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Is it normal for Facebook to ask for your drivers license?

Is it normal for Facebook to ask for your drivers license?

The Short Answer

No, it is not normal for Facebook to ask for your driver’s license or other government ID without a specific reason. Facebook does sometimes ask for ID verification, but usually only when suspicious activity is detected or when trying to confirm your identity for security purposes. Providing your ID or personal information should always be done with caution.

When Facebook Might Ask for Your ID

Here are some common situations when Facebook may prompt you to provide a photo of your driver’s license or other government ID:

Suspicious Activity on Your Account

If Facebook detects suspicious or unusual activity on your account, such as logging in from a new device or location, they may ask you to verify your identity by providing ID. This is to ensure your account has not been compromised.

Security Check When Posting Sensitive Content

Facebook has automated systems that scan posts for potential policy violations. If you share content that seems questionable, Facebook may ask you to provide ID to confirm you are the legitimate account holder. This applies to posts with violence, nudity, or hate speech.

New Account Signup

When creating a brand new Facebook account, you may be prompted to upload a photo of your ID to verify your identity and ensure you are using your real name. This prevents fake accounts.

Purchasing Facebook Ads

Companies or people running Facebook ads are often required to provide ID and proof of address to confirm legitimacy. This applies to ad accounts spending large amounts of money.

Requesting Account Recovery

If you get locked out of your account and need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process, sending a photo of your license is one way to confirm your identity.

Facebook Request for Legal Purposes

In rare cases, Facebook may request your ID or account information to comply with legal requirements from government agencies or law enforcement. They will notify you if your data is being shared.

Is Providing Your ID to Facebook Safe?

The security of providing your personal identification to Facebook depends on the situation:

For Routine Identity Verification

When Facebook asks for your ID as part of a routine security check, it is generally done through an encrypted transfer and only shared with a small team for verification purposes. Your information should be safely deleted afterwards.

For Legal Requests

If Facebook provides your data, including copies of IDs, to law enforcement as part of a legal request, they will notify you unless prohibited. There are risks of your data being mishandled.

For Facebook Ads

Submitting your ID or address for Facebook advertising purposes can feel risky, as advertisers could potentially misuse your info. Facebook claims they tightly control access to this data.

When Unsure Whether Facebook Needs Your Info

If you are ever unsure about whether Facebook really needs your personal information or ID, think twice before providing it. Ask them to explain why it is required, and see if there are alternatives to verify your identity. Erring on the side of caution is wise.

How to Share Your ID Safely on Facebook

If you do need to share a photo of your driver’s license or other ID with Facebook, here are some tips to do it safely:

– Only send it through their official ID verification screens – never email or message your ID.

– Obscure elements of your ID like the license number, address, birthdate if possible. These details are often unnecessary.

– Consider editing the photo to add filters, stickers or text covering private details.

– Delete the photo from your camera roll immediately after uploading to prevent misuse.

– If you are uncomfortable, consider whether providing ID proof is absolutely mandatory or if there are alternatives.

Reasons to Be Cautious Providing ID to Facebook

Here are some reasons to think carefully before providing your personal identification:

Privacy Risks

Once provided, you lose control of your ID. Employee misuse or security breaches could expose it. Facebook has had multiple data leaks.

Data Retention Uncertainty

Facebook’s data retention policies for ID verification images are vague. Your license photo may be stored indefinitely.

Potential for Identity Theft

Identity thieves could exploit access to your driver’s license info, if it falls into the wrong hands. Providing it comes with risk.

No Absolute Necessity

Often Facebook’s ID requests are merely for convenience and security theatre. You can likely prove your identity through other means.

Part of a Broader Pattern of Data Collection

Requiring ID furthers Facebook’s history of accumulating personal data for monetization. It benefits their business model, not yours.

What to Do If You’re Uncomfortable Providing ID

If Facebook asks you to provide a copy of your ID, but you are uncomfortable doing so, here are some options:

– Select alternative identity verification options if offered, like security codes sent to your phone or email.

– Ask Facebook to explain the specific reason they need your ID and whether it is truly mandatory.

– Politely request an exception to the ID requirement, or ask to blur/conceal private details.

– Submit an impersonal substitute document like a library card or college ID if permitted.

– Note that verification is often not required just to use Facebook normally – only for advertisers, account recovery, etc.

– Be willing to accept some inconvenience or limitation if you do not submit your ID.

Filing a Complaint With Facebook

If you believe Facebook does not have a valid reason for requesting your personal identification, you can file a complaint:

– Report the issue through the Facebook Help Center.

– Contact Facebook to ask for their Privacy Policy team.

– Submit a complaint to your state Attorney General’s office and the FTC.

– Consult a consumer protection lawyer regarding your rights and options.

– Document your interactions with Facebook throughout the process.

– Be prepared to close your account if Facebook refuses to address your concerns.

Closing Your Facebook Account

If you are not comfortable providing your ID to Facebook, or do not trust them to handle your personal data, permanently deleting your account is an option:

– Download any photos or data you want to keep first.

– Go to Facebook’s “How do I permanently delete my account” page.

– Click “Permanently Delete Account” and follow instructions.

– Your account should be deleted within 90 days.

– Be aware Facebook may retain some data, like messages you sent.

– Deleting full account history requires directly contacting Facebook.


Facebook requesting your driver’s license or other ID should raise privacy alarms. While there are some limited situations where ID verification is justified, users should approach these requests skeptically. Always think carefully before providing sensitive personal data to any social media platform or company. Stand up for your digital rights.