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Is it possible to get your Facebook account back after being hacked?

Is it possible to get your Facebook account back after being hacked?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful and frustrating experience. Your account contains personal information, photos, conversations with friends and family, and connections to other accounts and apps. Losing access means losing all of that, at least temporarily.

Fortunately, it is often possible to regain access to your account after it has been hacked. Facebook has procedures in place to help users restore their accounts if they have been compromised.

How accounts get hacked

Before looking at how to get your account back, it’s important to understand how hackers are able to access Facebook accounts in the first place. Some of the most common ways accounts get compromised include:


Phishing is when hackers create fake login pages mimicking the real Facebook website, and try to trick users into entering their login credentials. They then use those credentials to access the real account. Phishing links are often sent via email or text message.


Malicious software downloaded onto a device can steal passwords and other account information. This allows hackers to log in even without having the actual login credentials.

Password guessing

Hackers may guess or crack passwords through brute force. Weak passwords are especially vulnerable.

Data breaches

If usernames and passwords from another website or service are leaked in a data breach, hackers can try those same credentials on Facebook.

How to regain access to your account

If you find that you’ve been locked out of your Facebook account, either because the password was changed or two-factor authentication was added by hackers, don’t panic. Here are the steps you can take to try and regain access:

Use account recovery options

Facebook has account recovery options in place to help you get back into a compromised account.

If you know your password but can’t log in:

  • Go to the Facebook login page and enter your username and password.
  • If it says your account has been disabled, follow the on-screen instructions to regain access.

If you don’t know your password:

  • Go to the login page and click “Forgot Password?”
  • Enter your username or email and click Search.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.

If you don’t have access to your email:

  • Go through the steps to reset your password.
  • When prompted for your email, click “No longer have access?”
  • Follow the instructions to recover your account using your phone number, other emails, friends, or other options.

Check for suspicious activity

Once you’re able to regain entry to your account, thoroughly check for any suspicious activity that indicates it was compromised:

  • Review posts and messages to see if the hacker posted or messaged as you.
  • Check which devices are logged into your account and log out any unknown sessions.
  • Look at your profile and account settings to see if any information was changed.
  • See if any ads were created through your account.

Documenting this activity will help in any further efforts to secure your account.

Run a virus scan

If your account was hacked, your computer or mobile device may have been compromised with malware. Run a thorough antivirus scan to detect and remove anything suspicious.

Change your password

Once you regain entry to your account, immediately change your password to something strong and unique that the hackers won’t be able to guess. Make sure you aren’t using this new password anywhere else.

Turn on two-factor authentication

Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring both your password and a special code generated on your phone or other device to log in. This makes it much harder for hackers to access your account.

Check connected apps and websites

Hackers may have used your account to access connected apps or websites. Go into your Facebook settings and review the apps and websites you’ve allowed to access your Facebook login. Revoke access to anything suspicious.

You can also go to the App Dashboard to manage all permissions that apps you’ve logged into using Facebook have.

Secure other accounts

If your email, computer, or other accounts may have been compromised along with Facebook, make sure to take steps to secure those as well. Change passwords, scan devices, turn on two-factor authentication, and watch for suspicious activity across all of your accounts.

Contact Facebook support

If you are locked out and unable to regain access to your account through the account recovery options, or if there are signs the hacker still has control of your account, you can contact Facebook directly for help.

To reach Facebook Support:

  • Go to the Help Center and select “My Account Got Hacked”
  • Choose the option that best describes your situation
  • Review the recommendations and follow the steps to recover your account
  • If you cannot recover your account, select “No, I need more help” which will allow you to contact Support

You’ll need to provide proof that you are the rightful account owner. This may include:

  • Emails or messages sent to your account
  • Photos of yourself on the account
  • Screenshots showing you logged in from a recognized device or location

Without definitive proof, Facebook may not be able to help you regain access.

Recover lost data

Even if you’re able to restore your account, keep in mind any content that was deleted by hackers may be lost forever. Facebook does not keep backups you can restore.

However, all is not necessarily lost:

  • If you had the Facebook mobile app installed, your device may still have notifications with some messages or comments.
  • Check the Activity Log download to see if any data was captured before the hack.
  • Friends may be able to share photos, messages, or other interactions they had with you.
  • Pages for events or groups you managed may have backups of posts & discussions.

While you likely won’t be able to recover everything, these methods could help you regain at least some lost content.

Prevent future hacking

Once you’re back in your account, it’s critical to take steps to prevent future hacking or compromise. Some tips:

  • Create a strong, unique password for Facebook and any other key accounts, and use a password manager to remember them.
  • Turn on login approvals, also known as two-factor or multi-factor authentication.
  • Be wary of suspicious emails, links, attachments, popups, ads, etc. that may be phishing or contain malware.
  • Run antivirus software and keep apps, browsers, and devices updated.
  • Never use public WiFi for sensitive logins, banking, or purchases.
  • Avoid logging into Facebook from shared devices or computers.
  • Monitor your account closely for any suspicious posts, messages, new friend requests, etc.
  • Report any hacking attempts or threats to Facebook.

Enabling the Facebook Protect security program can also add monitoring for suspicious logins and stronger identity verification.

While nothing can guarantee Facebook or any other account won’t be hacked again, taking these precautions reduces the likelihood.

Key takeaways

Here are some key tips to remember if your Facebook account gets hacked:

  • Try account recovery options to regain access.
  • Check for signs of compromise and unusual activity.
  • Secure your account by changing the password, setting up two-factor authentication, and revoking unauthorized app access.
  • Scan devices for malware and be cautious of phishing attempts.
  • Contact Facebook support if you cannot regain access on your own.
  • Take measures to prevent future hacking, like stronger passwords and enhanced security options.

With vigilance and prompt action, you have a good chance of recovering your hacked Facebook account and keeping it locked down in the future. Don’t panic, move quickly to start securing your account, and reach out for help if you need it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions people have about regaining access to a hacked Facebook account:

How long does it take to get my Facebook account back after being hacked?

It depends on the situation. If you are able to use the account recovery options to reset your password or regain access quickly, it could be just a matter of minutes. However, if the hacker has taken more permanent control, you may need to work with Facebook Support which could take 1-3 days.

What if I don’t have access to my email or phone number linked to Facebook?

You can go through the account recovery flow and choose alternative options like identifying friends or other emails/numbers you have access to. If none of those work, Facebook Support can confirm your identity through documents and help restore access.

Can I tell if someone is trying to hack my Facebook account?

Suspicious signs someone may be trying to hack your account include:

  • Unknown login attempts or activity from unrecognized locations/devices.
  • Forgot password emails you didn’t initiate.
  • Posts or messages you didn’t create.
  • Changes to your profile or account details.
  • Friend requests sent to strangers.
  • Being logged out unexpectedly.

What if I don’t have proof I own the account?

Facebook requires you to provide some form of verifiable proof you are the legitimate account owner before they will help you recover an account. If you don’t have anything like confirmed emails, photos showing you using the account, posts from friends, etc., it may be very difficult to get your account back.

Can Facebook delete or ban my account if it was hacked?

Facebook may disable your account during the investigation after a hacking. However, if you are able to prove you are the rightful owner, they should restore your access. Accounts only get permanently disabled if the hacking led to severe policy violations or criminal activity.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be stressful, but in many cases it is possible to regain access and restore control. Make use of account recovery options, secure your account, check for unauthorized changes or activity, and contact Facebook support if you need additional help. With some time and effort, you can likely get your account back to normal. Be sure to take precautions going forward to prevent it from happening again.