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Is it possible to have a single name on Facebook?

Is it possible to have a single name on Facebook?

Facebook requires users to provide their real first and last names when creating an account. This is stated in their Terms of Service and their Real Name policy. However, there are some exceptions that allow a person to use a single name on Facebook.

Facebook’s Name Policy

Facebook’s name policy states:

Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

1. You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.

2. You will not create more than one personal account.

3. If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.

4. You will not use your personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain, and will use a Facebook Page for such purposes.

5. You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.

6. You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender.

7. You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.

8. You will not share your password, let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.

9. You will not transfer your account to anyone else without first getting our written permission.

This policy requires users to provide their real first and last name. Using only a single name could be seen as violating the terms by not providing both first and last name.

Exceptions to the Name Policy

However, Facebook does make some exceptions to this policy in certain cases:

Legal Names with One Word

Some people legally have single word names. This may include celebrities like Madonna, Cher, or Beyonce. It could also include people who have changed their name to be just a single word. As long as it is someone’s legitimate legal name, Facebook allows them to use just the single name.

Cultural Names

In some cultures and languages, people traditionally use single names or mononyms. This includes Indonesians who go by just one name. According to Facebook’s policies, they allow people to use names appropriate to their culture even if it is just a single word.

Stage Names

Performers, artists, writers, and other public figures sometimes use a stage name or pen name rather than their legal name. Facebook does allow these single name stage names in many cases. However, the authenticity needs to be verifiable, you can’t just make up a random stage name. But if the stage name is established as associated with that person’s identity and career, Facebook often allows it.

The Review Process

If you try to create an account on Facebook with just a single name, it will likely be flagged for review. Here is the process that happens:

Request ID Verification

When trying to use a single name, Facebook will put the account in a disabled state pending review. They will request government issued ID to verify your identity. This also confirms whether your single name is in fact your legal name.

Proof of Use

If using a stage name or cultural name exception, you may need to provide additional proof of use. This could include links to your professional website, media articles mentioning that name for you, or other evidence that it is an established part of your identity.


The review process can take anywhere from 1-5 business days in most cases. More complex cases could take longer. It depends on how responsive you are providing the requested verification evidence.

Appealing a Rejection

If your single name request is rejected, Facebook does have an appeals process. You can request another review and provide additional context on why you feel the name should be allowed in your case. Success of appeals depends on the strength of evidence provided.


Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to try to use a single name on Facebook:

Realistic Evidence

Any documentation you provide has to be legitimate. Fake IDs or other forged evidence could get your account permanently banned for violating terms.

Full Cooperation

Respond promptly to all requests and questions from Facebook reviewers. Providing honest explanations and details can help move the process along.

Legal Compliance

Make sure your request follows all local laws regarding legal name changes. Consult experts if needed to ensure proper compliance.

Acknowledge Review Time

Understand that the review process can take days or weeks in some cases. Follow up politely if it goes on longer than expected.

Accept Possible Rejection

Facebook may still deny a single name request even with an appeal. At that point, it is best to comply with their policies.

Pros of a Single Name

Here are some potential benefits of using a single name on Facebook if approved:

  • Stand out and be memorable
  • Build stronger branding
  • Simplify professional contacts and networking
  • Lean into a cultural naming tradition
  • Gain more privacy by limiting info

Cons of a Single Name

Some potential downsides to keep in mind include:

  • Higher chance of rejection
  • Lengthy review process
  • Need to provide documentation
  • Possibility of confusion with others
  • Perception of lack of professionalism

Successful Single Name Profiles

When done properly, it is possible to have an authentic, professional single name profile on Facebook. Here are some real examples:


The famous pop singer uses her globally recognized mononym on her verified celebrity account.


This popular actress uses just her first name on her verified account.


The U2 frontman uses his single name stage name on his verified profile.

Should You Try a Single Name on Facebook?

Whether or not pursuing a single name on Facebook is right for you depends on your specific circumstances:

  • If it aligns with your cultural naming practices, it may be worth trying.
  • If you are a public figure with an established stage name, consider discussing with your management and PR teams.
  • If you just personally prefer a single name for aesthetic reasons, the risks likely outweigh the benefits.

Thoroughly review Facebook’s policies and think carefully before attempting to use a single name profile. Have realistic expectations about the complexity and time involved. With the proper context and following the appropriate steps, it can successfully be done in some situations. But for most everyday users, adhering to the standard name format is the best policy.


While Facebook does require users to provide first and last names, exceptions are made in certain cases for established stage names, cultural naming practices, and legal mononyms. The process involves detailed identity verification and proof of name usage. With legitimate rationale and evidence, as well as patience with the review period, it is possible for some people to use a single name on Facebook. However, the platform’s policies should be carefully followed to avoid account suspension. For most users, using their full real first and last name is the safest choice. But with extra effort, single names can be approved on a case-by-case basis.