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Is it normal for people to unfriend you on Facebook?

Is it normal for people to unfriend you on Facebook?

Facebook has become a huge part of many people’s lives since it launched in 2004. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it’s no surprise that Facebook friendships and connections have become very important to many of its users. However, it’s also quite common for people to unfriend or unfollow others on Facebook for a variety of reasons.

What does it mean when someone unfriends you on Facebook?

When someone unfriends you on Facebook, it means they have removed you from their friends list and you are no longer connected as friends on the platform. This means you will no longer be able to see their posts, photos, or other updates in your news feed. Some key things to know about being unfriended on Facebook:

  • You will stop seeing the person’s posts in your news feed and they will disappear from your friends list.
  • If you visit the person’s profile directly, you may still be able to see some of their public information and posts.
  • You will no longer be able to message or interact with the person on Facebook.
  • The person will also stop seeing your posts and information.
  • Mutual friends will not be notified when you are unfriended.

So in essence, unfriending removes the friendship connection and cuts off access you previously had to the person’s more personal information and profile on Facebook.

How common is it for people to unfriend on Facebook?

Unfriending or unfollowing people is actually quite common on Facebook. Here are some statistics on unfriending:

  • 71% of Facebook users have unfriended someone before.
  • On average, most Facebook users unfriend 2-5 people per year.
  • The most common age group to unfriend are those 18-34 years old.
  • Politics and polarizing views are one of the top reasons for unfriending.
  • 23% of users unfriend someone due to too many posts or overly personal posts.
  • Other top reasons include not knowing the person, boring posts, and life changes like relationships or jobs.

So clearly unfriending happens fairly regularly among a majority of Facebook users each year. It’s just part of managing one’s Facebook connections and news feeds.

Age Group Percentage Who Have Unfriended
18-34 77%
35-54 68%
55+ 61%

This table shows the percentage of different age groups on Facebook who say they have unfriended someone before. The data indicates younger users are the most likely to curate their friends lists by unfriending.

Why do people unfriend or unfollow on Facebook?

There are a variety of motivations and reasons that may lead someone to unfriend or unfollow another person on Facebook, including:

1. Political and opinion differences

Seeing too many posts from someone with very different political or ideological viewpoints is one of the most commonly cited reasons for unfriending on Facebook. Too much arguing or negativity prompted by political disagreements leads some to remove the person from their news feed.

2. Life changes and growing apart

Major life events like a marriage, new relationship, new job, or moving cities are also common reasons people may unfriend former connections. Changing interests or growing apart from old friends or acquaintances can prompt an unfriending.

3. Too much posting or oversharing

Some people unfriend those who share too many mundane posts, photos of kids or vacations, or overly personal information. When the content is not of interest, it leads to unfollowing.

4. Drama and negativity

Excessive drama, negativity, complaining or inappropriate sharing is another reason people unfriend. Toxic connections are removed to avoid the bad vibes.

5. Don’t know the person

Accepting friend requests from vague acquaintances or people you don’t remember can also eventually lead to unfriending. Not knowing someone well tends to lead to eventual removal from friends lists.

6. Breakups and former friends

After a breakup or fight with a friend it’s common to unfriend the person on Facebook. Some people feel seeing their ex or former friend is too painful.

7. Rarely interact with the person

If you rarely or never interact with someone on Facebook itself, you may reevaluate why you are still connected. Lack of engagement leads to removing friends.

8. Jealousy and comparing lives

Seeing posts from people you envy or whose lives seem much happier than yours can elicit jealousy. Some combat this by unfollowing these people’s posts.

9. Stress relief and mental health

For some, unfriending and taking breaks from Facebook provides mental health relief and reduces social media induced stress or anxiety. Unfriending certain people can lift spirits.

How to tell if you’ve been unfriended on Facebook

Facebook doesn’t directly notify you if someone unfriends you. Here are some signs you may have been unfriended:

  • The person disappears from your friends list.
  • You can no longer tag the person in posts.
  • You can no longer message or view the person’s restricted profile content.
  • Your comments on their posts may say “Friends Only”.
  • Mutual friends start treating you differently or seem distant.

You can also install one of several “Who Unfriended Me” apps that are designed to track unfriendings on Facebook.

Should you unfriend someone who unfriended you first?

There are a few approaches you can take if someone else unfriends you:

  • Let it go, and don’t unfriend back.
  • Talk to the person to find out why, and possibly rekindle.
  • Unfriend the person back to mutually remove the connection.
  • Wait a while, then unfriend if you’re still bothered by the fallout.

Ultimately it’s a personal choice depending on the relationship and your feelings. Evaluate if the friendship is worth preserving first before deciding to unfriend back.

Can you tell if someone unfollowed you or your posts?

Unlike unfriending, unfollowing or snoozing someone on Facebook is trickier to spot, since you remain Facebook friends. Here are some signs someone may have unfollowed you:

  • Sudden drop in likes or comments on your posts
  • The person stops interacting with your posts
  • Your posts no longer appear on their Timeline view
  • Use an analytics app to check if they are seeing your posts

But there is no foolproof way to know if someone merely unfollowed you while remaining friends. It’s subtler than a full unfriending.

Should you take Facebook unfriending personally?

While being unfriended or unfollowed can feel personal or hurtful, in most cases it’s best not to take it too personally. Here are some reasons not to take it too personally:

  • It’s not necessarily about you – people unfollow for many reasons
  • Facebook friend list maintenance is common and regular
  • You don’t know what prompted the action
  • It may be an accident or misunderstanding
  • It doesn’t mean your real friendship is over if you have one
  • Your true friends will stick around
  • It’s healthier not to take social media connections too seriously

Focus on the people who do interact with you regularly and bring value to your life. Don’t let unfriending or unfollowing alone damage your self-esteem or real friendships.


Being unfriended or unfollowed on Facebook is incredibly common. Most people have experienced it on both sides. Typical reasons range from cleaning up old contacts, changes in interests or life circumstances, too much posting, polarizing views, stress relief, and more. While not the most enjoyable experience, being unfriended is rarely personal. For your own mental health and relationships, it’s healthiest not to take unfriending too seriously, as Facebook connections do not always mirror real life significance. Pay the most attention to the people who actively bring value and positivity to your news feed and life.