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Is it better to post to story or feed on Facebook?

Is it better to post to story or feed on Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms for connecting with friends, family, customers, and fans. Both the news feed and stories allow users to share updates, but they function differently.

When deciding between posting to your Facebook story or news feed, there are several factors to consider including audience reach, engagement, objectives, and more. This comprehensive guide examines the key differences between Facebook stories and news feed and provides tips for when to utilize each option.

Facebook Stories vs. News Feed: Key Differences

Facebook introduced stories in 2017, providing a way for users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Here are some of the main differences between Facebook stories and news feed posts:


Stories are only visible to your followers in the stories bar at the top of the app, while posts made directly to your timeline show up in the news feeds of all your friends/followers.


Because news feed posts have broader visibility, they tend to reach more people than stories. According to Facebook, posts generally reach over 5X more people than stories.


Stories disappear after 24 hours while news feed posts remain visible unless deleted by the user.


Stories allow viewers to respond with messages, reactions, etc. News feed supports commenting and sharing.

Content Format

Stories are best for short-form, candid video clips, boomerangs, images etc. News feed supports text updates, links, images, and video.

Feature Facebook Stories News Feed
Visibility Followers only All friends/followers
Reach Lower Higher
Lifespan 24 hours Permanent unless deleted
Interactivity Reactions, messages Comments, shares
Content format Short-form video/images Variety – text, links, images, video

When to Post to Facebook Stories

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to utilize Facebook stories for your business:

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Give followers a glimpse into your brand with candid, behind-the-scenes content like:

  • A day in the life of your team
  • Office culture/events
  • Product development updates
  • Industry events/conferences

Urgent Announcements

Share time-sensitive updates like new product launches, sales, or contest deadlines via stories.

User-Generated Content

Repost user photos/videos featuring your product. This helps showcase your brand community.


Interact with followers by posting polls to get quick feedback on products, features, content ideas etc.

“Ask Me Anything” Sessions

Engage your audience with Q&As and receive questions/comments in real-time.

When to Post to Facebook News Feed

Here are some best practices for leveraging news feed posts:

Big Announcements

Share major company news on your feed to reach more followers including:

  • New product lines
  • Major partnerships
  • Awards/accomplishments
  • Event promotions
  • Sales/deals

Thought Leadership Content

Build your brand authority by posting your latest blog article links, ebooks, videos and other educational resources.

Community Engagement

Pose questions, run contests/giveaways, share curated content etc. to spark two-way conversations with your audience.

Milestone Posts

Share company wins like reaching 100k followers, new office openings, or other big milestones.

Holiday Content

Post seasonal marketing campaigns, sales, and content tailored to holidays.

Tips for Optimizing Facebook Posts

Apply these best practices to maximize the impact of your Facebook content:

Post Consistently

Posting daily keeps your brand top of mind. Consider scheduling content in advance using Facebook’s native scheduling tools.

Mix Up Your Content

Share a variety of content including videos, images, links, questions, events etc. to cater to different audiences and keep your feed dynamic.

Analyze Performance

Use Facebook Insights to see when your followers are most active and what types of content perform best. Tailor your posting strategy accordingly.

Use Visuals

Posts with images/video tend to gain more reach and engagement. Ensure visuals are high-quality and relevant.

Optimize Text

Write clear, succinct captions. Include keywords to help surface content. Use strategic calls-to-action like “Shop now” or “Sign up.”

Engage Followers

Reply to comments, ask questions, and encourage shares to facilitate interactions with your community.

Promote Posts

Boost key posts using Facebook Ads Manager to expand reach. Target relevant demographics and interests.

Tag Partners

Tag relevant pages and influencers to help increase visibility for collaborative/promotional content.

Story vs. Feed: Which Should You Prioritize?

While utilizing both can be beneficial, here are some tips on where to focus your efforts:

  • For small businesses: Prioritize news feed to reach more followers
  • For brands focused on community-building: Emphasize stories
  • For ecommerce brands: Focus on news feed for promotions/product releases
  • For B2B companies: News feed for thought leadership, stories for culture

Test different posting strategies and examine your metrics and objectives to determine the ideal split for your brand.


Facebook stories and news feed both allow brands to engage their target audience in different ways. Stories facilitate candid, conversational content to followers while news feed enables broader reach.

Carefully consider your goals, audience preferences, and content format when deciding where to share your next update. Oftentimes utilizing both channels in tandem can help brands maximize their presence on Facebook.

Develop a strategic, nuanced posting approach across stories and feed. Analyze performance data regularly and refine your efforts over time. With consistent effort, creative content and strategic promotion, brands can build connections and drive results on the world’s largest social network.