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Is it possible to change a photo on a Facebook post?

Is it possible to change a photo on a Facebook post?

Yes, it is possible to change the photo on a Facebook post after it has been published. Facebook allows users to edit their posts, including changing the photo, at any time after posting. This can be useful if you notice a typo, want to add or change information, or if you simply want to update the photo on an older post.

Steps to Change the Photo on a Facebook Post

Changing the photo on a Facebook post is easy to do directly within Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the “Posts” section under your cover photo.
  2. Find the post you want to edit and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the camera icon to change the photo.
  5. Choose a new photo from your computer to upload.
  6. Crop or edit the new photo as needed.
  7. Click “Save” to confirm the changes.

The new photo will now appear on your post. The change happens immediately and you can repeat the process to change the photo again at any time.

Tips for Changing the Photo on a Facebook Post

Here are some tips to keep in mind when changing the photo on a Facebook post:

  • You can only change the main photo on a post, not photos that have been added into the text body or comment section.
  • The text and other content of your post will not be affected – only the photo will change.
  • There is no limit to how many times you can change the photo or edit a post after publishing.
  • The original photo will be deleted when you change to a new photo.
  • Changing the photo resets any stats on how many likes, comments, or shares the post had.
  • Be thoughtful about changing photos too many times, as people who see your post multiple times may find it confusing.

Changing Photos on Different Post Types

You can change photos on most types of standard posts published directly to your profile page or Facebook Page. Here are details on different post types:

Regular Photo Posts

The steps above apply to a typical photo post where one main image is selected. You can swap in a different photo using the editing process.

Album Posts

If you shared a full album, you can change the featured album cover photo that appears as the main image. However, you cannot modify the photos within the album after posting.

Shared Posts

If you shared another user’s post or a post from a Facebook Page, you cannot change the photo as you are not the original poster. You would need to delete and re-share the post with a different photo.

Profile Picture and Cover Photos

Profile and cover photos must be changed separately in your profile settings rather than on an individual post. You can only change these photos going forward, not on past posts.

Message and Story Posts

For temporary message and story posts, you can change the photo before the post disappears as stories only last 24 hours.

Troubleshooting Issues Changing the Photo

In most cases, the process for changing the photo on a Facebook post is straightforward. Here are some troubleshooting tips for common issues:

Problem: The Edit Post option does not appear

  • Make sure you are using the post options from the original poster profile, not options from other accounts that shared or commented on the post.
  • Facebook only allows editing posts made within the last 60 days. Older posts cannot be edited.
  • Some types of posts like advertisements or published posts from Pages cannot be edited.

Problem: The photo will not upload

  • Ensure the new photo file meets Facebook’s size and dimension requirements. Photos used in posts must be at least 720px wide.
  • Low connectivity can disrupt uploading a new photo file. Try changing to a faster network.
  • Clear cached files and restart your browser if unable to access the photo upload option.

Problem: The new photo appears cropped or distorted

  • When changing the photo, preview how it will look in the post to make sure it appears as expected. Zoom and recrop the photo file before uploading for the best fit.
  • Facebook may compress or resize photos automatically in some cases, which can lead to quality loss. Try a different photo for better results.

Considerations When Changing Post Photos

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when you change the photo on a Facebook post:

  • Be aware changing the photo can change the overall tone, meaning or context of your post. Choose a replacement photo that maintains a similar feel.
  • Frequently changing the photo on a popular post may confuse your audience and dilute engagement. Avoid excessive photo changes.
  • Changing old photos can be useful for promoting new products, messaging, or imagery. But take care not to erase important memories or history.
  • If changing a photo tied to a promotion or advertisement, be sure any time-sensitive details like pricing remain accurate.
  • For Facebook ads, you can change the image creatives being used for new impressions while retaining existing ad reporting data.


Changing the photo on a Facebook post is a straightforward process using the “Edit Post” option. This allows you to keep your posts and profile fresh by updating old photos as needed. When changing photos, be mindful of how it impacts context, quality, and audience engagement. With the proper diligence, the ability to change post photos can be a useful way to improve your Facebook presence.