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Is it hard to get monetized on Facebook?

Is it hard to get monetized on Facebook?

Getting monetized on Facebook can seem daunting for many creators and business owners. Facebook has specific monetization requirements that must be met in order to be approved for their various money-making features. However, while it does take some effort, meeting the requirements is very achievable if you understand what’s required and put in the work. Here’s an in-depth look at what it takes to get monetized on Facebook.

Facebook Monetization Requirements

In order to get approved for monetization on Facebook, Pages must meet these basic requirements:

  • Be an authentic Page representing a real creator, publisher, business, brand or organization
  • Comply with Facebook’s policies and terms of service
  • Be in good standing without any restrictions
  • Have at least 10,000 lifetime followers
  • Have accrued at least 600,000 lifetime video views across Pages and individual profiles
  • Have had at least 5 active video posts in the last 60 days
  • Be located in a country where monetization features are available
  • Create content that complies with Facebook’s monetization policies and guidelines

These requirements apply to access all of Facebook’s monetization features, including In-Stream ads, Facebook Reels ads, Creator Shops and Facebook Subscriptions. So any Page looking to earn money on Facebook must meet these standards.

Tips for Meeting the Requirements

While the follower, view and content count thresholds may seem high, here are some tips and strategies for honestly meeting the requirements:

Build your audience

Gaining 10,000 followers and 600,000 views takes time and effort but is very doable. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content daily. Leverage hashtags, trends and viral formats that help expand your reach. Run promotions to attract new followers. Network and collaborate with relevant Pages. Respond to all comments and messages. Deliver value that makes people want to follow you.

Prioritize video content

Video content accrues the most views and is key for monetization. Ensure you have at least 5 recent video posts and aim to upload new videos multiple times per week. Experiment with different video types – native videos, live streams, Reels, etc. Optimize your videos with compelling thumbnails, titles and descriptions. Share video clips across platforms to maximize views.

Provide value and build community

Create content that engages your audience and provides real value. Ask questions, run polls and encourage discussion. Build a community centered around your niche and content style. This helps convert casual viewers into loyal followers.

Analyze performance and improve

Use Facebook analytics to see which types of posts generate the most reach and engagement. Identify peak posting times for your audience. Take note of top-performing videos to inform future content. Refine your approach over time based on data.

Promote smartly

Use paid promotions judiciously to supplement your organic growth efforts. Target promotions to lookalike audiences that match your existing followers. Promote your best-performing posts. Drive traffic to your Facebook Page and posts from other platforms.

Partner with other Pages

Collaborate with complementary Pages to cross-promote content and expand your collective reach. Guest post on relevant Pages. Engage with Facebook Groups in your niche. Execute promotions with aligned influencers or brands.

Go live frequently

Live broadcasts help boost engagement and followers. Go live as often as possible to interact with your audience in real time. Share your streams across social channels to drive tune-ins. Reuse clips from livestreams as individual video posts later.

Engage other social platforms

While Facebook is the focus, leveraging other platforms like Instagram, TikTok and YouTube can help grow your audience. Cross-post content across your integrated social channels. Ensure your Facebook Page name/username is consistent across platforms.

Keys to Maintaining Monetization Access

Once approved for monetization, creators must continue meetingrequirements and actively using features to maintain access. Here are some tips:

  • Keep uploading new content multiple times per week, with a focus on video.
  • Continue growing your follower count.
  • Use monetization tools regularly – enable ads, create Brand Collabs and share shop products frequently.
  • Respond to all comments and messages from Facebook.
  • Carefully follow all Facebook policies, terms and guidelines.
    • Meeting the initial requirements shows you have an engaged audience. But Facebook monitors ongoing activity to ensure creators provide continued value for their communities.

      Types of Facebook Monetization

      Once approved, there are several money-making features available. Common Facebook monetization options include:

      In-Stream Ads

      Video ads played in the middle of longer videos. Facebook shares 55% of generated revenue with creators.

      Facebook Reels Ads

      Ads displayed between Reels. Revenue is based on content performance and audience.


      Virtual gifts fans can purchase during Facebook Live videos to support creators. Facebook takes a cut but most revenue goes to the creator.


      Recurring monthly payments that grant supporters access to exclusive content. Creators keep 100% after fees.


      Special badges supporters can display in comments and on their profile to show their support. Fans pay a monthly fee and creators receive a portion.

      Brand Collabs Manager

      Matches creators with paid partnership opportunities with brands. Facilitates negotiation and payments.

