  • Private business accounts are good for niche brands with a specific target audience.

Weigh up the pros and cons and choose the option that best fits your needs. You can always switch between public and private later if you change your mind.

How to switch between public and private

It’s easy to change your Instagram account privacy setting at any time. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three-line menu
  2. Select “Settings” then “Privacy”
  3. Tap the “Account Privacy” option
  4. Toggle between public or private based on your preference

When you switch from private to public, your pending follow requests will be approved automatically. And when you switch from public to private, you’ll have to manually approve each new request to see your reels.

Reel privacy on Instagram profiles

In addition to choosing between public and private accounts, you can also control where your reels appear on your own profile, regardless of your account privacy setting.

By default, your reels are shown on the main grid of your profile. But you can choose to:

  • Only show them on your dedicated Reels tab
  • Hide them from your profile entirely

To edit reel visibility on your profile:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three-line menu
  2. Select “Settings” then “Privacy”
  3. Tap “Reels” and choose your preferred reel visibility option

This lets you customize where your reels appear on your own profile, while your broader account privacy setting controls public visibility on Instagram.

Questions to ask when choosing reel privacy

Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself when deciding on the right reel privacy setting for your needs:

  • Who do I want to be able to see my reels?
  • Am I trying to grow my audience and get maximum visibility?
  • Do I prefer tighter control over who interacts with my content?
  • Am I comfortable with my reels potentially being reshared publicly by others?
  • Do I want to limit my online exposure and keep my account more exclusive?
  • Will a public or private account better suit my goals?

Considering both the pros and cons for your specific situation will help guide your reel privacy choice.

Other Instagram privacy controls

In addition to your overall account privacy setting, Instagram gives you other ways to control visibility and engagement:

  • Story privacy – Choose whether to share stories with followers, close friends, or a custom list
  • Likes and views – Hide public like counts and video view counts
  • Comments – Limit who can comment on your posts
  • Tags – Approve tags of your account before posts go live
  • Blocking – Block other accounts from interacting with you

Experiment with these settings to customize your preferred level of privacy on Instagram beyond just the broader public/private account options.

The takeaway on reel privacy

Ultimately, the decision between sharing Instagram reels publicly or privately comes down to your specific circumstances and comfort level. Consider both the benefits of reach and discoverability from a public account as well as the greater exclusivity of a private account.

Weigh up what matters most to you. And remember, you can change your settings later on if you want more flexibility. Instagram gives you control over your reel privacy, so choose the option that feels right for your needs and preferences.