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Is it good to lock Facebook account?

Is it good to lock Facebook account?

In recent years, more and more Facebook users have chosen to lock or deactivate their accounts for various reasons. Locking or deactivating an account temporarily disables it without permanently deleting it. This can help users take a break from Facebook without losing their profile and data. But is locking your Facebook account actually a good idea? Here we’ll examine the pros and cons to help you decide if locking your Facebook is right for you.

Pros of Locking Your Facebook Account

1. Take a break from social media

Facebook can be addictive and time-consuming. The constant notifications and endless News Feed scrolling can distract us and decrease productivity. Locking your account lets you take a healthy break from social media without losing your profile.

A digital detox can have many benefits including:

  • More free time for other activities
  • Less distraction and increased focus
  • Reduced anxiety from not constantly checking social media
  • More real world social interaction

Even a short break from Facebook for a few days or weeks can be refreshing. It allows you to reset your habits and become less dependent on social media.

2. Increase privacy and security

Locking your Facebook prevents anyone else from accessing your account. This instantly boosts your privacy and security.

Some specific benefits include:

  • No one can log in and snoop on your profile or posts
  • Hackers cannot take over or compromise your account
  • You avoid accidental posting or sharing while your account is disabled
  • Risk of private messages being read is eliminated
  • No one can post updates or interact with friends as if they are you

Locking your account is like putting it in a vault that only you can unlock. It keeps your information safe and prevents misuse of your profile.

3. Avoid online drama or arguments

Facebook fights and unnecessary online drama can be mentally draining. If you find your News Feed full of stressful arguments or negative posts, locking your account can provide a peaceful retreat.

Without Facebook you can avoid:

  • Getting dragged into heated debates in comments
  • Feeling upset over mean posts or gossip
  • Wasting energy on trivial online arguments
  • Being provoked by inflammatory posts and news

Stepping back from Facebook takes you out of the loop of endless bickering and negativity. This can be beneficial for your mental health.

4. Increased productivity

Numerous studies have linked heavy social media use with decreased productivity at work and school. Facebook’s endless content and notifications continually distract us and shift focus.

Without Facebook you can:

  • Concentrate better on tasks and work
  • Avoid wasting time aimlessly browsing
  • Accomplish more in your day
  • Improve grades and job performance

Locking your account even temporarily often increases productivity and concentration. Important tasks, studying, and work can more easily become your main focus.

Cons of Locking Your Facebook Account

1. Missing out on events or updates

When your account is locked you no longer receive notifications about Facebook events, group activities, or your friends’ updates. This means you could miss out on:

  • Events you wanted to attend
  • Important posts from family or close friends
  • Major life events and announcements from your network
  • Interesting updates from your favorite pages and groups

Staying in the loop about get-togethers, personal news, local happenings, and more can be difficult without Facebook access.

2. Loss of contacts or reconnectability

Facebook can be a great way to reconnect with old friends, classmates, colleagues, etc. When your account is locked you lose this ability.

Deactivating your profile also means:

  • Old friends or new connections can’t look you up
  • Harder to get back in touch or network
  • Out of sight, out of mind – people may forget about you

Disappearing from Facebook can isolate you from valuable social and professional connections.

3. Missing out on memoralized accounts

Memoralized profiles of deceased loved ones can provide comfort and nostalgia. But locking your account prevents you from interacting with these pages or seeing new posts from friends and family.

4. Can’t access Facebook features or tools

When locked out of Facebook you lose convenient access to many helpful features:

  • Event planning and calendar syncing
  • Shopping tools and recommendations
  • Fundraising campaigns and donations
  • Transportation options like ride shares
  • Messenger for communicating
  • Selling Marketplace platform

These integrated apps and services can be useful productivity boosters and money savers.

5. Potentially missing out on business opportunities

Facebook can be extremely valuable for businesses and entrepreneurs. Locking your account cuts you off from potential growth opportunities like:

  • Advertising products/services to a wide audience
  • Generating new leads through Pages and Groups
  • Interacting and providing customer service to clients
  • Showcasing your brand, talents, or services
  • Promoting sales, coupons, and special offers

For some businesses, disappearing from Facebook removes a major consumer touchpoint.

How Long to Lock Your Facebook Account

If you decide locking your Facebook is right for you, the ideal length of time will depend on your specific reasons and needs. Here are some common deactivation durations to consider:

  • 1 week – Provides a quick reset and mental break from social media without being too disconnected.
  • 2-4 weeks – Allows more time away to improve focus or address issues like productivity or arguments.
  • 6-12 months – Getting off Facebook for an extended period can be rejuvenating and help break an addiction.
  • Until needed – Some choose to lock accounts indefinitely and only reactive if required.

Start with a reasonable timeframe that meets your purpose, like a 1-4 week break. You can always extend it if needed. Short-term locking lets you easily reopen your account if you miss features or connections.

Should I Permanently Delete My Facebook Account?

Instead of temporarily locking your profile, you may be considering permanent deletion. But this is a much more extreme, irreversible step with its own pros and cons.

Pros of Permanent Deletion

  • Forced break from Facebook – no going back
  • Data and privacy concerns eliminated forever
  • Prevents compromised or hacked accounts
  • Stops compulsive checking more completely

Cons of Permanent Deletion

  • Lose all connections, photos, conversations, and profile info forever
  • Miss out on events, announcements, and life updates from network
  • Hurts business accounts and promotional opportunities
  • Can’t reactivate – decision is permanent

Permanent deletion is best reserved for cases of privacy concerns, compromises, or truly harmful Facebook addictions. Otherwise, temporary locking gives more flexibility.

How to Lock Your Facebook Account

Locking your Facebook account is an easy process that only takes a few minutes. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right and choose “Settings”.
  2. On the General Account Settings page choose “Manage Account” in the left menu.
  3. Click on “Deactivate your account” at the bottom.
  4. Choose a reason for deactivating from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter your password to confirm deactivation.
  6. Click on “Continue” and confirm again on the next page.

Your account will now be locked temporarily. To unlock it in the future, just login with your password and it will reactivate.


Locking your Facebook account can provide valuable breaks from social media that boost productivity, privacy, and mental health. But it also carries risks of disconnecting from friends, events, features, and business tools.

In most cases a 1-4 week deactivation meets balancing needs without going overboard. You can assess how you feel without Facebook and easily undo it. For heavy addicts facing larger issues, longer term locking may be warranted.

Overall the ideal Facebook lock duration and pros vs cons depend entirely on your personal situation and reasons. But used judiciously, temporarily deactivating your account can be a helpful self-care tool in our overly connected world.