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Is it necessary to put relationship status on Facebook?

Is it necessary to put relationship status on Facebook?

In the era of social media, Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms for people to connect with friends, family, and share aspects of their life. One common debate is whether it is necessary to display your relationship status on Facebook. There are arguments on both sides of this issue.

The Purpose of Relationship Status on Facebook

The relationship status feature on Facebook serves several purposes:

  • It allows people to publicly declare their romantic partnerships. This can be a way for couples to celebrate their bond and “officialize” their relationship in a public sphere.
  • It signals to others that you are or are not available for romantic connections. If someone is “In a Relationship” or “Married” that conveys to others that they are not looking for dates.
  • It provides context about you to your network. The relationship status gives acquaintances a better sense of your life stage and priorities.
  • It is a way to passively share relationship milestones. Updating your status from “Single” to “In a Relationship” allows your connections on Facebook to be passively updated on your love life.

In summary, the relationship status feature allows people to share relationship details, indicate their availability, and give context to their social network on Facebook.

Reasons People Share Relationship Status

There are a number of motivations that lead people to post their relationship status on Facebook:

  • To celebrate the relationship. Updating to “In a Relationship” can be a way for people to proudly share this new development in their life.
  • Peer/social pressure. If everyone else has their status posted, some may feel obligated to share theirs as well.
  • Preference for transparency. Some people value being open and honest about their relationship status and want to avoid any speculation.
  • To ward off interest from others. Explicitly stating you are in a relationship deflects unwanted romantic advances.
  • To appear a certain way. Some share their status to try to look committed, mature, or in-demand.
  • Habit or convenience. If you’ve had your status up in the past, it can become habitual to maintain it.

The choice to share your romantic life on Facebook is highly personal and motivated by many factors. Relationship statuses are complex and have symbolic meaning in the era of social media.

Arguments Against Posting Relationship Status

Here are some of the reasons why people choose not to post a relationship status on Facebook:

  • Privacy concerns. Some prefer to keep their romantic life more private and limited to close connections.
  • Fear of jinxing the relationship. Superstitious people may avoid “Facebook official” status out of concern it could jeopardize the relationship.
  • Not taking it seriously enough. If the relationship is new or casual, people may not want to define it publicly yet.
  • No longer use Facebook actively. Those who have left Facebook do not think about their old profile.
  • Security reasons. For personal safety, some may avoid broadcasting their possibly vulnerable relationship status.
  • Don’t think it’s anyone’s business. Some view their love life as a personal matter no one needs to know.
  • Freedom from judgment. Keeping your status undefined avoids criticisms or opinions from your social media contacts.

There are many personal reasons people may prefer keeping their romantic involvements offline and not feel comfortable declaring a relationship publicly on Facebook.

Is Posting Necessary for a Committed Relationship?

For people in serious, long-term relationships, there are a few considerations around posting the relationship status on Facebook:

  • Reflects the stage of life. Once in a marriage or life partnership, the relationship status communicates this major life event.
  • Avoid assumptions. If not posted, some may assume the person is single and still looking to date.
  • Shows pride and celebration of love. Posting can be a way to proudly showcase your significant other as a life partner.
  • All friends likely know already. For a serious relationship, close friends are already aware of the partner and status.
  • Formalizes commitment. Updating to “In a Relationship” marks the change from casual to committed attachment.
  • Fits social norms. Customarily, long-term couples will acknowledge their relationship in public spheres.

While there are good reasons to formalize a serious relationship status, it is not strictly necessary. The decision depends on personal preferences around privacy and how active you are on Facebook.

Considerations Around Posting a New Relationship

When beginning a new romance, people weigh many factors on if and when to update the Facebook status:

  • Wait until it is clearly defined. If you are still figuring out the relationship, it may be premature.
  • Establish it privately first. Develop the new bond offline before involving social media.
  • Consider partner’s preferences. Discuss together how public you want to be with your new relationship.
  • Reflect on motivations. Examine if posting is to validate the romance or for unhealthy reasons.
  • Weigh pros and cons. Recognize the benefits and risks of publicizing a new relationship.
  • Think long-term. Consider if you would want a new partner forever memorialized on your Facebook timeline.

Posting a new relationship status requires thoughtfulness about the implications. While exciting to show off a new partner, take care not to jeopardize a budding romance by moving too fast. The healthiest relationships tend to develop privately first before going public.

Struggles of Posting After a Breakup

After a breakup, updating your relationship status on Facebook can be an emotionally difficult task:

  • Hard to “make official.” Accepting the relationship is over by clicking to “Single.”
  • Can prolong hurt. The public declaration reopens the wound.
  • Awkward explanations. Friends will inquire what happened and why.
  • Time for privacy. A breakup may signal a need for more space and less sharing.
  • Hope of reunion. Some hold off changing in hopes they may reconcile.
  • Still processing it. The mourning process takes time before you are ready to announce it.

In the aftermath of heartbreak, people must reflect deeply to determine when is the right time – if ever – to indicate the relationship has ended on their Facebook profile.

Best Practices for Posting Relationship Statuses

If you do decide to post your relationship status on Facebook, here are some tips for using it appropriately:

  • Keep it updated. Life changes quickly, so modify it as needed.
  • Discuss with your partner first if comfortable. Get on the same page before going “Facebook official.”
  • Use the “It’s Complicated” label if needed. This conveys the complexity of modern dating.
  • Remember the audience is broad. Anyone you are connected to will see it.
  • Keep private details private. Do not air grievances or intimate disclosures publicly.

The relationship status can be a useful tool for sharing your life authentically on social media if used mindfully and tactfully.


In summary, whether to post your relationship status on Facebook is a personal choice with many factors to consider on both sides. For new relationships, it likely is wisest to wait until the bond develops more before making it Facebook official. For established partnerships, displaying the status can be a nice way to show your commitment and life stage publicly to friends. After a breakup, proceed with caution when deciding when and if you should announce the change. Overall, be thoughtful and intentional with sharing relationship details on social media, as your connections and privacy should be priorities.