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Is it better to have likes or followers?

Is it better to have likes or followers?

In the world of social media, likes and followers are two key metrics that can measure an account’s popularity and reach. But which one is more important for social media success – likes or followers? There are pros and cons to both that are worth examining.

What are likes?

On most social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc., users can “like” posts by clicking on the like button or icon. When a user likes a post, it indicates they appreciate, enjoy or support the content in the post. Likes are a simple way for users to interact with posts on social media.

Some key things to know about likes:

  • Likes allow users to quickly show approval or enjoyment of content
  • The number of likes on a post or account can indicate its popularity
  • Accounts with high numbers of likes are seen as having quality, engaging content
  • Likes don’t necessarily mean someone follows you or will see future content

What are followers?

On social platforms, users can follow other accounts or profiles to receive updates on their content. Followers indicate an ongoing interest in a social media account.

Some key things about followers:

  • Followers subscribe to accounts to regularly see content in their feeds
  • The number of followers represent an account’s reach and size of audience
  • Followers can engage with content through likes, comments, shares etc.
  • Gaining followers means growing your overall audience and visibility

Pros of prioritizing likes

  • Instant feedback on content performance: Seeing high numbers of likes quickly indicates content is resonating.
  • Increased visibility: Posts with more likes often get boosted by algorithms, leading to more reach.
  • Validation: Lots of likes feel rewarding and signal social approval from your audience.
  • Engagement: People often like content before they comment or share, likes draw them in.

Cons of prioritizing likes

  • No obligation: Likers don’t have to follow you or engage further. The commitment is low.
  • Fleeting: Content stops getting likes quickly as it gets old, they don’t lead to lasting growth.
  • Superficial metric: Lots of likes don’t necessarily mean content is high-quality or audience is engaged.
  • Follower conversion: Likes alone don’t help you build a lasting following on social media.

Pros of prioritizing gaining followers

  • Builds a community: Followers form a defined audience interested in your content.
  • Lasting impact: Loyal followers continue engaging with your updates long-term.
  • Organic growth: With more followers, your reach grows exponentially over time.
  • Credibility: Having lots of relevant followers signals you’re an authority figure that people trust.

Cons of prioritizing gaining followers

  • Slower results: Building a follower base takes more time than simply getting likes.
  • Ongoing pressure: You need to keep creating content followers expect to see in their feed.
  • Less direct feedback: Not all followers actively like or comment, so response is more muted.
  • Difficult to analyze: Quality of followers matters more than just numbers.

Key differences between likes and followers

Likes Followers
Instant reaction to individual content Long-term interest in overall account
Ephemeral and temporary More stable and lasting numbers
Easy to gain quickly Take time and effort to build up
Metric of content quality Metric of audience reach

Should you prioritize likes or followers?

So should your social media strategy focus more on getting lots of likes or gaining followers? Ultimately, having an audience of engaged followers should be the priority for most accounts.

While racking up huge like counts may feel exciting and validating initially, a committed group of followers represents real influence and staying power on social platforms. It takes more work to build a follower base, but it leads to lasting growth and impact.

That said, likes do have their place in understanding how your content resonates right away. The ideal balance is gaining a growing, invested follower count over time while also leveraging likes to hone your content and maximise its reach.

Tips for balancing likes and followers:

  • Analyze likes to see what content types perform best.
  • Ask followers questions to spur engagement and feedback.
  • Run follower contests and giveaways to increase numbers.
  • Engage meaningfully with both loyal followers and likers.
  • Post consistently to keep both new and existing followers interested.

The importance of authentic engagement

At the end of the day, while raw metrics for likes and followers provide useful data, what matters most is authentic engagement. Both likes and followers only have value if they represent real people who show genuine interest in your content.

The best social media accounts build communities where people actively discuss, share, and engage with updates. This leads to ongoing word-of-mouth promotion and organic growth. It’s about quality over quantity – niche communities of devoted fans drive more impact than huge numbers of disengaged followers.

So be strategic about the ways you interact with both likers and followers. Seek out meaningful conversations and relationships with social media users who become loyal advocates. That will do more for your brand than likes or followers alone.


Gaining lots of likes can give content a quick boost, while building a follower base drives lasting growth – so it’s not an either/or choice. Savvy social media users leverage both metrics but focus on converting likers into engaged followers over time. Nurturing authentic connections and community leads to the strongest results.

Analyzing your social media data and refining your strategy around likes and followers takes work. But putting in that effort helps build an audience that reliably shows up for your brand.