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Is my Facebook password saved on my iPhone?

Is my Facebook password saved on my iPhone?

Many iPhone users log into Facebook through the Facebook app on their phones. This leads to the common question – is my Facebook password being saved somewhere on my iPhone?

The short answer is: maybe. It depends on your iPhone settings and whether you allow the Facebook app to save your login information.

Facebook passwords are never stored directly on your iPhone in plain text. However, the Facebook app may cache an encrypted version of your login credentials if you allow it to “remember” your login.

Your Facebook password could also potentially be stored in your iPhone’s iCloud Keychain if you enable that feature. The iCloud Keychain is encrypted and would require your device passcode to access.

So in summary:

  • Facebook passwords are not directly visible on your iPhone
  • The Facebook app may cache an encrypted version of your password if you enable “Remember Me”
  • Your password could be stored securely in the iCloud Keychain

Read on for a more detailed overview of where and how Facebook passwords could be stored on your iPhone.

Is My Facebook Password Visible on my iPhone?

Let’s start with the simple answer – there is no way to directly view your raw Facebook password text on your iPhone. Apple does not allow applications to store passwords in plain text for security reasons.

So you don’t need to worry about anyone being able to pick up your phone, open an app, and immediately see your Facebook password.

With that said, there are some scenarios where an encrypted version of your Facebook password could potentially be retrieved from your iPhone. Let’s look at those next.

Facebook App Login Credentials

The official Facebook app for iPhone allows you to enable a “Remember Me” option when you log in. This stores an encrypted copy of your Facebook login credentials in the app itself.

The purpose is so you don’t have to type your username and password every time you open the Facebook app. Your credentials are re-used to automatically log you in.

This encrypted credential cache is stored inside the Facebook app’s own data directory and is not accessible by other apps on your iPhone. However, someone with access to your unlocked phone could potentially extract the encrypted credentials. At that point, they would need to crack the encryption to reveal the password.

You can disable the “Remember Me” function in the Facebook app by:

  1. Going to the Settings tab in the app
  2. Tap on Account Settings
  3. Turn off the “Remember Me” option

This will prevent Facebook from caching your credentials on your iPhone. You would need to manually enter your username and password each time instead.

iCloud Keychain Passwords

The iCloud Keychain is Apple’s secure password management system. It allows you to store website and app passwords in your iCloud account, encrypted with a key derived from your device passcode.

If you have iCloud Keychain enabled, any passwords you enter and save on your iPhone can be synced to iCloud and across your other Apple devices.

This includes your Facebook password – if you save it to a login form, it will be stored in iCloud Keychain. The password is encrypted in iCloud and can only be accessed on devices where you enter the correct passcode.

To check if you have any saved iCloud Keychain passwords on your iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > Passwords
  2. Enter your iPhone passcode if prompted
  3. You will see a list of saved website and app passwords

If you do not want Facebook passwords saved to iCloud Keychain, make sure you do not select “Save Password” when logging into Facebook on any Apple device. You can also go into Settings > Passwords and delete any stored Facebook passwords.

Is My Facebook Password Secure on my iPhone?

Given that your Facebook password is not directly visible in plain text anywhere on your iPhone, you may be wondering how secure it is if stored in encrypted form.

The short answer is that your encrypted Facebook login credentials are designed to be very secure on your iPhone and difficult for an unauthorized person to access. Here are the key reasons why:

Strong Encryption

Both the Facebook app credential cache and iCloud Keychain use industry-standard encryption to protect your passwords.

The Facebook app likely uses AES-256 or similar encryption which would require an extremely powerful computer to brute force. iCloud Keychain uses end-to-end encryption where the keys are stored locally on your devices.

So in both cases, the encrypted passwords are not easily accessible without your iPhone’s passcode as the decryption key.

Additional Authentication Required

To access your saved Facebook credentials from the Facebook app, someone would need to unlock your iPhone in addition to extracting the encrypted data. This provides an additional layer of security.

For iCloud Keychain passwords, the encrypted credentials can only be decrypted and used after entering the passcode on one of your approved devices. So your Facebook password is not accessible from iCloud directly.

Remote Wipe Capabilities

If your iPhone is ever lost or stolen, you can remotely wipe the device which removes all encrypted credentials and data stored locally. This applies to both the Facebook app cache and iCloud Keychain.

So you don’t have to worry about stored credentials remaining on your device indefinitely if it ends up missing. You can remotely render them inaccessible.

How to Check if Facebook Password is Stored on iPhone

If you want to verify whether your Facebook login credentials are currently stored on your iPhone, here are some steps you can follow:

Check Facebook App Settings

Open the Facebook app and go to Settings > Account Settings. Look for the “Remember Me” option:

  • If turned ON – your Facebook login is cached in the app
  • If turned OFF – your Facebook login is not cached

You can toggle this option to enable/disable login caching in the Facebook app.

Look for iCloud Keychain Passwords

Go to iPhone Settings > Passwords and enter your passcode if prompted. Check if “Facebook” or the Facebook website URL appears in the list of saved passwords.

If yes, your Facebook password is stored in iCloud Keychain. You can delete it from this list if you do not want it saved.

