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Is it safe to upload ID to Facebook to recover account?

Is it safe to upload ID to Facebook to recover account?

Uploading an ID to Facebook to recover an account is a common practice, but is it safe? There are risks and benefits to consider when sharing personal identification over the internet. This article examines the security issues, alternatives, and best practices around using ID verification on Facebook.

The Risks of Uploading ID to Facebook

Sharing any personal information online comes with inherent risks. When you upload an ID to Facebook, here are some of the potential dangers:

  • Identity theft – Your ID contains sensitive info like your full legal name, birthdate, and address. This data in the wrong hands could enable identity fraud.
  • Account compromise – If hackers gained access to the ID you uploaded, they could leverage it to compromise or take over your account.
  • Data misuse – Facebook could potentially misuse your ID data for advertising or other purposes not disclosed to you.
  • Data breach – Your ID could be exposed in a data breach if Facebook’s systems are compromised.
  • Location tracking – ID documents may enable more accurate location tracking and profiling of your activities.

These risks apply not just to Facebook but any website or service asking you to upload ID. It’s fundamentally safer to avoid sharing ID online when possible.

Facebook’s ID Verification Process

When you initiate ID verification on Facebook, here is what happens:

  1. You upload a photo of your government-issued ID card (driver’s license or passport).
  2. Facebook runs automated checks on the ID against your profile data to verify authenticity.
  3. Once verified, Facebook uses your ID for enhanced account security and to confirm your identity for account recovery.
  4. The ID photo and information can be stored for up to 3 years linked to your account.
  5. You can delete the uploaded ID from your Facebook settings at any time.

Facebook states they have a specialized team that reviews IDs manually for suspicious activity before approving them. They claim the automated verification system can match photos to ID biometrics to detect fraudulent documents.

Is Facebook’s ID Verification Safe?

Facebook makes the following claims about their ID verification process:

  • Uploading ID is optional and not required for a standard account
  • ID data is encrypted and stored securely
  • Employees can only access ID data for troubleshooting purposes
  • ID data won’t be used for advertisement targeting

However, Facebook has suffered multiple security breaches exposing user data in the past. There are risks in trusting them with personal ID documents. You ultimately have to weigh your level of trust in Facebook itself.

Pros Cons
Recover lost accounts easily ID theft and fraud risks
Enhanced account security Potential misuse of data
IDs reviewed by human team Facebook security vulnerabilities

Alternatives to Uploading ID

If you are uncomfortable providing ID to Facebook, here are some alternative options to consider for account recovery and verification:

  • Trusted contacts – Designate 3-5 friends who can verify your identity and help restore access.
  • Backup codes – Download unique backup codes you can use to regain account access.
  • Third party authentication – Use external apps like Google or Apple to verify your login.
  • Email and SMS recovery – Have reset instructions sent to your registered contact points.

None of these are foolproof and hackers can still compromise accounts through social engineering. But they avoid exposing ID documents directly to Facebook.

Best Practices for Facebook ID Verification

If you do proceed with ID verification, here are some tips to minimize risks:

  • Crop your ID photo tightly to only show necessary info and hide any unrelated details.
  • Cover up ID numbers whenever possible – use online image editors to blur or hidesensitive ID data in the photo.
  • Watermark the image with your name and account info so it can’t be easily reused elsewhere.
  • Double check the ID is uploaded on the legitimate Facebook site and not a fake phishing page.
  • Consider using an old expired ID instead of your current primary identification.

Following security best practices can help mitigate potential issues. But any ID upload still carries inherent risk.

Weighing Risk vs. Benefit

Uploading ID enables much easier Facebook account recovery, but also exposes your personal data. Consider carefully if the convenience and account security are worth the potential for misuse and identity theft. Apply prudent precautions above if you do decide to provide ID. Or explore alternate options to avoid sending the ID entirely.

Recovering important online accounts is critical. But convenience should not come at the cost of major privacy violations. Scrutinize any site requesting your ID and only provide it when you feel the benefits decisively outweigh the risks.


Uploading personal identification to Facebook for account verification does enable enhanced security and convenient recovery, but also opens up risks of misuse and identity theft. Apply the above precautions if submitting ID to reduce chances of issues. Weigh the benefits against privacy dangers. And consider using secure alternatives to avoid providing the ID at all. Think critically before handing over your identity – the risks are real anytime you verify accounts with sensitive documents online.