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Is it safe to order things from Facebook?

Is it safe to order things from Facebook?

With the rise of social media, more and more people are using platforms like Facebook not only to connect with friends and family but also to shop. Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shop provide easy ways for users to browse and purchase items directly within the app. This raises an important question – is it safe to order things from Facebook? There are some risks involved with buying from individuals and small businesses on Facebook, but there are also steps you can take to protect yourself as a buyer. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of ordering through Facebook and provide tips for staying safe when making purchases.

The convenience of ordering through Facebook

Here are some of the main benefits of buying items on Facebook:

– Huge selection – Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users. This means there are tons of options to browse when you’re looking to buy something specific. You can search for items for sale locally or expand your search nationwide.

– Prices may be cheaper than retail – Since Facebook sellers are often individuals or small businesses, their prices are not subject to the same overhead costs and markups of major retailers. You may be able to find great deals on used and new items.

– Fast shipping – When you purchase something from someone in your local area, you may be able to arrange for quick pickup or delivery since you are not too far away from each other. This is much faster than waiting days or weeks for an online order from a big retailer.

– Convenient payment – Facebook offers payment processing directly through the platform. This means you don’t have to worry about paying externally through another website. Facebook’s payment system helps enable smooth transactions.

– Ability to ask questions – Before committing to a purchase, you can message the seller on Facebook to ask any questions you have about the item’s condition, features, size, etc. This allows you to gain important details.

Risks of ordering through Facebook

Despite the advantages, there are also some risks to be aware of when buying items through Facebook:

– Lack of buyer protection – When you order through major retail websites, your purchase is usually covered by protections like refund policies and fraud prevention. Facebook itself does not offer these types of safeguards on purchases. You have to rely on the individual seller.

– Businesses may lack validity – While there are certainly legitimate sellers on Facebook, there are also fake businesses or dropshipping operations that may misrepresent items. It can be hard to distinguish valid businesses.

– Scams – Some sellers may intentionally mislead buyers by posting photos of an item that is higher quality than what they actually ship. Others may take payment without ever sending the item. Scams are a risk.

– No ability to inspect item – Since you cannot see and touch the item before purchasing, you have to trust the seller’s photos and description. If the item arrives damaged or in a different condition than described, you have little recourse.

– Counterfeit goods – Luxury brands in particular are often counterfeited and sold online. When ordering through Facebook, you may receive fake or knockoff products instead of authentic items. This is illegal.

Tips for safe ordering on Facebook

Despite the risks, you can take steps to safely buy items through Facebook:

Only purchase from established sellers

Prioritize sellers that have been on Facebook for a long time, have a complete profile, and have many positive reviews from past buyers. Avoid sellers with limited information and no reviews.

Ask for multiple photos

Do not rely on the seller’s main photo alone. Request additional photos from different angles to get a complete representation of the item’s condition.

See if you have any mutual friends

If you and the seller have shared Facebook friends, this provides some level of legitimacy. See if your friends can vouch for the seller.

Use Facebook Messenger calls

Set up a video chat with the seller through Messenger to get a better sense of who you are dealing with and ask any outstanding questions.

Pay through Facebook checkout

Use Facebook’s checkout feature for your payment so that your credit card details are protected and you have support if anything goes wrong. Avoid external payment methods.

Inspect package upon arrival

Thoroughly inspect your order as soon as you receive it and check that it matches the seller’s description. Note any damage or inaccuracies.

Usebuyer protection programs

Consider paying with a credit card that offers buyer protection so you can dispute charges if necessary. Services like PayPal also offer protection programs.

Is Facebook Marketplace or Facebook Shop better?

Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shop are two main ways to buy on Facebook, but which is better? Here is a comparison:

Facebook Marketplace Facebook Shop
Primarily individuals and small sellers listing secondhand items Mainly small businesses and brands with new products
Listings are concentrated locally Products ship from professional sellers nationwide
Sellers have personal profiles Storefronts look more professional
More randomness in available products Broad product categories to browse
Haggle expected on prices List prices are firm like retail sites
Facebook payment, cash or pickup options Integrated Facebook checkout
Reviews left on seller profiles Reviews left on products

In general, Marketplace is more suited to secondhand goods from vetted individuals you can meet locally. Shop offers a wider range of new products that are professionally shipped.

Safety tips for buyers on Facebook Marketplace

Here are some top tips for safely buying items on Facebook Marketplace specifically:

– Verify location – Only buy from sellers that are in your local area that you can meet to pickup the item. This avoids shipping risks.

– Meet in a public place – When meeting a seller to get the item, choose a busy public spot like a coffee shop. Avoid private locations.

– Inspect before paying – Thoroughly examine the item, check for damage, and confirm it works before handing over any money.

