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Is it possible to change Spotify username?

Is it possible to change Spotify username?

In the opening paragraph, it’s important to provide a quick answer to the main question – yes, it is possible to change your Spotify username. Spotify allows users to change their username up to 5 times per year. This can be done through the Spotify account settings.

Why Would You Want to Change Your Spotify Username?

There are a few common reasons why Spotify users may want to change their username:

  • Your current username is outdated or no longer reflects your identity
  • You want to create a more professional username for work/client accounts
  • Your username contains typos or errors
  • Someone else has taken your preferred username
  • You want to disassociate from an old username for privacy reasons

Having the option to change your username gives Spotify users more control over their identity and brand on the platform. As Spotify has grown into a social and public platform, your username is part of how other users identify you.

How Often Can You Change Your Spotify Username?

Spotify allows users to change their username up to 5 times per 365-day period. This limit is in place to prevent abuse of the username change feature.

Here are the key details on Spotify’s username change limit:

  • You can edit your username up to 5 times within a 365-day window
  • Once you hit the 5 change limit, you’ll have to wait a full 365 days before changing your username again
  • This limit applies across all platforms and devices where you use Spotify
  • If you haven’t changed your username in over a year, your next 5 changes will count towards your new 365 day limit

So in practical terms, this means you get 5 username changes per year. You’ll need to use them wisely and make sure your new username is what you want it to be, since you only get a few chances to change it within a 1 year timeframe.

Step-By-Step Guide to Changing Your Spotify Username

Here is a simple step-by-step walkthrough for changing your Spotify username:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device. Make sure you’re logged into the account whose username you want to change.
  2. Click on the “Home” tab, then scroll down and select “Account” from the menu.
  3. On the Account page, click on “Edit Profile”.
  4. Here you will see your current username displayed. Delete this and type in your new preferred username.
  5. Double check that your new username is correct. Remember, you only get 5 changes per 365 days!
  6. Click “Submit” to save the username edit.
  7. Confirm the change by selecting “Change Username” on the pop-up.

And that’s it – your Spotify username should now be updated to the new one you entered. The change may take a few hours to fully propagate across Spotify, but will be updated on your profile and public pages soon.

What Happens When You Change Your Spotify Username?

Here are some key things that happen when you change your Spotify username:

  • Your profile and playlists will redirect from your old username to the new one
  • You’ll keep all the same followers, playlists, and music library
  • External links pointing to your old username may break
  • You can’t take a username that belongs to someone else or violates Spotify’s rules
  • Spotify notifies your followers about the name change when you do it

So essentially, changing your username affects your public presence and profile URL on Spotify, but your account details and data will remain intact. However, any links pointing to your old username will need to be updated. And you can’t steal a username that already belongs to another user.

Username Change Fails or Errors

In some cases, your Spotify username change may fail or show an error message. Here are some potential reasons why:

  • You’ve reached the 5 change limit for the 365 day period
  • The new username you entered is taken or violates guidelines
  • There’s an account issue preventing the change (contact Spotify support)
  • The Spotify platform is having technical issues
  • You accidentally changed your username and want to undo it

If you get an error trying to change your username, first make sure you don’t have any active limits on changes. If it’s not that, the next username you picked may already be taken by another user. Try another variation or adding extra numbers/characters.

For help troubleshooting a failed Spotify username change, you can contact Spotify Customer Support through their official channels.

What Happens to Your Old Username?

After you change your Spotify username, your old one becomes available for other users to take. Some key things about your old username:

  • Another Spotify user can claim your old username
  • Your playlists and profile will remain, just under the new username
  • Links to your old username will redirect, but some may break
  • Google/search results may still show your old username for some time
  • You cannot switch back to a claimed username

Essentially, once you change your Spotify name, your old one is up for grabs. Someone else can come along and claim it by setting it as their new username. So don’t be surprised if you see your old name on another profile!

Should You Change Your Spotify Username?

Here are some pros and cons to weigh when considering a Spotify username change:


  • Get a username more relevant to your brand or identity
  • Fix typos or errors in your current username
  • Refresh your online presence as your interests change
  • Disassociate from an old username you no longer want
  • Adopt a more professional name for work accounts


  • You only get 5 changes per 365 days
  • All links to your old username will break
  • May cause confusion for existing followers and subscribers
  • Another user can claim your old username
  • Temporary disruption as the change rolls out across Spotify

Overall, having the flexibility to change your Spotify username is a useful option if you want to manage your brand and identity. But make sure to do it strategically within the 5 change annual limit.


In summary, Spotify does allow users to change their Spotify usernames up to 5 times per 365 day period. This gives users some flexibility to freshen up their online identity and brand as needed.

To change your username, head to your Spotify account settings and edit the profile. Enter and confirm your new desired username. The change may take some time to fully propagate through the platform.

When changing your Spotify name, be mindful of the 5 limit per year. Your old username also becomes available for other users to claim once you switch. But your playlists, followers, and account details will remain intact under the new username.

Use username changes wisely to craft your ideal presence on Spotify. And reach out to their support team if you encounter any issues with the process.