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Is it OK to post your email address on Facebook?

Is it OK to post your email address on Facebook?

Posting your email address on Facebook is generally not recommended for privacy and security reasons. However, there may be some situations where it could be acceptable or even necessary. Here are some quick answers to key questions about posting your email on Facebook:

Is it safe to post your email address publicly on Facebook?

No, it is generally not safe to post your primary personal email address publicly on Facebook. Doing so exposes your inbox to potential spam, phishing attacks, and hacking attempts. Your email address can be easily harvested from your public profile by bots and cybercriminals.

What are the risks of posting your email publicly?

Some of the main risks include:

  • Receiving more spam and unwanted emails
  • Being targeted by phishing scams asking for personal information
  • Having your accounts compromised if hackers guess security questions based on info in your public profile
  • Strangers trying to contact you inappropriately through email

Are there any benefits to adding your email to your public profile?

There are a few potential benefits, such as:

  • Allowing old friends or new connections on Facebook to contact you easily
  • Displaying a professional email address to showcase your work or business
  • Making it convenient for people to reach you who don’t have your phone number

However, these benefits usually don’t outweigh the privacy risks for most personal Facebook use cases.

What are some alternatives to posting your main email address?

Instead of adding your primary personal email to your public profile, consider these safer alternatives:

  • Create a separate public-facing professional email just for Facebook
  • List your social media handles instead so people can message you there
  • Share your email privately with specific connections on Facebook Messenger
  • Direct people to contact you through your business website’s contact form

When is it OK to post your real email address on Facebook?

Here are a few examples of appropriate times to post your actual email address on your Facebook profile:

  • When managing your professional page or public figure account
  • If required when registering for a Facebook event or group
  • When needed for purchasing products or services through Facebook
  • For a temporary period when changing contact info and reconnecting with people

How can you post your email safely on Facebook if required?

If you need to share your real email publicly on Facebook, here are some tips to do it more securely:

  • Use a secondary email address just for Facebook rather than your primary inbox
  • Set up email rules to filter messages from Facebook senders directly to spam or trash
  • Avoid clicking links in messages from strangers to guard against phishing
  • Use a unique complex password for your email account and enable two-factor authentication
  • Review privacy and security settings carefully and limit profile visibility
  • Remove your email address once you no longer need it publicly visible

What are some email and Facebook best practices to prevent issues?

Some general email and Facebook security tips include:

  • Never post personal contact info like your email, address, or phone number publicly
  • Be wary of messenger requests from people you don’t know
  • Use unique complex passwords for all accounts and change them periodically
  • Enable login notifications and two-factor authentication where possible
  • Be skeptical of unsolicited emails and avoid clicking embedded links
  • Use a spam filter and report phishing emails to Facebook
  • Review privacy settings and limit sharing personal info publicly


Posting your email address publicly on your Facebook profile does come with privacy and security risks in most cases. Your best option is to avoid adding your main personal email if possible. But if you need to add it temporarily, take precautions like using a secondary address and enhancing your account security settings.

With careful practices like using unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, you can take steps to manage your privacy and security on Facebook and your connected email account.

Overall, it’s wise to be very selective about when you share your personal contact information publicly online. Following email and social media best practices can help you avoid issues like spam, phishing, and account hacking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to post your email address on Facebook for business?

It can be acceptable to post an email address on Facebook specifically designated for business purposes. This gives customers an easy way to get in touch. However, use a separate professional email address rather than your own personal inbox.

Can you get hacked by posting your email on Facebook?

Posting your email publicly does increase your risk of being hacked. Criminals can try to access accounts using your email address and info from your Facebook profile. Always use strong unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication wherever possible.

What should you do if someone is harassing you via your public Facebook email?

If you receive harassment, spam, or phishing emails after posting your address on Facebook, take action by blocking the sender, marking the messages as spam, and reporting any abuse to Facebook. You may need to remove your email from your profile to stop unwanted messages.

Is it OK to post your email on Facebook Messenger rather than your public profile?

Sharing your email selectively with specific connections via Facebook Messenger carries much less risk than adding it to your public profile visible to all. Use discretion when giving your address directly to people you know and trust.

What are some alternatives to posting your main email address on Facebook?

Instead of your primary personal email, consider sharing a secondary public email address, your social media handles, website contact form, phone number, Facebook Messenger, or other communication channels. You can share your main email privately as needed.

Example Email and Facebook Security Tips Table

Email Security Tips Facebook Security Tips
– Use strong unique passwords – Review privacy settings
– Enable two-factor authentication – Limit profile visibility
– Use secondary address for online signups – Decline messages from strangers
– Install antivirus and anti-spyware software – Use login alerts and notifications
– Watch for phishing scams – Don’t accept all friend requests
– Frequently change passwords – Be wary of third-party apps

Key Takeaways

  • Posting your email on Facebook exposes you to spam, phishing, and hacking risks
  • Use a separate public business email instead of your primary personal email
  • Never add personal contact info like your address, email, or phone publicly
  • Enable two-factor authentication and use strong unique passwords
  • Be very selective about sharing your real email address online