Try Disabling iCloud Keychain

Temporarily turning off iCloud Keychain is another way to check if your Facebook password is stored there.

Go to Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud > Keychain and turn off iCloud Keychain. Then try logging into Facebook – if it still auto-fills your password, it is cached in the app instead of iCloud.

Log Out Fully from Facebook

Logging out fully from Facebook will clear any cached credentials on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Facebook app
  2. Go to Settings > Account Settings > Log Out
  3. Choose “Log Out of All Sessions” when prompted

Then try logging back in. If Facebook prompts you to re-enter your password instead of auto-filling, the app no longer has cached credentials.

How to Remove Saved Facebook Passwords on iPhone

If you want to make sure your Facebook password is not stored anywhere on your device, here are the steps to remove any saved copies:

Turn Off “Remember Me” in Facebook App

Go to Facebook App > Settings > Account Settings and turn off the “Remember Me” option. This will prevent Facebook from caching your login credentials.

Delete iCloud Keychain Passwords

Go to Settings > Passwords, enter your passcode, and delete any saved Facebook passwords by tapping the “X” icon next to the entry.

Log Out Fully from Facebook

Log out fully from Facebook on your device using the steps outlined earlier. This will clear any residual credential cache.

Change Your Facebook Password

You can also reset your Facebook password directly through the Facebook website or app. This will invalidate any saved passwords on your device.

Once you’ve taken these steps, Facebook should prompt you for your full login credentials each time instead of auto-filling anything. No passwords will persist on your iPhone.

Best Practices for Storing Passwords on iPhone

If you do want to store your Facebook password on your iPhone for convenience, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a strong, unique password – Makes it much harder to crack
  • Enable 2-factor authentication – Adds an extra layer of security
  • Use iCloud Keychain rather than app credential caching – More secure and convenient
  • Enable passcode and Touch ID/Face ID – Adds secure screen lock protection
  • Log out fully after using Facebook on shared devices – Prevents access by others
  • Monitor your account activity – Watch for any unauthorized access attempts

Following these tips will help ensure your Facebook login credentials remain protected even if stored on your iPhone in encrypted form.

Storing Facebook Passwords on Other Mobile Devices

The approach to handling stored Facebook passwords is similar across other mobile platforms like Android. Here is a quick overview:

Android Devices

  • Facebook app can cache encrypted password if “Remember Me” is enabled
  • Passwords can be stored in Google Smart Lock if configured
  • Encrypted passwords remain difficult to access without unlocking device
  • Can wipe device and reset Facebook password remotely if lost/stolen

Windows Phones

  • Facebook app may cache encrypted password on login
  • Credentials secured behind device lock screen passcode
  • Stored passwords can be wiped remotely if phone is lost

So the overall security principles are similar – encrypted passwords protected by device lock screen and remote wipe capabilities. The implementation details vary across platforms.

What If My Password is Compromised?

If you believe your Facebook password has been compromised, here are the steps you should take:

  1. Change your Facebook password immediately – Use a new strong and unique password
  2. Log out of all sessions from Account Settings
  3. Enable 2-factor authentication if you haven’t already
  4. Check for any suspicious posts or messages from your account
  5. Run anti-virus on devices where you use Facebook

You may also want to remove any saved Facebook passwords from your devices and re-enter the new one manually going forward.

Enabling login approvals adds an extra layer of security, requiring you to enter a code from your mobile device when logging in from new browsers. This prevents unauthorized logins even if your main password is obtained.

Monitoring your account closely over the next few weeks will help ensure no further unauthorized access. Notify Facebook as well if you believe your account was compromised.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my Facebook password stored in iCloud?

Your raw Facebook password is not directly stored in iCloud. However, an encrypted version could be stored in your iCloud Keychain if you have that enabled and chose to save your Facebook login.

Can someone see my Facebook password on my locked iPhone?

No, your Facebook password is not visible on your lock screen or accessible before entering your iPhone’s passcode. It may be stored in encrypted form which requires decryption.

Does Find My iPhone show saved passwords?

No, Find My iPhone only shows your device location and allows remote wipe. It does not reveal any encrypted credentials stored on your device.

Can Facebook see my iPhone password?

No, Facebook has no visibility into or access to your device passwords, iCloud Keychain, or any locally encrypted credentials on your iPhone. These are only accessible on your device.

What’s the best iPhone password manager?

iCloud Keychain is a secure and convenient built-in password manager for iPhone. Third-party options like 1Password and LastPass also work well. Only use trusted apps with strong encryption.


While your raw Facebook password is not directly visible or stored on your iPhone, encrypted versions may persist in app credential caches or iCloud Keychain if enabled. These remain securely encrypted requiring your passcode to decrypt.

You can manage these saved credentials in the Facebook app and iCloud Keychain settings on your iPhone. It’s also good practice to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication for your Facebook account.

With proper precautions, saving your Facebook login on your iPhone can be done safely. However, you may prefer manually entering it each time for maximum security. Avoiding password reuse across accounts is also important to contain any potential breaches.

In summary, your Facebook password is not plainly visible on your iPhone, but fragments may be securely stored in encrypted form depending on your configuration. These remain protected behind additional authentication, encryption and remote wipe capabilities provided by Apple.