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Is it safe to donate to charities on Facebook?

Is it safe to donate to charities on Facebook?

With the rise of social media, it has become increasingly common to see requests from friends and family to donate to various charities or causes through Facebook. While the ease of just clicking a link to donate is appealing, it’s important to consider whether these types of donations are truly safe. There are several factors to weigh when determining if you should donate to a charity campaign on Facebook.

Understanding Facebook Donations

Facebook provides tools to help both individuals and organizations raise money for causes. Users can create fundraisers that allow their network of friends to donate directly through Facebook. Non-profit organizations can also create Facebook donation pages tied to their organization.

When someone donates through one of these Facebook fundraisers or pages, they do not have to provide any credit card or banking information. Instead, the donation is processed directly through Facebook, with the funds coming out of the user’s Facebook Pay account or payment method they have stored on the platform.

Risks of Facebook Donations

While the ability to donate seamlessly through Facebook is convenient, it does come with some risks and drawbacks that are important to consider:


Unfortunately, scammers often take advantage of people’s generosity and desire to contribute to worthy causes. It’s not uncommon to see fake fundraisers pop up on Facebook purporting to raise money for disaster relief, medical expenses or other sympathetic causes. But in reality, these “fundraisers” are just scams to pocket people’s money. Even when fundraisers are created by people you know, there’s still a chance the cause itself is not legitimate.

Account Fraud

There is also the risk that someone could gain access to your Facebook account and create fraudulent fundraisers in your name, unbeknownst to you. They could then pocket the money from anyone donating to those fake causes via your account. Having your Facebook account compromised in this way could damage relationships with people who believe they are donating to you.

Lack of Vetting

Unlike reputable third-party donation platforms, Facebook does not thoroughly vet each charitable fundraiser or organization collecting money. All it takes is a couple clicks to create a fundraiser or donation page on Facebook, without providing official charity registration documents or proof that the cause is real. This makes it easier for sketchy or fake charities to solicit funds through Facebook.

Minimal Accountability

If you were to later learn that a charity you donated to through Facebook was fraudulent, there is minimal accountability or ability to get your money back. Facebook does not offer refunds in these situations, stating in its terms that users donate at their own risk. You would likely have to try to recoup the money directly from the creator of the fraudulent fundraiser – who cannot be easily traced.

Tax Documentation

Unlike third-party fundraising processors like GoFundMe, Facebook does not directly provide donors with tax documentation for their charitable contributions. The organizer of the fundraiser would be responsible for supplying donors with acknowledgement of their gift for tax purposes, if needed. This lack of automatic tax documentation creates an extra step for donors and risk of inaccurate record keeping.

Safeguards for Facebook Donations

If you do still wish to contribute to a charity or cause through Facebook, here are some tips to reduce your risk:

Research the Organization

Take time to independently research the charity outside of Facebook to confirm it is real and reputable. Search for the charity’s official website and verify their status through charity evaluation sites like Charity Navigator, GuideStar or your local BBB. Be wary of charities that have little web presence or transparency around their operations and finances.

Know the Organizer

Only donate to fundraisers organized by people you know well and trust. Understand their relationship with the charity – are they directly affiliated or just promoting the cause? Ask them questions if something seems unclear about where your money will go.

Check Payment History

View the “Payment History” for both the fundraiser organizer and recipient charity. Scammers will often create new Facebook profiles that lack payment history. Real organizations will have longer histories showing they have received and managed money in the past.

Look for Verification

Facebook has a verification program that allows public figures, brands and reputable organizations to confirm their authenticity by providing official documentation. Pages with a blue verification checkmark have gone through this extra level of vetting.

Give Small Amounts

Start by donating a small test amount to new or unverified fundraisers, even if from someone you know. This minimizes potential loss if the fundraiser does turn out to be fraudulent.

Use Other Payment Methods

When possible, consider donating directly to the charity through their website, rather than Facebook. You can often pay via credit card, PayPal or bank transfer for more security and record keeping.

Request Receipts

Ask the fundraiser organizer for confirmation details of your donation for tax and verification purposes. Legitimate charities will readily provide acknowledgment and tracking info for all donations.

