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Is Lord Kebun going back to Twitch?

Is Lord Kebun going back to Twitch?

Lord Kebun is one of the most popular GTA RP streamers and content creators on platforms like Twitch and Facebook Gaming. He has amassed a huge following across various platforms over the years. However, he made the controversial decision to switch from Twitch to streaming exclusively on Facebook Gaming in 2020. This left many of his fans wondering if he will ever return to Twitch. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind Lord Kebun’s departure from Twitch, analyze the pros and cons of streaming on Facebook Gaming, and look at the speculation around whether he might return to Twitch anytime soon.

Why did Lord Kebun leave Twitch?

Lord Kebun spent many years building up his audience and community on Twitch. By early 2020, he had over 800,000 followers and was one of the leading GTA RP streamers on the platform. However, in May 2020 he announced he would be leaving Twitch to stream full-time on Facebook Gaming. This shocked many of his fans and the wider Twitch community.

There were a few key reasons behind Kebun’s decision:

  • Exclusivity deal – Facebook Gaming reportedly offered him a very lucrative exclusivity deal to stream solely on their platform. This likely included a large upfront payment and/or favorable revenue split terms.
  • Reduced restrictions – Kebun suggested Twitch’s increased DMCA restrictions around music made it difficult for him to stream GTA RP how he wanted.
  • Opportunity to stand out – By moving to a newer platform like Facebook Gaming, Kebun likely saw a chance to get more promotion and quickly become one of the top streamers there.

The money and chance to grow his brand were likely the driving factors in his exit from Twitch after more than 5 years streaming there.

The pros and cons of streaming on Facebook Gaming

Kebun’s move to Facebook Gaming provided some advantages but also some notable drawbacks:


  • Lucrative contract – His exclusivity deal with Facebook gave him a big payday upfront.
  • Reduced DMCA restrictions – Facebook has been more lax about DMCA, allowing him to freely play background music during GTA RP.
  • Top streamer status – He quickly became one of the biggest stars on the platform, receiving a lot of promotion from Facebook Gaming.
  • Potential for growth – Facebook Gaming is newer and growing, giving him a chance to be an early top creator on the platform.


  • Smaller audience – Facebook Gaming trails far behind Twitch in terms of total users and viewership numbers.
  • Technical difficulties – Facebook Gaming was very new and had some technical issues impacting stream quality at first.
  • Fan backlash – Many of his dedicated fans were upset about leaving Twitch and hesitant to switch platforms.
  • Less exposure – It’s harder to attract new fans and viewers on Facebook Gaming compared to being on Twitch.

While the move clearly had some benefits, the smaller audience size and technical difficulties likely made it challenging for Kebun to maintain the same viewership and fan interaction.

Has Lord Kebun hinted at returning to Twitch?

Most of the talk around Kebun potentially returning to Twitch is just speculation by fans and industry insiders. However, there are a few subtle signs he could be open to going back to Twitch someday:

  • Keeping Twitch channels – He still maintains his Twitch channels rather than deleting them, suggesting he may want the option to return.
  • Frustrations with Facebook – He’s voiced some complaints about ongoing issues with Facebook Gaming at times.
  • Twitch nostalgia – Kebun occasionally mentions missing aspects of being on Twitch or reminisces about his Twitch days.
  • Exclusivity deal ending – His exclusivity contract with Facebook reportedly lasts 2 years, so he may have more options in 2022.

While not concrete evidence, these factors suggest Kebun isn’t necessarily married to Facebook Gaming forever. But it’s also possible he’s simply keeping his options open in a calculated way.

What are the chances Lord Kebun goes back to Twitch in 2022 or 2023?

It’s challenging to predict the chances of Lord Kebun returning to Twitch anytime in the near future. However, here are some of the key considerations:

  • Length of Facebook deal – If he originally signed a 2 year exclusivity deal in 2020, that could preclude going back to Twitch until 2022 at the earliest.
  • Facebook Gaming growth – If Facebook Gaming sees strong continued growth, that makes staying more appealing for visibility and money.
  • Audience feedback – If his core fans continue asking for a Twitch return consistently, it may increase the chances of him switching back.
  • Twitch DMCA policies – If Twitch eases up on DMCA restrictions, that eliminates one of his original reasons for leaving.
  • YouTube streaming – Kebun has discussed potentially expanding into YouTube streaming. This could satisfy his desire for a new platform rather than returning to Twitch right away.

Based on these factors, the chances of returning to Twitch in 2022 seem moderate. But a lot can change in terms of platform fortunes, audience demand, and Kebun’s preferences. 2023 may be more likely, but it’s not a guarantee by any means.

What could bring Lord Kebun back to Twitch?

Aside from his exclusivity contract ending, a few key things could potentially entice Lord Kebun to return to Twitch:

  • Eased DMCA restrictions – This was a major gripe of his before leaving. If Twitch relaxes music rules, this benefit of Facebook diminishes.
  • A massive financial offer – Twitch could make their own exclusivity offer to lure him back, like Mixer did with Ninja.
  • Viewer milestone promises – Big viewer count guarantees could provide incentive to return to Twitch’s larger platform.
  • Desire to reconnect with audience – If he decides the pros of accessing his old Twitch fanbase outweigh the cons of starting over, nostalgia could play a role.
  • Declining Facebook audience – If Facebook Gaming growth stalls, loss of viewers could pressure a switch back to Twitch.

The most likely scenario seems to be Twitch creating a more creator-friendly DMCA policy environment combined with a tempting financial offer. But Kebun also seems to value creative freedom and viewer engagement, so if those suffer on Facebook, Twitch may begin looking favorable again.

What challenges would a Twitch return present for Lord Kebun?

If Lord Kebun ever decides to leave Facebook Gaming and return to Twitch streaming, he’ll face some notable challenges:

  • Rebuilding audience – Much of his original Twitch audience may have moved on, forcing him to regrow his sub count.
  • Adapting to DMCA – If Twitch policies are still restrictive, adapting streams to avoid music DMCA issues will be difficult.
  • Competing with new stars – New streamers have grown in popularity on Twitch since he left, increasing competition for viewers.
  • Facebook exclusivity – Depending on his contract terms, he could be prohibited from streaming anywhere else for a period of time.
  • Cynicism about “chasing checks” – Some fans may see a Twitch return as opportunistic rather than a value-driven decision.

Navigating these hurdles while rebuilding his audience and persona on Twitch presents a major challenge. But the large built-in Twitch audience still offers major upside if he can overcome these obstacles.

Platform User Base Revenue Split DMCA Policies
Twitch 30+ million daily active users 50% for partners Very strict
Facebook Gaming 5 million+ daily active users 50% or more for partners More lax

This table compares some key attributes of Twitch vs Facebook Gaming as live streaming platforms.


In the end, it’s impossible to definitively say whether or when Lord Kebun may return to Twitch streaming. His exclusive deal with Facebook Gaming likely precludes any switch in the near term. However, Twitch’s larger audience, easing of DMCA restrictions, or enticing financial offers could provide incentive to go back someday. While Facebook Gaming has benefited from having such a big name, the loss of his original passionate fanbase remains a challenge. Kebun’s eventual platform choice may come down to a combination of ideal creative freedom, financial reward, and community engagement. But for now, his streaming home remains solely on Facebook Gaming as he continues delivering innovative GTA RP content to his dedicated fans worldwide.