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Is it possible to be shadow banned on Facebook?

Is it possible to be shadow banned on Facebook?

It is possible to be shadow banned on Facebook. Shadow banning is when a platform like Facebook limits a user’s reach and engagement without informing them. This means their posts, comments, and other interactions stop showing up for other users without any notification.

What is a shadow ban on Facebook?

A shadow ban on Facebook refers to actions taken by Facebook to limit the reach of a user’s posts without their knowledge. When shadow banned, a user’s content may not show up in feeds, searches, hashtags or other places it would normally appear. The user is not notified of the shadow ban.

Some key signs of being shadow banned on Facebook include:

  • Drastic drop in likes, comments and shares on posts
  • Decrease in follower growth
  • Friends/followers say they are not seeing your posts
  • Hashtags you usually rank highly in not showing your content

Facebook claims it does not shadow ban, but some users feel they have experienced unexplained reach and engagement restrictions.

Why would Facebook shadow ban someone?

There are a few speculated reasons why Facebook may resort to shadow banning:

  • To limit reach of abusive or spammy accounts
  • Restricting reach of posts or accounts spreading misinformation
  • Curb harassment and bullying by reducing visibility
  • Throttling accounts that violated policy frequently
  • Slow down virality of controversial figures/groups

Many feel these actions should be accompanied by a notification, not done secretly in the form of a shadow ban.

How to tell if you are shadow banned on Facebook

Here are some signs that may indicate you have been shadow banned on Facebook:

  • Posts are not appearing on your followers’ feeds
  • Sudden drop in engagement and reach for no apparent reason
  • Friends say they haven’t seen your posts in awhile
  • Hashtags you usually get engagement from not showing your content
  • Being excluded from follower recommendations
  • Follower growth has stalled
  • Your page does not show up in Facebook search results

The only way to know for sure is to ask friends and connections if they can see your posts as usual. If many say no, you may be shadow banned.

How long can a Facebook shadow ban last?

There is no set duration for Facebook shadow bans. Some users report restrictions lasting weeks, months or indefintely unless they create a new account. Some factors that may influence shadow ban duration include:

  • Severity of perceived policy violation
  • History of violations on the account
  • Repeated posting of restricted content during ban
  • Using accounts linked to banned account to evade

In most cases, Facebook does not confirm if a shadow ban is in place or provide details on how long it will last.

Does Facebook notify you if you are shadow banned?

No, Facebook does not directly notify users if they have been placed under a shadow ban or the associated restrictions. The lack of notification is the defining characteristic of a shadow ban.

Some indications your account may be limited include:

  • Content reach is drastically lower than usual
  • Decrease in likes, comments and shares per post
  • Follower growth slows or stops
  • Friends say they don’t see your posts

Without formal notification, identifying a potential shadow ban requires monitoring reach metrics and asking connections for feedback.

Can you appeal a Facebook shadow ban?

You cannot directly appeal a Facebook shadow ban, as the platform does not acknowledge placing restrictions without notification. However, there are some actions that may help get your account out of “shadow ban” status:

  • Stop posting the type of content flagged as problematic
  • Remove posts that may have violated Facebook policies
  • Refrain from publishing to Facebook during ban period
  • Boost posts using Facebook Ads Manager to increase reach
  • Wait 1-2 weeks for ban effects to potentially wear off

There is no guarantee these steps will fully restore your reach, but limiting potentially policy-violating content may gradually improve the situation.

How to get rid of a Facebook shadow ban

Ending a Facebook shadow ban completely can be difficult since the platform does not confirm restrictions or their duration. However, you can try tactics like:

  • Stopping posting for 1-2 weeks to let ban “expire”
  • Removing posts that contain content Facebook may flag
  • Avoiding topics and keywords that may have triggered ban
  • Running Facebook ads to boost engagement
  • Posting more benign content that follows policies
  • Waiting for time to pass and not violate more policies

These methods may help lift restrictions, but there is no guarantee. The most effective approach is to remain compliant with Facebook policies.

Should banned accounts be notified by Facebook?

Pros of Notification Cons of Notification
  • More transparency from platform
  • User knows where they stand
  • Allows user to adjust behavior
  • Opportunity to appeal decision
  • Better for user experience
  • More work for Facebook
  • Gives violators info to evade ban
  • Users may harass enforcers
  • Reduced ability to secretly shape discourse

There are good arguments on both sides of this issue. Notifying users provides transparency and an opportunity to appeal. However, Facebook may prefer to silently ban accounts in some cases to avoid harassment or make enforcement easier.


Being shadow banned on Facebook is definitely a possibility, especially if you have violated platform policies frequently. The best way to avoid a shadow ban is to ensure your posts and engagement comply with Facebook’s rules. If you suspect you have been secretly restricted, take steps to change your behavior and see if your reach improves over time. While you likely cannot completely confirm or appeal a shadow ban, actions like removing flagged posts may eventually result in lifted restrictions.