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Is My Facebook account permanently deleted?

Is My Facebook account permanently deleted?

Many Facebook users decide to delete their accounts for various reasons – privacy concerns, too much time spent on the platform, wanting a break from social media, etc. When you make the choice to delete your Facebook account, one question naturally arises: Is this deletion permanent, or can my account be reactivated if I change my mind?

The short answer is that yes, deleting your Facebook account can be permanent and irreversible if done correctly. However, the process is a bit more nuanced than simply selecting the “Delete Account” option.

In this article, we’ll walk through everything you need to know about permanently deleting your Facebook account, including:

  • How to properly delete your Facebook account
  • If deleted accounts can be restored
  • What happens to your data when your account is deleted
  • Alternative options besides full account deletion

Understanding the ins and outs of account deletion will ensure you can make the right choice for your situation.

How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account

Deleting your Facebook account is a simple process, but there are specific steps you need to take to ensure it is permanent:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click on “Settings” and then “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar
  4. Click on “Deactivation and Deletion”
  5. Choose “Permanently Delete Account” and then “Continue to Account Deletion”
  6. Select “Delete Account”

Once you complete these steps, your account should be scheduled for deletion. Note that it typically takes up to 90 days for Facebook to fully delete all of your data from their servers and backups. During this time your account is in a deactivated state, and can be reactivated if you log back in.

However, once those 90 days are up, the deletion is final and your access, data, and profile are all removed permanently. There is no way to retrieve the account or data after that point.

Things to Know About the Deletion Process

Here are some key things to keep in mind about permanently deleting your Facebook account:

  • You must wait 14 days after initial deactivation before you can permanently delete your account.
  • Logging back in during the 14-day wait period will reactivate your account.
  • You can still use Messenger during the 14-day period.
  • Facebook will send an email prior to permanent deletion to give you a chance to cancel.
  • Any Facebook-owned apps like Instagram or WhatsApp will not be deleted.

Following the proper steps exactly is crucial to ensure your Facebook account gets permanently removed within the 90 day deletion timeframe.

Can a Deleted Facebook Account Be Restored?

As mentioned above, during the initial 14-day deactivation period and 90-day deletion pending phase, it is possible to restore a deleted Facebook account simply by logging back in.

However, once the full 90-day deletion process is complete, Facebook does not allow previously deleted accounts to be restored. The deletion is permanent, and there is no way to reactivate or retrieve the account.

Some key things to know about deleted account restoration:

  • Facebook does not have an account recovery process for deleted accounts
  • Contacting Facebook support will not lead to restored access
  • Any account with the same name/email cannot be recreated after deletion
  • All personally identifiable data is removed from Facebook servers
  • Backup copies of the data are also deleted within 90 days

So in summary – once your Facebook account reaches the 90 day deletion mark, there is unfortunately no going back. The account is gone for good along with all of your data, friends list, photos, posts, and profile information.

What if You Deleted Your Account By Mistake?

Since permanent deletion is irreversible, this can be problematic if you accidentally deleted your Facebook account. Here are some tips if you find yourself in this situation:

  • If less than 14 days, log back in immediately to stop the deletion
  • If 14-90 days, try contacting Facebook support for help
  • See if you can provide verification info to prove account ownership
  • Use account recovery tips for hacked accounts just in case
  • Be prepared that the account may not be recoverable

Mistaken account deletion is an unfortunate situation, but the reality is after those 90 days there is likely no way to get your account back. Be very cautious wheninitiating the permanent deletion process to avoid this scenario.

What Happens to Your Facebook Data When Your Account is Deleted?

Given Facebook’s sheer scale and amount of user data, you may wonder what happens to all of your personal information when your account gets deleted.

Here is an overview of how Facebook handles data deletion:

  • Profile information is removed from the Facebook servers
  • Posts, photos, videos, and other content is deleted
  • Your friends list and contacts get erased
  • Backup copies are scheduled for deletion within 90 days
  • Your data still exists in Facebook analytics and metrics
  • Advertisers may retain some data for separate tracking

In general, anything that uniquely identifies you as a specific Facebook user will get purged from their systems. However, some anonymous or aggregated analytics data may remain even after your account is gone.

Is My Data Deleted from Everywhere?

Given how much data Facebook collects, it is reasonable to wonder if it is truly deleted from every corner of their systems.

In reality, many technology experts believe that some portion of your data or identity likely remains in Facebook’s analytics infrastructure even if your account is deleted. A few key points:

  • Analytics data does not get deleted, even if made anonymous
  • Backup systems are complex – deletions could fail
  • Advertisers and partners may retain portions of data
  • Completely purging all user data at Facebook’s scale is challenging
  • Facebook’s interests likely favor data retention where possible

So while Facebook claims to delete the data that identifies you as a user, expect that fragments of analytics-related information remain in their systems indefinitely.

What are the Options Besides Deleting Your Facebook Account?

Permanently deleting your Facebook account is a dramatic, irreversible step. In many cases, users may want to consider some less drastic options first:

  • Temporarily deactivate account – You can deactivate temporarily for up to 14 days instead of fully closing.
  • Increase privacy settings – Restrict data access, limit old posts visibility, unfriend connections.
  • Remove app permissions – Revoke access to third party apps and sites.
  • Unlike pages – Stop seeing content from brands and media in your feed.
  • Unfollow friends – Stay connected but their posts don’t show up in feed.
  • Limit usage – Set a daily time limit for Facebook app usage.

These less permanent alternatives provide options to maintain your account while addressing concerns like privacy or overuse. They can serve as temporary solutions before resorting to full account deletion.

Which Option Should You Choose?

Determining the right approach depends on your specific reasons for wanting to delete Facebook. Consider the pros and cons of these alternatives:

Option Pros Cons
Deactivate account – Temporary break from Facebook
– Maintain account access
– Data remains with Facebook
– Hard to resist reactivation
Increase privacy – Limit data visibility
– Maintain connectivity
– Account still active
– Time consuming process
Remove app permissions – Increase privacy
– Easy to do
– Limited privacy benefits
Unlike pages – Control feed content
– Quick to do
– Doesn’t limit data access

Overall, temporarily deactivating your account is the best middle ground if you want a break from Facebook without fully committing to deletion.


Deleting your Facebook account can be a great way to take control of your privacy and online habits. However, the process needs to be done correctly in order to ensure your account and data are permanently removed.

Be aware that within the 90 day deletion period, it is possible to recover your account if you change your mind. But once your account reaches the 90 day mark, there is likely no going back even if you had second thoughts.

Overall, deleting Facebook can be done permanently, but be absolutely sure it is the right choice for your situation before pulling the plug on your account. Utilize some of the other options outlined here like deactivation or increased privacy settings if you want to take smaller steps away from Facebook first.

The Key Takeaways

  • Permanently deleting your Facebook account removes your data and profile from their servers within 90 days
  • There is no account recovery process once full deletion is complete
  • Some anonymous analytics data may remain even if your account is deleted
  • Alternatives like temporary deactivation let you take a break without full commitment
  • Be 100% sure before deleting your account, as there is limited recourse once it’s gone

Hopefully this guide provides the details needed to decide if permanently deleting your Facebook account is the right decision for you. Always think carefully before taking this irreversible step, and consider alternative options that may accomplish your goals without fully deleting your presence on the platform.