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Is it better to post a reel on a story or post?

Is it better to post a reel on a story or post?

There are two main options for posting reels on Instagram – Stories and Feed. Both have their pros and cons for reach and engagement. Some quick factors to consider are that Stories are ephemeral while Feed posts are more evergreen. Stories appear full screen while Feed reels must compete with other content. However, Feed posts are more discoverable in Hashtags and Explore.


Posting a reel to Stories can help get more eyeballs on it quickly, especially from your existing followers. However, the shelf life is limited to 24 hours before it disappears versus potentially months or more on the Feed.

Some advantages of Stories for reach:

  • Appears full screen to viewers
  • Not competing against other content
  • Shared directly to followers

Some advantages of Feed for reach:

  • Discoverable in Hashtags and Explore
  • Can continue reaching new viewers over time
  • Appears on your profile indefinitely


Engagement metrics can vary between Stories and Feed as well. Stories tend to have fast initial views and engagement that declines quickly. Feed posts take longer to build momentum but engagement can be more sustained.

Some advantages of Stories for engagement:

  • Followers conditioned to view Stories frequently
  • Viewers can react quickly with taps and replies
  • Peak engagement in first few hours

Some advantages of Feed for engagement:

  • Feeds are more browsable for discovery
  • Posts stick around to accumulate likes & comments
  • Chance of going “viral” over time

Best Practices for Optimizing Reels

Here are some best practices to optimize reels for both Stories and Feed:

  • Use eyecatching thumbnails and text overlays
  • Leverage trending music, effects, stickers
  • Keep first 5 seconds high-impact
  • Use Hashtags and location tags for discoverability
  • Post consistently to build an audience

Ideal Reel Lengths

The optimal reel length can vary slightly between Stories and Feed.

For Stories:

  • 15-30 seconds performs best
  • Under 10 seconds too short for impact
  • Over 30 seconds risks losing viewer attention

For Feed:

  • 30-60 seconds ideal for standalone reels
  • Can go up to 90 seconds max
  • Avoid going over 60 seconds for repurposed TikToks

So aim for snappy 15-30 second reels for Stories, and more immersive 30-90 second reels for the Feed.

Story vs Feed: When to Use Each

In general:

  • Use Stories for time-sensitive, ephemeral, behind-the-scenes, or “extras” content
  • Use Feed for evergreen, highlight, promotional content aimed at reach and longevity

Some specific use cases:

Story Reels Feed Reels
Daily vlogs, routines, updates Highly produced videos, skits, shorts
Behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers Promotional videos, trailers, ads
Time-sensitive announcements, events “Evergreen” how-tos, tips, tutorials
Replying to questions, engagement Popular challenges, memes, trends

Scheduling Best Practices

When you post can also impact performance. Some tips for scheduling:

  • Post Stories when followers are most active, like mornings and evenings
  • Post Feed reels around peak times of 11am-2pm or ideal for timezone
  • Post multiple Stories per day, space out Feed posts 2-3x per week
  • Use Stories to tease upcoming Feed videos and posts

Testing different timings and cadences is key to optimizing when your audience engages most.

Driving Traffic Between Stories and Feed

You can promote both Story and Feed reels together using:

  • Swipe up links in Stories pointing to Feed reels
  • Stories Highlights linking to related Feed posts
  • Captions and comments driving to Stories
  • Leveraging stickers like “See More”

This builds reinforcement between ephemeral Stories and more evergreen Feed content.

Measuring Performance

You can compare Stories and Feed reel metrics in Instagram Insights:

For Stories:

  • Views, reach, replies
  • Exits, taps forward/backward
  • Clicks on profile, website links
  • Interactions with stickers, questions

For Feed:

  • Likes, comments, saves, shares
  • Impressions, reach, clicks
  • Video plays, completion rate
  • Profile visits, website clicks

Monitor these metrics over time to gather insights into what content resonates most on each channel.


In summary, Stories are great for immediate reach and engagement while Feed reels offer longevity and virality. Optimize content for each channel and promote across both using links and cross-posting. Analyze performance in Insights to continually improve. With strategic posting across Stories and Feed, you can maximize the visibility for your reels overall. The key is finding the right balance and purpose for each platform.