– Pay in cash – Paying cash onsite avoids risks that come with digital payments. But only bring the agreed amount.

– Check feedback – Read Marketplace comments on the seller’s profile from previous buyers describing their experiences.

– Trust instinct – If anything seems suspicious, sketchy, or too good to be true, do not go through with the purchase.

– Check seller rating – Marketplace shows a seller’s average star rating. Higher is better.

– Share location – Let a friend know where you are meeting the seller for pickup in case issues arise.

– Use protection – Take basic precautions like meeting during daytime hours and avoiding secluded exchanges.

Signs of a Facebook Marketplace scam

Here are some common signs a Marketplace seller may be trying to scam you:

– Price seems highly discounted – Very low prices can indicate a scam where you will not receive the product.

– Generic product descriptions – Vague or duplicate descriptions copied across listings may point to scammers.

– Limited photos – Just one stock image or photos that don’t match can hide the real condition.

– Rushed requests – Pushy sellers insisting on quick payment or meetups may be scammers.

– Poor communication – Scammers may reply infrequently, tersely, or evasively to basic questions.

– New accounts – Seller accounts created very recently that lack information have higher scam risk.

– Storefront links – Scammers may embed external store links intended to steal payment info.

– Sob stories – Sellers sharing elaborate personal stories on why they need to sell urgently may manipulate buyers.

– Office rentals – Meeting at short-term rental office spaces should raise suspicions of fraud.

– Bad reviews – Multiple reviews referencing scams or non-delivery are a clear warning sign to avoid.

How to report a seller on Facebook Marketplace

If you encounter a scam, fake listing, or bad seller on Marketplace, you can report them to Facebook:

1. Click the three dots icon next to the seller’s name or item listing.

2. Select “Report seller” or “Report listing.”

3. Choose the issue category for your report. For example, Prohibited sales, Fraudulent activity, Misinformation.

4. Add any details explaining the problem with evidence.

5. Submit the report.

Facebook will investigate and take action according to their commerce policies. Make sure to also leave a review detailing your experience to warn other buyers.

Is it safe to communicate and pay outside of Facebook?

When purchasing through Facebook Marketplace or Shop, it is best to stay within their platforms for all communications and payments. Here is why external channels raise risks:

– No record trail – Facebook keeps records of conversations and payments that help resolve any issues. Outside channels have no records.

– Data privacy – Sharing your phone number or email opens you to potential data misuse or spam.

– Fake payments – Methods like bank transfers, cash apps, checks, or PayPal Friends and Family have high fraud rates.

– Fewer buyer protections – Facebook policies protect approved payment methods. Outside methods leave you vulnerable.

– Identity theft – Giving banking information to scammers outside Facebook puts you at risk of identity or financial theft.

– Spam texts/calls – Providing your phone number can lead to an increase in unsolicited outreach from the seller.

– Harassment – Scammers with your contact information could repeatedly reach out in abusive ways.

– Lack of support – Facebook has dedicated support channels to resolve purchase problems. Outside channels leave you on your own.

In summary, it is always safest to use only Facebook-approved communication and payments when transacting on their platforms. The risks are too high with external channels. If a seller pressures you to go outside of Facebook, that is a red flag.

How to get your money back if scammed on Facebook

If you complete a Facebook transaction and never receive your item or the item is clearly misrepresented, here are actions to hopefully get your money back:

– Report seller – Report them to Facebook immediately with details of the issue. Getting their account blocked stops future scams.

– Negative review – Leave a review on their profile detailing the scam to warn others.

– Request refund – Message the seller demanding a refund. Provide evidence showing you never got the product or it differs from the listing.

– Dispute charges – If you paid by credit card or Facebook checkout, dispute the charges with your card issuer.

– File claims – For payments through PayPal, Venmo, or other apps, file claims to dispute the charges.

– Mail fraud – Report the scam to USPS or FBI for mail fraud if mailed items were not delivered.

– Collection agency – Sites like Chargeback Gurus can act on your behalf to recover lost funds for a percentage.

– Small claims court – For large amounts, you may be able to sue the scammer in small claims court with evidence.

– Social media exposure – Share details of the scam publicly on your own social media accounts to apply pressure.

– Chalk it up as a loss – If other options fail, the hard lesson may be to accept the financial loss and learn to spot scams moving forward.


Buying through Facebook carries risks of scams and fraud. But there are also many satisfied customers who have gotten great deals safely. Being an informed buyer is key. Apply the tips in this guide, use common sense, and trust your instincts before making purchases. If you stay alert and avoid shady sellers, ordering through Facebook can be financially rewarding. With the huge selection and prices the platform offers, it is worth exploring – just proceed carefully. Remember to report bad actors and help make the Facebook commerce ecosystem safer for everyone.