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Is it better to unfollow or block?

Is it better to unfollow or block?

With the rise of social media, we now have more control over what content we see in our feeds. If someone is posting things you don’t want to see, you have two main options: unfollow or block them. But which is better? Here’s a comprehensive look at the pros and cons of each approach.

What does unfollowing mean?

Unfollowing someone on social media means you will no longer see their posts in your main feed. For example, if you unfollow someone on Instagram, their photos and videos will no longer show up when you scroll through your homepage. However, there are a few key things to know about unfollowing:

  • You can still visit their profile and see their content if you seek it out directly.
  • They will not be notified that you unfollowed them.
  • You will still show up as a follower on their profile.
  • They can still send you direct messages.

In summary, unfollowing simply removes someone’s posts from your feed. It does not block communication or remove the follower connection.

What does blocking mean?

Blocking someone on social media goes a step further than unfollowing. When you block someone, it typically means:

  • You will not see any of their content in your feed or on their profile.
  • They will no longer be able to find or contact you on that platform.
  • You will no longer show up as a follower on their profile.
  • They will not be notified that you blocked them.

Blocking prevents you from seeing their profile altogether and severs contact abilities. Think of it as creating a digital barrier between you and that person on that particular social network.

When is it better to unfollow someone?

Here are some common situations where unfollowing may be better than blocking:

  • When it’s someone you know in real life but don’t want to offend. If it’s a friend, family member, coworker, etc. that you want to gently remove from your feed, unfollowing allows you to do so without any confrontation or awkwardness. They won’t know you unfollowed them.
  • When you want to temporarily mute their content. If their posts are getting annoying but you don’t want to go as far as blocking them, you can unfollow for a while and refollow later when you feel ready to see their content again.
  • When you might interact with them on other platforms. If you block someone on Instagram but are still connected on Facebook, it could be confusing when you run into them in another digital space. Unfollowing just one account is less drastic.
  • When you want to still see some of their content. Even if their posts are mostly irritating, you can unfollow but still check in on their page manually every once in a while to see selected updates you do care about.

The main takeaway is that unfollowing allows you to remove some of their content from your feed but maintains an overall online connection and relationship with that person.

When is it better to block someone?

Here are some situations where blocking may be a better option than unfollowing:

  • When you feel harassed, threatened, or unsafe. If someone is directly targeting you with malicious comments, threats, intimidation, or is otherwise making you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, block them immediately and do not hesitate to report them to the platform.
  • When you want no chance of any future communication. If you are certain you want to cut off contact with someone permanently, blocking them prevents any direct communication attempts in the future.
  • When seeing any of their content negatively affects your mental health. If their posts are harmful to your self-image, trigger anxiety, or otherwise damage your mental health, blocking can be an act of self-care and protection of your mental wellbeing.
  • When you have no real-life relationship with them. If it’s someone you only know online and want no connection with, there is less reason to keep lines of communication open.

Blocking is the most decisive option and generally implies you want no association whatsoever with that person on that platform going forward.

Pros of unfollowing

  • Less confrontational
  • Keeps online connection intact
  • Others don’t know you unfollowed
  • Easy to reverse if you change your mind

Cons of unfollowing

  • Their content may still occasionally appear
  • You may still visit their profile and see their content
  • They can still direct message you

Pros of blocking

  • Completely removes all their content
  • Severs communication abilities
  • Strong protective measure if you feel unsafe or harassed
  • Definitive action if you are sure you want no further contact

Cons of blocking

  • Can cause offline social consequences if person finds out
  • Extreme measure if done impulsively or in anger
  • Difficult to undo if you later change your mind

When blocking may be risky or backfire

While blocking can be the right choice in many cases, there are a few risks to be aware of:

  • The person may realize they are blocked based on your lack of activity, and this may anger or upset them further.
  • They may retaliate by blocking you on other platforms, spreading negative comments about you to mutual connections, or escalating their behavior if you have any offline contact.
  • If done impulsively, you may later regret blocking someone with whom you have a long or complex relationship history.
  • Once blocked, it is difficult to communicate directly with that person again if you change your mind.

As always, carefully consider the context, history, and potential offline implications before blocking anyone with whom you have real-life connections.

How to unfollow or block on major platforms

Here is a quick rundown of how to unfollow and block accounts across some major social media platforms:


  • To unfriend someone: Go to their profile, click “Friends” below their cover photo, and select “Unfollow [name].” This removes their posts from your News Feed.
  • To block someone: Go to their profile, click the three dots icon in the top right, and choose “Block.” This prevents any interaction.


  • To unfollow: Go to their profile, tap Following, and tap Unfollow.
  • To block: Go to their profile, tap the three dots icon, and select Block.


  • To unfollow: Tap their Following button on their profile. Tap Unfollow.
  • To block: Tap their avatar icon from a tweet or profile. Tap Block.


  • To unfollow: Go to their profile and click Follow. Click the blue Unfollow button.
  • To block: From their profile, click the three dots icon and select Block.


When it comes down to the decision between unfollowing and blocking, consider the context and your end goals. Unfollowing gently mutes someone’s content without severing ties. Blocking is more of a definitive protective measure if you feel harassed or want no further contact. Neither option should necessarily be done impulsively or out of anger. Think carefully about the situation first. Overall, handle both options compassionately and strategically.