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Is multiple tools for Facebook safe?

Is multiple tools for Facebook safe?

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become an integral part of many people’s lives for connecting with friends, family, colleagues, customers and more. As a result, many Facebook users rely on third-party tools and apps to help enhance their experience on the platform.

While some tools provide useful functionality, using multiple third-party Facebook tools does come with potential risks that users should be aware of. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using multiple Facebook tools and provide tips on how to use them safely.

The appeal of using multiple Facebook tools

There are many reasons why Facebook users may be drawn to using multiple third-party tools and apps for the platform:

  • More functionality – Tools can provide additional features not available on Facebook alone, like enhanced analytics, auto-posting, etc.
  • Time savings – Automation tools can save time spent on manual tasks like posting and messaging.
  • Convenience – It’s easy to grant access for tools to work with your Facebook account.
  • Targeted solutions – Developers create tools tailored to specific goals like social media marketing, customer service, etc.

With so many tools out there promising to improve aspects of the Facebook experience, it’s tempting for users to grant access to multiple apps in order to unlock more capabilities.

Risks of using multiple Facebook tools

However, while Facebook tools can provide useful functionality, having several integrated with your account at once does pose some risks:

  • Security vulnerabilities – Each additional app granted account access increases the potential points of vulnerability if the tool’s security is compromised.
  • Privacy concerns – Tools may collect more data than necessary from your account.
  • Malicious activity – There is potential for tools to use account access maliciously, like spreading spam.
  • Account restrictions – Facebook may flag accounts using multiple third-party apps for review or restrictions.
  • Loss of control – It becomes difficult to keep track of what tools have access and what they are posting or messaging on your behalf.

Therefore, the more tools connected to your account, the greater the risks of issues arising. It’s important to be cautious and selective when granting account access.

Tips for safely using multiple Facebook tools

If you do plan to use multiple third-party Facebook tools, here are some tips to stay safe:

  • Only grant access to reputable, well-known tools that come from established developers.
  • Check app reviews and do research to confirm tools are legitimate before connecting.
  • Only connect tools with purposes that align and don’t overlap to minimize redundant access.
  • Review the permissions being requested and only allow access needed for the tool’s role.
  • Revoke app access immediately if you cease using a tool so it can’t continue accessing your account.
  • Use strong unique passwords for your Facebook account and any connected tools.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account for an extra layer of security.
  • Regularly check your Facebook activity log to identify any unexpected posts or actions from connected tools.
  • Scan connected apps and remove any that are unused, outdated or unnecessary to limit access points.

Top Facebook tools and whether they are safe to use

To help provide a sense of whether some of the most popular Facebook tools are relatively safe options or not, here is a breakdown of some top tools:

Tool Purpose Is it safe?
Buffer Social media scheduling Yes, Buffer is well-established and trusted
Hootsuite Social media management Yes, safe option from reputable provider
BuzzSumo Content research Yes, good safety record as leading content insights tool
ReviveSocial Social media analytics Likely safe, but newer tool so continue monitoring
MeetEdgar Social media scheduler Yes, very popular scheduling tool
Followerwonk Twitter analytics Exercise caution, mainly targets Twitter not Facebook
Social Rank Social media analytics Concerns over privacy policy, avoid connecting
Social Report Analytics and monitoring Yes, safe and recommended
Augur Social listening Newer tool, continue monitoring usage

This table provides a sampling of some popular tools, whether they are considered relatively safe to use or if there are concerns over potential risks of integrating them with your Facebook account and data.


Using multiple third-party Facebook tools can provide additional functionality and convenience, but also exposes you to potential security, privacy and account risks. It’s important to be selective about which tools you connect to your account and limit access to only necessary, reputable apps that align with your usage goals.

Conduct research before connecting tools, review permissions requested, monitor account activity and revoke access immediately if integrating a tool is no longer needed. With proper precautions, you can more safely take advantage of helpful tools to enhance your Facebook experience.

At the end of the day, it comes down to making smart, informed choices about which tools are truly necessary and limiting access to only essential, trusted apps in order to minimize risks.

Proceed cautiously, selectively and monitor closely. And if in doubt, disconnect tools that you aren’t actively using or that seem risky rather than maintaining unused access that could leave you vulnerable.

By following security best practices around Facebook tools, you can unlock helpful functionality from third-party apps while also keeping your account and data protected.

Multiple tools can be used safely with proper precautions, research and monitoring. But it’s always wise to limit connected apps to the essentials – more doesn’t always mean better when it comes to Facebook tools.

Stay vigilant, review permissions and activity regularly, and only use tools you truly need from developers you trust. This will allow you to tap into added capabilities securely while maintaining control over your account and privacy.

With a few sensible safeguards, third-party apps don’t have to post risks as long as you are selective and proactive about monitoring and securing your account. Do your research, limit unnecessary access and routinely check in on connected tools.

Making informed decisions about Facebook apps will let you safely reap the benefits of additional functionality without compromising your security and peace of mind.