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Is it possible to change your Facebook username?

Is it possible to change your Facebook username?

Facebook usernames, also known as Vanity URLs, allow users to set a custom name for their profile URL rather than using the default ID that is assigned when an account is created. While Facebook did not originally allow users to change their usernames after signing up, the platform has evolved over time to provide more flexibility and customization options for members.

Can you change your Facebook username?

Yes, it is possible for users to change their Facebook username if certain requirements are met. Facebook rolled out the ability to change usernames in 2014, letting users modify their profile link to whatever they want, as long as the name is not already taken and does not contain banned or offensive words.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when changing your Facebook username:

  • You can only change your username once every 60 days.
  • The new username must have at least 5 characters and cannot contain any banned words or phrases.
  • You cannot change back to a previous username.
  • Pages, groups and external sites that used your old username will not automatically update.

As long as you meet Facebook’s requirements, you can change your username by going to your profile settings and selecting “Edit public profile & URL.” Just enter the new desired username and click “Review Change.” Facebook will check for any violations and then save your new custom URL if able.

Why would you want to change your Facebook username?

There are a few common reasons people may want to update their Facebook username:

  • Professional branding – Your existing username may not present the image you want professionally. Changing it to your name or business can help build your brand.
  • Privacy – If your current username contains personal info, changing it to something more generic can increase privacy.
  • Memorability – A customized name that’s short and catchy can be easier for people to remember.
  • Self-expression – You may want a new username that better reflects who you are or your interests.
  • Fresh start – If your previous username has negative associations, a change can represent a fresh start.

What are the requirements for a Facebook username?

Facebook imposes certain rules and restrictions on usernames, including:

  • Must be at least 5 characters long
  • Cannot contain consecutive periods (.)
  • Cannot include generic terms like “facebook” or “user”
  • Cannot use offensive, hateful, or inappropriate words
  • Cannot impersonate or misrepresent someone else
  • Cannot contain personally identifiable information
  • Cannot use trademarked or copyrighted words

Facebook reviews all requested username changes to ensure they meet these requirements. Violating any of the rules will result in your request being denied.

What happens to your old Facebook username?

When you change your Facebook username, your old custom URL becomes available for anyone else to claim on a first-come, first-served basis. However, for 14 days after a change, your old username will redirect to your new profile URL. After this grace period ends, the old URL will no longer redirect.

If you have external sites, social accounts, or pages that link to your previous Facebook username, they will need to be manually updated to avoid broken links or errors once the 14-day redirect ends.

Can you reclaim a previous Facebook username?

No, Facebook does not allow users to reclaim a previous custom username once it has been changed. The old URL becomes available to the general public after your one allotted username change every 60 days.

This means you cannot toggle between different usernames or recover a customized URL from your account history. The new name you choose will be permanent as long as you keep the account.

Will changing your username affect your account?

Changing your Facebook username will not affect anything else associated with your account. All of your data, friends, photos, posts, and profile information remain intact after a username edit.

The only change will be the custom link to your profile. Everything on your actual page and feed will stay the same.

Does changing your username affect Facebook page names?

No, changing your personal Facebook username does not affect any existing Page names. Pages are considered separate entities from personal profiles on Facebook.

If you manage any Facebook Pages, their names, URLs and branding will not change when you edit your individual account’s username. Page names can only be altered through the admin settings for that specific Page.

Can pages and groups update if you change your username?

Unfortunately, Facebook Pages and Groups that link to your personal profile will not automatically update if you change your username. Since these are managed separately from your individual account, their URLs will still reference your old username.

Page and Group admins will need to manually update any mentions of your old username that appear on their content. The process requires editing or deleting existing posts and then re-sharing any links with your new custom URL.


Facebook now provides users with the ability to customize their profile URLs through unique usernames. While you can only change your username once every 60 days, it gives members more control over their public-facing image and identity on the platform.

If you decide to update your Facebook username, be aware that external sites and references will need to be manually updated to avoid broken links. But the change will not affect any of your existing account data, friends, or actual profile content.