Report Suspicious Activity

Notify Facebook if you have concerns about a questionable or clearly fraudulent fundraiser. Reporting abuse helps Facebook investigate and shut down scams.

Weighing Risk vs. Reward

Here is a table summarizing the main risks and rewards to keep in mind when considering donating through Facebook:

Potential Rewards Potential Risks
Easy and fast donation experience Scams
Ability to rally friends for causes Account fraud
Promote awareness for charities Lack of vetting
Tap into social network for fundraising Minimal accountability
Seamless payment through Facebook No automatic tax documentation

Bottom Line – Cautious Donations

With the right precautions, it is generally safe to donate moderate amounts to verified charities you trust through Facebook fundraisers organized by people you know well. However, you should always be cautious of red flags that a fundraiser could be a scam or the charity illegitimate. When in doubt, take time to thoroughly research the organization before contributing significant sums through Facebook. Reputable charities will provide information on their mission, programs, leadership and finances to donors upon request. If you are unable to independently verify the validity of a charity outside of Facebook, it’s likely better to donate through other more secure channels.

Key Recommendations

– Thoroughly research charities before donating
– Only contribute to fundraisers by organizers you know well
– Start with small donation amounts to test new fundraisers
– Look for Facebook verification checkmarks on charity pages
– Review payment histories for fraud indicators
– Donate directly through charity website when possible
– Request acknowledgement details from fundraiser organizer
– Report suspicious fundraisers or Accounts

The Future of Facebook Donations

Facebook is continuously working to improve the security of payments and donations on their platform. Here are some recent and upcoming changes:

Expanded Facebook Verification

Facebook is making their verification program available to more non-profit organizations in order to confirm legitimacy.

Enhanced Identity Checks

New identity confirmation steps during account creation makes it harder for scammers to impersonate real people and organizations.

Live Video Fundraisers

Live videos allow charities to share real-time footage and engage donors in a more transparent way.

Improved Reporting

Updating forms to make it easier for users to report suspicious activity involving donations or fraudulent fundraisers.

Increased Monitoring

Facebook is expanding its internal teams that proactively monitor fundraisers and charity accounts for signs of fraud using artificial intelligence.

Collaboration with Experts

Working with industry groups and associations to identify bad actors and trends in online charity fraud.

Enhanced Donor Support

Building out dedicated customer service for donors and charities to better assist with issues or concerns related to fundraisers.

While risks remain, Facebook is taking meaningful steps to ensure their platform provides a secure environment for charitable giving. Exercising caution as a donor also goes a long way to prevent being taken advantage of by scammers. By following best practices and looking for Facebook’s updates around fundraisers, charitable contributions through social media can still benefit great causes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all fundraisers on Facebook legit?

No, unfortunately some fundraisers posted on Facebook are scams or fraudulent. It is important to thoroughly verify the organizer, charity and cause before contributing money.

Can I get a refund if I donate to a scam?

Facebook does not provide refunds in the event you donated to a fraudulent fundraiser. You would need to request a refund directly from the fundraiser organizer, which is often not possible if their account was fake. This is why extra precaution is warranted.

Are Facebook fundraisers tax deductible?

Donations made through Facebook fundraisers may be tax deductible if they meet IRS criteria. You should receive acknowledgement of your gift from the receiving organization for documentation. Facebook does not directly provide taxpayers with donation receipts.

Is there a fee to donate through Facebook?

100% of your donated funds go to the designated recipient. Facebook does not charge any platform fees for donations. The associated credit card and payment processing fees are absorbed by Facebook and the recipient organization.

Can individuals create Facebook fundraisers?

Yes, everyday Facebook users can create fundraisers for causes they support, in addition to official nonprofit and charity accounts. Individual fundraisers should be vetted thoroughly, as fraud risk is higher.


Donating to charities through Facebook can be a fast, convenient way to support good causes and share with your network. However, you should always carefully verify the legitimacy of both the fundraiser organizer and recipient charity before contributing. Watch for red flags, start with small amounts, use secure payment methods, and obtain documentation. With proper precautions, Facebook offers a positive way to drive charitable giving from your social community. As Facebook enhances its fundraising features and security, the platform will become an even safer destination for convenient online donations.