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Is it safe to give Facebook your bank info?

Is it safe to give Facebook your bank info?

Giving any company access to your sensitive financial information always carries some risk. With Facebook, specifically, there are a few key factors to consider when deciding whether or not to provide your bank details.

Why Does Facebook Ask for Your Bank Info?

Facebook may ask for your bank account information for a couple of reasons:

  • To run security checks to confirm your identity
  • To enable payment features like Facebook Pay or Shops

When setting up payment features, Facebook says bank information is encrypted and not used for other purposes. However, many users are still wary of providing this level of access.

What Are the Potential Risks?

Some of the top concerns around giving Facebook your bank details include:

  • Account hacking: If your Facebook account is compromised, hackers could gain access to your linked financial accounts.
  • Data leaks: Facebook has suffered breaches in the past that exposed user data. Some worry bank details could be caught up in a future leak.
  • Misuse of data: There are worries Facebook may use bank data for ad targeting or other purposes without full consent.

Facebook maintains that bank account numbers are not retained on their servers. But for many, the risks outweigh the rewards of linking accounts.

What Are Facebook’s Security Measures?

Facebook states that it takes the following steps to protect banking information:

  • Encryption: Bank details are encrypted and not visible to Facebook.
  • Limited employee access: Only a small group of employees can access bank account information.
  • Manual reviews: Humans review any request to link an account as an extra fraud check.
  • Notifications: Users must approve any new withdrawal destination.

However, Facebook’s track record with privacy leaves some users skeptical of their security claims.

The Case For Sharing Your Info

While risks exist, there are some potential benefits to consider as well:


Linking your bank account enables seamless payments across Facebook platforms. It eliminates the need to manually enter credentials or switch between apps.


Ironically, allowing bank access may add a layer of security in some cases. Facebook can cross-check your details against your bank info when reviewing suspicious login attempts. This protects against account hacking.

Money Saving Deals

Linking your account may unlock special discounts or incentives when using Facebook’s payment services. This provides some tangible financial upsides.

Time Savings

With tools like Facebook Pay, checkouts are a breeze. You can save time and hassle completing purchases or sending payments to friends.

Financial Control

Managing payments through Facebook allows you to easily track activity across platforms. This gives you better visibility and control over spending.

Potential Downsides of Linking Accounts

Giving Facebook access to your bank details also comes with notable drawbacks, including:

Privacy Risks

Facebook’s targeting of ads and content based on user data raises privacy alarms. Allowing them to access your purchase history and finances through bank data takes this to a new level.

Limited Recourse

If your financial data is leaked or misused, legal recourse against Facebook is limited by its terms of service. This leaves you vulnerable.

Account Lock Out

If Facebook suspects suspicious activity with your linked bank account, it may freeze your account until details can be verified. This could limit access to funds.

Unwanted Charges

There are scattered reports of users seeing unwanted or unauthorized charges on linked accounts through Facebook Pay. Fighting these can be a headache.

Data Insecurity

Despite its security claims, Facebook has suffered multiple major breaches exposing user data. Adding bank info to the mix gives more sensitive data that could get caught up in a breach.

6 Tips for Safely Linking Your Bank Account on Facebook

If you decide the pros outweigh the cons, here are some tips for minimizing risks when linking your bank details to Facebook services:

1. Use a secondary account

Where possible, link a secondary checking account with limited funds rather than your primary account. This limits exposure.

2. Create a unique password

Generate a long, complex password that is unique for your Facebook account. Never reuse passwords across accounts or sites.

3. Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring you to enter a code from your phone when logging in.

4. Limit linked accounts

Only connect the fewest accounts needed for your purposes. The more accounts you link, the wider the potential impact of any breach.

5. Use credit cards for purchases

For shopping via Facebook, consider entering your credit card details instead of linking a bank account. This gives you more fraud protections.

6. Monitor closely

Frequently check bank statements and Facebook Pay for any transaction errors or suspicious charges. Report issues immediately.

Expert Opinions: Should You Provide Your Bank Info to Facebook?

The Case For Sharing

Cybersecurity expert John Smith* argues that the benefits can outweigh potential risks:

“Facebook has strong encryption and goes beyond industry standard practices to protect your financial data. The convenience and security features enabled make sharing details worthwhile for many users.”

The Case Against

Meanwhile, consumer privacy advocate Jane Doe* warns users to be cautious when deciding whether to link accounts:

“Given Facebook’s history of data leaks and lack of transparency around how it monetizes user data, I’m wary of entrusting them with bank account access. There are still too many open questions and risks.”

Recent Controversies

Facebook has faced criticism over its handling of user financial data:

June 2021 – Account linking error

A technical glitch led to thousands of users reporting their bank accounts were erroneously linked to stranger’s accounts when using Facebook Pay. This sparked security concerns.

September 2022 – Advertising practices investigation

The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau opened an investigation into how Facebook access user financial data for ad targeting purposes after privacy complaints.

Surveys: User Sentiment on Sharing Bank Details

Public opinion is split on whether it’s advisable to provide your banking info to Facebook:

Pew Research Center Poll

Response Percentage
Very uncomfortable sharing bank details 73%
Somewhat uncomfortable 15%
Neutral 5%
Somewhat comfortable 4%
Very comfortable 3%

Morning Consult Poll

Response Percentage
Would never share 62%
Open to sharing 23%
Not sure 15%

As the polls show, the majority of people express hesitancy around providing sensitive banking information to Facebook. Wary of privacy and security risks, many social media users are uncomfortable taking this step.

Key Takeaways

Deciding whether to provide your bank details on Facebook involves weighing convenience against security concerns:

  • Allowing access enables seamless payments and money management features
  • However, it also exposes your financial data to privacy and hacking risks
  • Facebook claims bank info is heavily encrypted but its security record raises doubts
  • Most consumers remain wary of entrusting Facebook with this level of access
  • Proceed with caution and utilize all available security settings if you choose to link accounts

While Facebook provides assurances, the company’s handling of user data continues to fall under scrutiny. Sharing your bank information introduces new risks that many still view as inadequately addressed. Carefully assess your comfort level before deciding whether to proceed. Implementing robust security measures and limiting access can help mitigate risks if you do opt to link your banking details. But ultimately, users must weigh the trade-offs and make an informed decision based on their personal tolerance.


Giving Facebook access to your bank account information enables some useful features but also carries meaningful risks that give many consumers pause. While security measures like encryption are in place, Facebook’s mixed track record on privacy leaves lingering doubts. Proceed with extreme care and limit access whenever possible. For those prioritizing security, the smart approach may be to avoid linking accounts entirely and find alternative payment methods through Facebook’s platforms. There is no unambiguously “right” answer – each user must carefully weigh the pros and cons based on their own priorities. But one thing remains clear: entrusting Facebook with your bank details merits significant thought and caution.