      Creator Shops

      Native shops on Facebook where creators can sell products directly to followers.

      Pages can take advantage of any and all options that fit their content approach to maximize Facebook earnings.

      Typical Facebook Payouts

      Income earned on Facebook can vary significantly depending on content type, audience size and use of monetization features. Some average Facebook creator earnings examples:

      Creator Followers Monthly Video Views Monthly Earnings
      10k 150k $100-$300
      50k 500k $500-$1500
      100k 1 million $1000-$5000
      500k 5 million $5000-$15k
      1 million 10 million $15k-$50k

      These are rough estimates only. Top creators with highly engaged audiences over 1 million can earn six figures yearly. Smaller niche creators can also do well focusing on one income stream. But in general, more followers and views equals higher earning potential.

      Timing for Facebook Monetization Approval

      So how long does it take to get approved for Facebook monetization once you’ve met the requirements? Here are some guidelines on timing:

      • Instant approval: Some Pages may get instant access once hitting thresholds.
      • 1-2 weeks: Average wait time for approval after applying.
      • 1-2 months: Wait for those who barely meet requirements or have compliance issues.
      • Longer waits: Approval can take longer during busy periods or for complex reviews.

      There’s no set timeframe, but most Pages get approved within a couple of weeks. Key is being patient and following up if you don’t hear back after a month or more.

      Optimizing Content for Monetization

      To maximize Facebook income after approval, optimize your content for monetization with these tips:

      Longer videos

      Videos over 3 minutes can include multiple ads, increasing potential revenue.

      Lots of native video

      Native Facebook videos shared directly, not embedded from elsewhere, monetize best.

      Focus on originality

      Unique, original content works better than reposted or curated content.

      Provide ongoing value

      Content that educates, entertains and engages fosters loyalty and activity.

      Encourage reactions and comments

      Post content that drives reactions and discussion, which are signs of engagement.

      Use interactive features

      Leverage polls, questions, live videos and other interactive formats to boost comments.

      Promote frequently

      Share new posts across channels and run ads to keep reaching new people.

      Partner strategically

      Collaborate with other creators to gain extended reach and tap into new audiences.

      Mistakes to Avoid

      There are also some common mistakes creators should avoid to maintain monetization access:

      • Inflating metrics with paid tactics vs organic growth
      • Using bots or fake accounts
      • Buying fake views or followers
      • Stealing content
      • Sharing prohibited content like hate speech, nudity etc
      • Posting clickbait or sensationalized content
      • Aggressive follower fishing instead of engagement
      • Ignoring Facebook feedback and communications

      Basically, focus on providing genuine value vs chasing vanity metrics. Shortcuts like inflating numbers artificially or stealing content typically backfire long-term.

      Appealing Rejected or Removed Monetization

      What if your monetization request gets rejected or access removed? Here are some tips for appealing decisions:

      • Carefully review Facebook feedback for the specific issues.
      • Be honest if policy violations are cited – own up to mistakes.
      • Correct any problems that led to rejection.
      • Strengthen weak areas like more followers, views or posts.
      • Proactively contact Facebook support for guidance.
      • Patiently go through the appeal process by providing requested info.

      Most creators can regain access by addressing deficiencies and giving Facebook time to re-review. But multiple rejections or removals make the process harder, so best to avoid violations that could trigger that.

      Facebook Monetization vs Other Platforms

      How does Facebook monetization stack up against other platforms? Here’s a comparison:

      Facebook YouTube Instagram TikTok
      Earnings potential Medium-High Medium-High Low-Medium Low-Medium
      Follower requirements 10k 1k None None
      Content formats Video, posts, live videos Video Video, posts, live videos Video
      Key monetization feature Ad revenue sharing Google AdSense Partnerships, shopping Creator Fund, tipping

      Facebook stacks up well for monetization thanks to strong ad revenue sharing, large potential reach and diverse content options. While each platform has pros and cons, having an integrated multi-channel presence is ideal for creators.

      Facebook Monetization Requires Patience and Persistence

      Getting and staying monetized on Facebook does require consistent effort over time. But thousands of creators are earning meaningful income through Facebook monetization. While the road to meeting requirements demands patience and persistence, the payoff for qualifying Pages is certainly worthwhile.

      As the world’s largest social platform with over 3 billion users, Facebook offers massive money-making opportunities. Creators who build loyal audiences and produce high-quality content can tap into multiple income streams. While each platform has its complexities, Facebook provides one of the most lucrative and accessible ways for influencers to monetize their personal brand and content online.